Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
So you dont understand why i think talking about your feelings is gay, but one on one isnt. No matter how macho you are, when things bother you, you will confide in your friends, pastor, priest, sibling, parent etc... When you are sitting in a circle having a pitty party for yourself about how 'hopeless' you are, you have now officially entered the realm of being an attention whore.
I was in the US Navy for 9 years, never was in combat. I appreciate the physical and mental sacrifice of those on the tip of the sword. However, that being said...
What makes a group discussion less legitimate than one on one? You may prefer one on one, but a group interaction does not equate to the derogatory term you chosen to assign to it. Is it more manly to reveal an individual's inability to cope with a situation to another vs a group? I don't see it. It might take more courage to talk about these things to a group of people with common issues they are trying to overcome. "Pity Whores" can just as easily seek pity on a one to one basis.
Combat experience isn't life experience. That's not to detract from what you've been through in the army, but at the same time it isn't the same thing as actually dealing with life.
It may not be considered a "normal" life experience, but it is an experience that over shadows the rest of your life.