Yeh, he was a third-degree ass hat, too. :cool
Speaking of third-degree asshats, hello there accountable. Nothing like a little "intelligent" commentary from a government employee with cranial rectumitus induced myopia. Enjoying your taxpayer funded summer vacation? Or are you picking up some additional government summer school taxpayer money?
Your intense, ........... however mostly I agree with where you are coming, and I disagreed with the other's point of view.
Thanks...I I'm just intensly tired of reading the same old right wing talking points while they lie and deny they listen to bot radio. Hell, I know their talking points better than they do.
Your passionate, even somewhat like Retro (in passion only) although he has ratcheted down the intensity on his part lately, believe it or not.
Believe it or not, I was a conservo-bot somewhat like retro when I was his age - never quite went ino tantrum mode like he does though...geeze. (If he's ractcheted it down, that boy must have really been a shit.)Thought I knew everything just like he thinks he does, parroted the right wing anti-government talking points just like he and his bot buddies do. But then one day I heard El Rushbo giving some misinformation about a particular governmental entity I'm quite familiar with. He was nowhere near the truth - and of course, the lesser talk show parrots picked it up and ran with it. It got me to thinking about what other misinformation the right wing talk machine was putting out there. Turns out most things they say are misrepresentations - some minor, some major. That was a turning point for me. I began questioning everything everthing they said, and still do.
You currently hold the crown of intense exchanges.

Honestly, it's not my method.
People like retro, accountable and AA won't be persuaded - I knew that coming in. But other people read their parroted bullshit and if no one counters it, they'll just keep on putting out bullshit. I step in and challenge their positions and give them a benevolent bitch-slap or two when it's needed. I get a kick out of seeing retro go ballistic. I probably shouldn't reveal that because he might actually calm down a little - but I kinda doubt it.

I think that's what Moonie referred to as "ShillSlaying"...I call it Bot-Busting.
Points can be made somewhat gently....
Only to reasonable people. You have to take the conservo-bots to the mat, but even then, like I said before, they'll get right back up and repeat the same garbage that was just discredited - They're like "Energizer Bullshit Bunnies" - they just keep repeating and repeating and repeating.....
OK, back on topic now.