Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity leave

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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

And the appropriate action is to remove her from her peers, let her know that what she did is NOT acceptable, then let her finish school when she can.


Who the hell are you, or anyone else to say what is not acceptable for another? And then to want to penalize them for what you do not agree with! Since when did it become a crime for a teen to become pregnant? Why exactly do these girls need to be punished? Should we just start burning them at the stake again? How about just making them outcasts? Oh right, that's what you want to do....

I do not agree with teens having sex, and I sure as hell don't support teens getting pregnant. But I sure as hell will not cast them out because they did. Denying them an education is idiotic.
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Ok so let them know its not acceptable for them to keep a child and try to do right by it? Not every case is some girl trying to be cool...or trying to get welfare money. I think that its commendable that girls who get pregnant so young would try to do right by the child.

THough I do think that while on this maternity leave. They need to keep up on school work...Or even if need be when they come back from maternity. Be expected to be given no slack for being a mom. THey need to be expected to do everything every other kid is expected to do to graduate.

But at the same time again as aef said. They are new mothers and should be treated as such.

Main point. Why make them suffer? Why is it unacceptable that a girl who just gave birth wants to finish school. To make something of her life for her child? You want to take that away from them? Whats that gona do when she gets older and decides to give up on highschool? Wouldnt that just lead to her staying on state or something like that for that much longer?

I say if they want to finsih school. Help them in any way. Give them the tools to shape a better future. Bad choices or not. Why kick them while theyre down?

Ok, so she finishes school on her time, on her or her parents dime, not the taxpayers. I'm all for her finishing school, if you misunderstood that, I'm sorry. What I'm saying is that premise of a girl getting the same privileges as an adult is pure crap.

I've been on unemployment, but that was after 14 years in the workforce...then, about 3months later, I was working again. That's how welfare works...not for teen mothers who honestly haven't contributed anything to society except the amount of carbon dioxide they've exhaled.


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

I understand the compassion behind this, but I don't agree with it. I believe this will increase the amount of young girls getting pregnant.

What is this in reference to? The original article, or to someone's argument?


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

I do not agree with teens having sex, and I sure as hell don't support teens getting pregnant. But I sure as hell will not cast them out because they did. Denying them an education is idiotic.
I totally agree.

All Else Failed

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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

So, and please correct me if I misunderstand, we should condone the actions of these children, let them have kids whenever they want, and let the rest of the country pay for it? Really? That to you is a good idea?

Wow, I always thought you had more sense that that AEF....maybe not.

Seriously, does the boy who sperminated the girl get his 2 weeks of paternity leave too? I mean, let's be totally fair, right? HE needs to bond with the baby. Let's make sure that everyone gets paid for all of this too. After all, we're living in a socialist nation, right? Oh wait, no we're not.

Let's not forget that most adults that go on maternity/paternity leave are not getting paid once they use up all their vacation and sick days. The military is about the last place that actually pays for the full maternity leave period....even if it is only 42 days long. So, if adults aren't getting paid for maternity leave, in essence getting punished financially for not working, why on earth would we not do something similar for high school girls?
Noooooo we shouldn't condone them, but we also shouldn't make them social pariahs. These girls KNOW they fucked up, everyone KNOWS they fucked up. So they fact that a wrong decision was made is widely known to all with half a brain. I'm not advocating "letting kids do whatever they want" to stop putting words in my mouth, please. I am advocating taking care of someone who needs care, regardless of what social wrong they may have committed, because she is a human being. Not some criminal that should be turned into a scape goat or a means to make an example to others. She still has dignity.

The father should attend regular classes as usual, and attend to the child after his studies, since he can easily father the child and take care of the mother afterwards. Just like a husband sees his child and loves his wife after a day's work.

I agree that non-paid maternity leave IS punishment, and is appaling. That should be fixed so everyone gets paid maternity leave.


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le


Who the hell are you, or anyone else to say what is not acceptable for another? And then to want to penalize them for what you do not agree with! Since when did it become a crime for a teen to become pregnant? Why exactly do these girls need to be punished? Should we just start burning them at the stake again? How about just making them outcasts? Oh right, that's what you want to do....

I do not agree with teens having sex, and I sure as hell don't support teens getting pregnant. But I sure as hell will not cast them out because they did. Denying them an education is idiotic.

Tim, do me a favor and pull your head out of your ass, thanks.

I never said deny them an education...I said remove them from their school. Where in this nation is there not a school where soon to be mothers can go to continue their educations. I'm saying that they should not get time off for getting pregnant and then expect to just pop back into school and graduate with everybody else that's been there the whole time. Worst case scenerio, they graduate the next year or over summer or something.

Last time I re-re-re-read my original statement, I never said deny them their education or any kind of physical punishment.

And as far as "who the hell" I am, I'm an American tax payer who has every right to express my opinion without worry of recourse by anyone.


Heart & Soul
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Ok, so she finishes school on her time, on her or her parents dime, not the taxpayers. I'm all for her finishing school, if you misunderstood that, I'm sorry. What I'm saying is that premise of a girl getting the same privileges as an adult is pure crap.

I've been on unemployment, but that was after 14 years in the workforce...then, about 3months later, I was working again. That's how welfare works...not for teen mothers who honestly haven't contributed anything to society except the amount of carbon dioxide they've exhaled.
Not on her time. When shes supposed to. She just has to put in the work for it. Giving them maternity leave is what should be done. Its what women get. A teen mother should be no different. They need time to heal before they can get to school again. You try having to deal with all that pain...and walking around school all day.

When she becomes a mother. She becomes an adult. And as such should be treated as one. She should be given the same care and concern. But stil be encouraged to pick up school right where she left off. Do NOT punish her in any way. Theres no point to that....

and its just plain old fashioned idiotic judgment to make her suffer or to take her away from society because of having a child


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

I believe the mother should be excused out of school for however long her doctor deems necessary. If she wants to stay home longer than what is medically necessary, she can transfer to an online high school (many states if not all have these).

This seems the most logical, compassionate choice, however, there really needs to be more of an evaluation system perse, in regards to what girl gets what privileges.
Let's say there is a pregnant teen who gets straight failing grades and is, in other words, a troublemaker in school. Should she be allowed approving nods no matter what, into programs that allow her to take advantage of more opportunites that the school offers? Her history shows that she isn't capable of making responsible decisions, so I believe she should not be allowed to just receive access to school sponsored programs, when she's taken advantage of the school prior to becoming pregnant. There should be a "ladder" system in which teens like I exampled have to go through in order to gain full benefits.

Reckless behaving teens rewarded with easy solutions to the problems they create for themselves learn nothing.


Mrs. Dontchaknow
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

All I can say is that my first child arrived when I was 28 years old...not 16. So, I guess I did something right...made the correct choices, you know?

What makes you so superior to others because you waited til 28 to have kids??

Maybe I think it's selfish you waited that long... you'll get and old and die faster than a parent who gave birth at 16 will....


Having way too much fun
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Tim, do me a favor and pull your head out of your ass, thanks.

I never said deny them an education...I said remove them from their school. Where in this nation is there not a school where soon to be mothers can go to continue their educations. I'm saying that they should not get time off for getting pregnant and then expect to just pop back into school and graduate with everybody else that's been there the whole time. Worst case scenerio, they graduate the next year or over summer or something.

Last time I re-re-re-read my original statement, I never said deny them their education or any kind of physical punishment.

And as far as "who the hell" I am, I'm an American tax payer who has every right to express my opinion without worry of recourse by anyone.

So 4 weeks off without penalty is too much to ask? You talk like this is costing tax dollars, like it will effect anyone but the mother.
To graduate you still need a certain number of credits, you still need to pass your classes. How will 4 weeks off make a difference? They can't keep up with the work at home?

Peter Parka

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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

Ok, so she finishes school on her time, on her or her parents dime, not the taxpayers.

Well if she can't afford that, it's going to cost the taxpayers a hell of a lot more to keep her on welfare because she can't get a half decent job to afford to look after her kid. Really don't see the reasoning in this point!


Heart & Soul
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

All I can say is that my first child arrived when I was 28 years old...not 16. So, I guess I did something right...made the correct choices, you know?
My mother had her first child at 17/18...then the next at 20...then finally me at 22

Does that make her irresponsible...or was it bad choices? She finished school...then proceeded to work 2 full time jobs to take care of us girls...She did a damn good job of it too.

Doesnt matter the age of the person having a kid. It matters the character of the person. If the girl is dedicated enough to finish school/keep up with her work. Then do anything we can to help


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

All I can say is that my first child arrived when I was 28 years old...not 16. So, I guess I did something right...made the correct choices, you know?

Shit happens. I was in my third year of college, got pregnant, even though I was on the pill. Back then, there were no warnings about taking antibiotics while in the pill, (which lessens the pill's effectiveness). I had chronic Strep Throat.


Heart & Soul
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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

So 4 weeks off without penalty is too much to ask? You talk like this is costing tax dollars, like it will effect anyone but the mother.
To graduate you still need a certain number of credits, you still need to pass your classes. How will 4 weeks off make a difference? They can't keep up with the work at home?

All Else Failed

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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

All of you are irresponsible because you didn't have your babies at the time appointed by hubersrj!!!!!!


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

And as far as "who the hell" I am, I'm an American tax payer who has every right to express my opinion without worry of recourse by anyone.

No offense Tim, but you do read things into people's posts that often are not there or intended, not that we all don't do it from time to time.


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Re: Birth leave sought for girls: Soon-to-be-moms at High School ask for maternity le

What do they mean by maternity leave? That the girl just doesn't have to be physically in class? Or is she exempt from all school work during that maternity leave?

I have to reserve my opinion until a better definition can be extracted. It makes all the difference.