Autism Thread

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Glorified Maniac
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I am bipolar and after a lot of study i now
understand depression hyperactivity bipolar autism and all the standard learning
abilities and disabilities associated with all of these
different levels of Obsesive Compulsive Disorder
and many others
I dont have all the answers and or the right treatments
Im not a doctor or anything
But I have learned alot and can possible help someone
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Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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I am bipolar and after a lot of study i now
understand depression hyperactivity bipolar autism and all the standard learning
abilities and disabilities associated with all of these
different levels of Obsesive Compulsive Disorder
and many others
I dont have all the answers and or the right treatments
Im not a doctor or anything
But I have learned alot and can possible help someone

No offense dude, but you struck me as having a few issues there in the first place. Remember, it's just you and there is nothing to feel bad about, what some people see as a disability can usually be turned into an advantage.:)


Glorified Maniac
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No offense dude, but you struck me as having a few issues there in the first place. Remember, it's just you and there is nothing to feel bad about, what some people see as a disability can usually be turned into an advantage.:)

Im not sure what your trying to say
but everytime I try to help someone with what I know
I always seem to get this negative feed back from someone else
but here in person its always a different story
but yes it can have its advantages at levels
it is for me
I dont feel bad about the bipolar, its kinda cool
If you knew me in person you would think Im pretty cool.
And Im sure I would think the same.


Glorified Maniac
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im bipolar
ive done a research my self

man this to long for a forum but maybe it will help

we ARE electronic
we have the brain the spinal cord and all the nerve mesh
it is all mostly a mass of small nerve cells
i stick you with a needle the nerve reacts and fires one by one to your brain and so on
when a nerve cell fires (electrical signal) from one to another there is different
chemecals between the nerves that help maintain the signal from one to another
so as to no speed up or slowdown or loose the signal
there are issues about loosing to much signal and there is a speed drop
people with depression and autism (can be within the brain also)
you say hey look at that car they are slow and or dont respond
but they can concentrate on something and become very talented with it
a high speed signal denotes hyperactive really busy likes to talk alot
cant sit still can concentrate on one thing to long but can keep up and learn quick
if it is not too high
bipolar is mood enhanced when we change moods the speed goes up or down
according to the type of mood or emotion
this only scratches the surface
i have explain alot of this to my doctor and he said that i was highly
(i wasnt tring to boast by no means just trying give some validity to my research)


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On the news last night they mentioned that cases of autism has risen 1600% since 1990!
The reporter said it was because doctors have become better at diagnosing it. I'm wonder is this really true or is the actual number of children born with autism going up?


New Member
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i hope this thread is stilla ctive.. my son has been diagnosed with aspergers. ai just dont know what to do.. i pulled him out of public school because his teacher was cruel... always embarring him... etc.. so all of the resources we had there.... speech therapy.. so forth are gone... any advice would be appreciated

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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i hope this thread is stilla ctive.. my son has been diagnosed with aspergers. ai just dont know what to do.. i pulled him out of public school because his teacher was cruel... always embarring him... etc.. so all of the resources we had there.... speech therapy.. so forth are gone... any advice would be appreciated

There's a lot of cruel and not very understanding people out there, you just have to make do as best as you can, learn to understand his differences and show him how much you love him.:)


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I haven't read this entire thread because it's kinda long. But I just want to say that I believe I have Asbergers Syndrome, even though I've never had it diagnosed. I can sometimes become somewhat obsessed and estastic with things, and I've been told that I sometimes make a big fuss out things that are "no big deal", but they're a big deals to me.

So I just want to say, I find it interesting to talk to peopel who have OCD or Asbergers because we usually have something in common in the way we think and such.

Goat Whisperer

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I know there are a lot of people that have kids with Autism here and I understand the disease and everything but, this summer we had 5 kids in my Agriscience class with autism. I'm not saying I dislike people with autism or anything like that but, they slowed down my class a lot as well as being unable to stay focused on the tasks at hand. I would be twice as far in the course if they hadn't been in my class of 15 people. Because although they made up 1/3rd of the the class more then 2/3rds of my teachers attention HAD to go to them.

I personally don't think that they should be going to the same classes as me. Especially one like this because it is based upon how quickly the whole class can move, is how much you manage to learn in the class. Don't start telling me that kids with autism can do anything I can do--because I know that they can. It's just that they do have to do it a lot slower then me it really slowed me down.

I dunno maybe I'm not being understanding enough, but I really don't think they should be in my class.


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I know there are a lot of people that have kids with Autism here and I understand the disease and everything but, this summer we had 5 kids in my Agriscience class with autism. I'm not saying I dislike people with autism or anything like that but, they slowed down my class a lot as well as being unable to stay focused on the tasks at hand. I would be twice as far in the course if they hadn't been in my class of 15 people. Because although they made up 1/3rd of the the class more then 2/3rds of my teachers attention HAD to go to them.

I personally don't think that they should be going to the same classes as me. Especially one like this because it is based upon how quickly the whole class can move, is how much you manage to learn in the class. Don't start telling me that kids with autism can do anything I can do--because I know that they can. It's just that they do have to do it a lot slower then me it really slowed me down.

I dunno maybe I'm not being understanding enough, but I really don't think they should be in my class.

Honestly I can understand where you're coming from there. Personally, I think perhaps autistic people should be in their own special class, where they won't hinder others but where they can also get the attention they need and deserve. I think that autistic peopel should learn how to interact with other people in time, but they should also be allowed to learn in a way that they can learn, and that they won't hinder others.

I can also understand that some people just can't handle being around autistic people very well--I mean, it's perfectly understandable, and sometimes it can be hard to be around people who are different and who have a disability. Which is another reason why I think a seperate, special class for autistic people might be a good idea, for everyone.

Anyway I'm just thinking outloud here, lol


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I have Aspergers Syndrome/Autism, and also Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which is similar, and I don't consider it a disease but a disorder, and also I understand how non-autistic people can get frusterated with the autistic kids, and adults, because its just hard sometimes. Due to my disorder and a few other things in my life, I'm homeschooled which is better for me and the people around me.

I'm only slightly autistic, though, but it still has an affect on me and has alot of disadvantages, but some advantages too so its not all bad, but yeah.

Goat Whisperer

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Also, it isn't just the fact that I'm uncomfortable with being around autistic kids. I can handle it for a certain amount of time, maybe a class that was 45 minutes long, but these classes are around 4 hours long a day, and they are every day except Friday, so it can get a little... annoying and frustrating. Our class is so free formed, you know we aren't limited to desks we spend a good 2 hours everyday walking around the farm learning how to do things and seeing real agriscience in action. When we are doing this with the autistic kids, they tend to wonder off (then we have to take class time to find them) and they often talk while the teacher is talking and make it hard to pay attention. I also think I'm a little intimidating to those kids, I mean I memorized the entire creed so easily and can recite it in under 40 seconds flat, but they have to take several more hours and days to get to where I'm at, and it is so much easier for me.

I feel them getting frustrated that it is so easy for me to do, while at the same time I feel frustrated that I have to wait for them, me and the rest of the class.


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Yeah :/ I'm sorry to hear that. That's still why I say a seperate class for special needs kids would be better than just letting them in the same class with kids who don't have autism. That way the kids with autism won't be distracting anyone, and a teacher who is good with autistic kids can be assigned to them. I mean, I understand that some teachers are better with regular kids, while there might be other teachers who are better with autistic kids. So therefore seperate classes would work out better methinks :/

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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Yeah :/ I'm sorry to hear that. That's still why I say a seperate class for special needs kids would be better than just letting them in the same class with kids who don't have autism. That way the kids with autism won't be distracting anyone, and a teacher who is good with autistic kids can be assigned to them. I mean, I understand that some teachers are better with regular kids, while there might be other teachers who are better with autistic kids. So therefore seperate classes would work out better methinks :/

Ya but there aren't any other agrictulture teachers that are also speciel needs teachers... There may not even be enough special ed students that want to take the class to make a seperate class for them. Which means the only solution is A) Continue on the way it is with the class half as effecient as it could be or B) Not allow special ed kids into the program... I really don't want to see B happen but... I mean having the kids in the class is just so difficult and my teacher doesn't know how to handle it...

I mean I geuss we should just continue on with A...


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I guess I just wanted to throw this thought/question out there, since it's sorta been something on my mind of late and I want to hear what other people might think of it.

Do you think it's possible for autistic people to have a normal, healthy relationship, even if they do have a disability? I mean, like, a romantic relationship, even marriage. Or do you think it may not be quite as worth it because the disability may get in the way?

Honestly I think it's possible for it to work if the couple really does love each other. But I'm just saying... it may also cause some problems here or there too.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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I guess I just wanted to throw this thought/question out there, since it's sorta been something on my mind of late and I want to hear what other people might think of it.

Do you think it's possible for autistic people to have a normal, healthy relationship, even if they do have a disability? I mean, like, a romantic relationship, even marriage. Or do you think it may not be quite as worth it because the disability may get in the way?

Honestly I think it's possible for it to work if the couple really does love each other. But I'm just saying... it may also cause some problems here or there too.

I think that anyone is capable of love and romance. I've seen couplse come in all the time and one person in the relationship be disabled and they seem pretty happy, maybe it even keeps them stonger cuz they don't bicker... like one person just handles everything and makes all the decisions.

One time I even saw this women and man on a bus sitting in front of me that were both in those power wheeler chairs and they were both obviously a wee bit mentally retarded (Mouths hanging open, shaking arms/legs, etc.) But they were holding hands, and I thought it was really inspiring. Two mentally and physically challenged people in luv like that... I dunno lol.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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I dunno... I know that they have tests they can do in the womb that aren't always very good at being correct as postive but like always right at negative or something like that...