whoa whoa whoa. Let's get ourselves a little further away from the left edge and the right edge.you make a good point here, and I know what you mean. We allow him to take money that he's stealing anyway from someone other than us, so it's not "our dime" technically. I do get that. But I think there is a bigger point here, not speaking of the war itself (get to that in a sec) it's a dangerous precedent for the most powerful country in the world to "allow" if you will a certifiable mad man to fleece his own people, perform genocide, wantonly show naked agression to his neighbors etc, and then say, "OK - if you'll just pick up your ball and leave, we'll let you leave with $1,000,000,000 for your trouble."
Now, obviously juxtaposing that (if the newstory is true, mind you) against the trillions spent and lives lost, it's a small penance, and I agree with that wholeheartedly. $1,000,000,000 does NOT equal civil war, American lives lost, families destroyed, ill will, US imperialism and cavalier foreign policy, no bid contracts for Haliburton....
But you would be remiss if you said that it wasn't a dangerous precedent to set. It is. Kim Jong-il would be licking his lips saying, "Fire up the reactors, boys, we're going to be RICH!!!"
I'm not missing that point in the least. Not one iota. Here's my take on the Iraq war in a nutshell (and that's a hard thing to do, but I dont want to rant too much):
Saddam had to go. He was Hitler incarnate, and we see how that worked out for 6 million Jews, Poland, the world. Naked aggression against Kuwait, Iran in the 80's, the Kurds (imagine if Bushie said, "Well, we don't like all you okies, so we're gonna GAS YA! Hook 'em 'Horns!!"). Sooner or later became sooner rather than later.
NOW, if you ascribe to the notion that we were led into war by the Administration under false pretense (which I do), how do you reconcile the fact that Hussein was asking to leave with the money AND WMD information?? Isn't that tacit admission that they were there, or that at least the technology to create them was there, and he didn't want the world to know? Think about that. More later!