I find anti-religion fanatics to be just as annoying as religious fanatics, actually maybe a little bit moreso because you can't even use a figure of speech like "Thank God" or "For the love of God" around them without them trying to start some ridiculous religious debate over it, why can't we all just accept that we don't all believe the same things and live and let live?
I'm all for live and let live but the religious aspect of society actually causes quite a few problems. From ignorance of the scientific method, it's purpose and it's benefits, to the ignoring of phenomenon like global warming, to the very basis of the highly faulty free market itself. That's not including the wars it invokes and the divisions it slaps into society.
Again, this isn't to say all religious people cause these problems, but there are significant trends amongst those with religious beliefs.
If the religious can keep their beliefs out of our schools, out of the political arena and keep them as their own personal philosophical constructs, we'll keep our logic and reason out of their faces.