Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all

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OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

That makes me believe I should have explained why I have my opinion raher than just state it. I'm very sorry I caused this drama.
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OTz original V.I.P
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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

That makes me believe I should have explained why I have my opinion raher than just state it. I'm very sorry I caused this drama.

naaa you're all good and like the others said....we would love you here


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

Don't you already have enough inmigrants? :p


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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

I'm damn proud of my flag too. Not because it's a piece of cloth but for what it represents.

One of the greatest feelings is to see your national flag flying high representing your country wherever it may be.

Tell me this. Take your mind back for a second or two...say perhaps the Olympics or some international event. What's the feeling you get from seeing your national flag flying high in all its glory...the colors and symbolic representation of it...crowds waving your national flag, banners, national colors displayed in clothes wear, whatever. What's your feeling?

Tell you what it means to me. Pride, honor, comradeship, accomplishment..and all those good feelings that go with what it symbolizes.


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

its cool I know this guy we can be married in no time and you'll just be a citizen hahaha;)
hahahhaha Well I never thought of moving there but if that includes me marring you.... :p


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

I'm damn proud of my flag too. Not because it's a piece of cloth but for what it represents.

One of the greatest feelings is to see your national flag flying high representing your country wherever it may be.

Tell me this. Take your mind back for a second or two...say perhaps the Olympics or some international event. What's the feeling you get from seeing your national flag flying high in all its glory...the colors and symbolic representation of it...crowds waving your national flag, banners, national colors displayed in clothes wear, whatever. What's your feeling?

Tell you what it means to me. Pride, honor, comradeship, accomplishment..and all those good feelings that go with what it symbolizes.
That is in one of the ways I'm artificially nationalist. I love when my team plays (soccer or basketball).
I think I should share this with all you, maybe you get to know me better?
  • In the past of my country, the flag has been used as a symbol of cruelty and fascism (The Franco period).
  • I live in the Basque Country, where a group of radical nacionalists are making it hard for us to live in peace (ETA). My mom is herself a victim.
  • My country is a member of the EU. I find this very romantic, as these were countries who used to be enemies, and now are united.
  • My family raised me (specially my dad) to think about people as a big family. All human beings deserve respect just for the fact of them being so. I am a humaninst because I was raised to be one and because I have grown to be one (I study psychology, lol).
This is what made me become the person I am. I consider myself a citizen of this world. And you are as much my brother as a person in India, or the family next door.


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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at



By TKO......


After a ding dong battle, Intruder landed a helluva punch that caught AEF off guard. AEF's corner tried their best to resuscitate AEF but he was unable to continue.

AEF was last heard mumbling "dayuumn, didn't see that comin"..."anyone get the number of dat truck?"

AEF has left the building and has gone to seek medical attention. We wish him a speedy recovery and return to the ring.


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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

Thanks for sharing that Maritxu.

You've turned out pretty good. A total package. And as you know these sentiments are echoed to you.


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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

The racist card being played in this argument is a sign that world without boarders people have nothing of substance to back their views. Isn't if fun to jump up and down and point at the angry people who don't like Mexicans because they're brown. Please no PC BS here. I know they aren't all Mexicans. Just the vast majority.

If our country were being overrun by Scandinavians, the problem would lie there. Color has nothing to do with it.

The problem is this:

Culture A (In this case Americans) are being forced to accept the idea that Culture B (In this case Mexicans) have free reign over the things our ancestors have built, and we (Americans) had better just close our mouths about it. Something that traditionally we don't do very well.

Our school system is literally collapsing. Our hospitals are closing doors every single month. Our prison system is absolutely overwhelmed. Gang violence keeps nice little American boys and girls indoors afraid to go outside.

You want to talk about the terrible "Bush" economy? What of the effect of millions of people sending Billions of dollars out of our country?

It is fine and dandy to have a huge heart, and want to cure all of the words ills. But where is the line drawn? If we were to simply erase the boarders, and let everybody in, what would happened to our society? The society that dedicated men and women have fought tooth and nail to give to us their children? What happens to us when 400 Million people move in next year? Honestly?

We have the right to defend our children's educations. We have the right to defend our way of life in our own country. We have the right to enforce our own laws. Nay, I say an obligation.

As a little quiz, who here can tell me which country in the world has the most lax immigration policies? Which country allows more than any other to legally move in?

Bi-lingual societies have a unique set of problems that some countries have been dealing with for generations. Why would we willingly choose to bring those problems here?

Why don't we have the right to give our children the best place in the world to grow up? Do we owe it to the rest of the world to turn our back on the success we've built, and wallow in misery JUST for the sake of fairness?

You cannot move into a persons home without an invitation, and start making demands. You can't trash their place, turn their TV program off, burn the kids school books because you don't like the way they look, and leave all of the utilities on because they simply don't care if they aren't paying for them.

It is not an oversimplification. It is reality on a national scale.

I have never met a person from another part of the world who has traveled to America and come away with the idea that we are close minded, non-generous, xenophobes. We are a warm and welcoming nation. But we don't have to stand here, and get smacked in the face and just smile and pull out another chair. This is something else that we don't traditionally do well.

The Native Americans got screwed. True story. But it's too late to give it back now. The Mexicans screwed themselves. Their ancestral claim to American territory is paper thin. Who's going to look it up, and try to make the argument for me?

My best friend in the service was 1st generation American. His family was from Mexico. My favorite uncle and all of my cousins are Mexicans. My step dad was Mexican. The reason we all get along so great is because they all chose to live life as Americans. They treasure their heritage, and remember their past, but they live in the now, and work toward the future. They CONTRIBUTE to society, and do not simply take.

Nice to see some truth being thrown down in this thread. Great post Scott. :clap


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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

What did I say about allegiances?

The laws I'm talking about are already on the books. They are simple. Speak the language, learn the basics of the workings of our government, don't try to teraform us into the place you're trying so desperately to escape.

Nobody cares that new people in America speak different languages. It seems that way because of the complaints, but the complaints are about people who refuse to learn English, and yet expect us to cater to their special needs. Our children suffer in the classroom, because a large number of them don't speak the language.

Nobody cares if people from other cultures want to honor their flag on our soil. The problem comes when that honor comes at the dis-respect of our native symbol.

We do have a freedom of speech, and people are allowed to be rude. That does not force the rest of us to simply accept this behavior.

If I moved to your town, and flew a great big U.S. flag in my front yard, you probably wouldn't care. Now if I moved to you town, flew my flag, lived off of your tax money, trashed the streets, invited 12 million of my fellow Yanks to do the same, started forming gangs, started making little Americans and demanded that they be taught an American education, and let your children suffer, you would probably start to take notice. The problem is, as soon as you open your mouth about it, I'm going to call you a racist.

Another accurate post. Nice Scott. :clap


OTz original V.I.P
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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

he's so good at this debate game.....


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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

That is in one of the ways I'm artificially nationalist. I love when my team plays (soccer or basketball).
I think I should share this with all you, maybe you get to know me better?
  • In the past of my country, the flag has been used as a symbol of cruelty and fascism (The Franco period).
  • I live in the Basque Country, where a group of radical nacionalists are making it hard for us to live in peace (ETA). My mom is herself a victim.
  • My country is a member of the EU. I find this very romantic, as these were countries who used to be enemies, and now are united.
  • My family raised me (specially my dad) to think about people as a big family. All human beings deserve respect just for the fact of them being so. I am a humaninst because I was raised to be one and because I have grown to be one (I study psychology, lol).
This is what made me become the person I am. I consider myself a citizen of this world. And you are as much my brother as a person in India, or the family next door.

I don't know why I feel so humbled by this. I read it like half an hour ago, and still have nothing to say that wouldn't pale in contrast.

Beautifully put Maria. It's sad in so many ways, but also inspiring. If anybody can't understand your feelings on this subject, they simply aren't paying attention.

Well done.

<somber, thoughtful smilie here>


Well-Known Member
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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

I don't know why I feel so humbled by this. I read it like half an hour ago, and still have nothing to say that wouldn't pale in contrast.

Beautifully put Maria. It's sad in so many ways, but also inspiring. If anybody can't understand your feelings on this subject, they simply aren't paying attention.

Well done.

<somber, thoughtful smilie here>


At first I stared at it in bewilderment, wanting to say something meaningful in return but couldn't find the right words. All that was left for me was to thank her for sharing.


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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

how wasn't it? you were speaking about pure and simple simbolism. About flying one flag above another one. I wanted to state my opinion about it. How is my opinion not important?
If the Mexicans want their flag above ours, they can come over here and try to take our flag. But I know a couple places they're gonna have a hard fuckin time doing it.


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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

I'd have top agree with Matrixu about the way flags have been used in some countries as symbols of oppression and identification for extremists .When you have innocent people dying and being killed in the name of those symbols or to promote one identity over another then peace loving people in those countries tend to view flags as a cause of trouble cand not go what they see as over the top in defending something that can be so devisive.


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Re: Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at

Everyone in the world knows the American flag. They know its not a symbol of oppression.