Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin chosen as McCain's running mate

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Minor Axis

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Are you talking monthly rates here?

I just got a quote for health care in my area for a family of 4 and it ranges from $500/month to $900/month for full coverage. This is with the basic $20 copay office visit, $1000 deductible for the year, PPO network doctors and no dental or vision.

I can guarantee you that I don't spend even a quarter of that in entertainment... I am very thankful that my work covers me 100% because I wouldn't be able to afford those rates. The best I could hope for is catastrophic coverage while paying for everything else out of pocket.

Average people can't afford those rates so it's a good discussion point about our medical system. Do all working people deserve coverage? If not, why not? I'm just throwing that out for discussion.
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I will bet anyone 5,000 tokenz that Palin will NOT be on the ticket come November. She will drop out long before that, possibly today.

Any takers?
you. are. ON! I'll absolutely take that axshun. They'll keep her, if nothing else just to be stubborn and show the Dems that McCain can't be pushed around. plus, she's hot.:p

Here's a glass-half-full perspective, even if it sounds a little idealistic and naive (I have plenty of the former, very little of the latter):
if she stays on the ticket, it will be a historic election no matter what. For the first time in our nation's 232 year history, a man of color or a woman WILL be in the highest (or second highest) Executive office. How many firsts of that magnitude do you think you'll ever be a part of? I mean, really, isn't that pretty cool??

gotta vote, though. I oughtta start a thread bout that...

Fox Mulder

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I will bet anyone 5,000 tokenz that Palin will NOT be on the ticket come November. She will drop out long before that, possibly today.

Any takers?

I will also take that bet. Palin ain't no liberal who sees the glass half empty and is depressed 100% of the time--she'll see all this media bullshit as a huge challenge.

Minor Axis

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I will bet anyone 5,000 tokenz that Palin will NOT be on the ticket come November. She will drop out long before that, possibly today.

Any takers?

A hunch or did you hear something?

I will also take that bet. Palin ain't no liberal who sees the glass half empty and is depressed 100% of the time--she'll see all this media bullshit as a huge challenge.

Your liberal generalizations really do provide some comic relief around here. What's most amusing is that, Superman, your chosen avatar is a liberal... :D:D:D

Fox Mulder

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But superman believed in truth and justice the American way. :D:D

Which would immediately disqualify him as a liberal. Also, I would think liberals would require that he be given Kryptonite pills on a regular basis so he wouldn't have an unfair advantage over the criminal element (all of whom we know are registered Democrats!) :24:

Funny--Republicans go looking for votes from families and working people while Democrats go fishing for votes in high crime areas, welfare lines, and prisons!!! ;)

Fox Mulder

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Average people can't afford those rates so it's a good discussion point about our medical system. Do all working people deserve coverage? If not, why not? I'm just throwing that out for discussion.

So how much does it cost to feed a family of four these days? I would say $600 to $1,000 a month would be a conservative estimate.

And what about housing? Again--$1,000 a month again a conservative estimate.

And what about clothing? Cheaper--maybe a few hundred a month or so for men, but more for women.

Can average people afford that? Most can, some can't. Most can afford healthcare also, some can't

Again--this is the same bullshit communist arguments that you use to justify unions or any other social wealth distribution scheme or attempt to change the basic laws of supply and demand in a free market economy. The reason liberals focus on healthcare is because they know its an emotional issue for people (they don't think of it logically) and they also don't like the fact that doctors are paid well. They want to "unionize" them along with the rest of America so that in the end, what we will have is a massive government machine where half the work force works and controlled by Democrats and the media where they take most of our money away in taxes because they know how to use it better than we do! :rolleyes:

Got news for ya Minor--I've seen how the government has planned for my retirement--I've seen how they've taken a large amount of money from me and my spouse and how its all gone and that by the time we are ready to retire, we will be lucky if they pay for our healthcare. Well no thanks--you may trust these idiots to take care of you, but I'd prefer to take care of myself and my family and keep most of my money to do it rather than turn it over to politicians to squander. National healtchcare is another train wreck waiting to happen just like Social Security--a system where most of the money is taken by greedy politicians and government unions and very little of it is given back to the people who paid into it. I am honestly shocked that any rational person would believe the government can do healthcare right with what they've done with social security. :rolleyes:


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I will also take that bet. Palin ain't no liberal who sees the glass half empty and is depressed 100% of the time--she'll see all this media bullshit as a huge challenge.
yuck foo, Mulder. You can't come in after the fact and try to Bogart the bet - it's mine. Didn't they teach you ANYthing at Douchebag Community College?

jeebus, a little respect :cool


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...Got news for ya Minor--I've seen how the government has planned for my retirement--I've seen how they've taken a large amount of money from me and my spouse and how its all gone and that by the time we are ready to retire, we will be lucky if they pay for our healthcare. Well no thanks--you may trust these idiots to take care of you, but I'd prefer to take care of myself and my family and keep most of my money to do it rather than turn it over to politicians to squander. National healtchcare is another train wreck waiting to happen just like Social Security--a system where most of the money is taken by greedy politicians and government unions and very little of it is given back to the people who paid into it. I am honestly shocked that any rational person would believe the government can do healthcare right with what they've done with social security. :rolleyes:
:ninja fuckin shit, smokin crack or something?! :humm: You're ON tonight with teh sagacious quotes of's just not like you and it's kinda making me uncomfortable seeing you make sense. Uranus must be aligned with Pluto or something...:dunno

Now what I can't wait for is some idiot to come in here and blame the bolded part on one party or the other. Someone will...:rant:

Fox Mulder

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yuck foo, Mulder. You can't come in after the fact and try to Bogart the bet - it's mine. Didn't they teach you ANYthing at Douchebag Community College?

jeebus, a little respect :cool

He said he'd BET ANYONE. He didn't limit it. And for Christsakes you've already got 100,000 tokenz you ass kissing son of a bitch!!! He's gonna pay you 5000 and me 5000 or I'm coming after your hide. :mad No one else can get in on this now though after Palin just wacked the political baseball out of the park and around the planet!!!! Wouldn't be fair to Timmy who already is down 10,000! :D


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He said he'd BET ANYONE. He didn't limit it. And for Christsakes you've already got 100,000 tokenz you ass kissing son of a bitch!!! He's gonna pay you 5000 and me 5000 or I'm coming after your hide. :mad No one else can get in on this now though after Palin just wacked the political baseball out of the park and around the planet!!!! Wouldn't be fair to Timmy who already is down 10,000! :D
don't make me infract you :D

five words: one touch ban and clean :ninja tread carefully

No one else can get in on this now though after Palin just wacked the political baseball out of the park and around the planet!!!!
no, no one can get in on it once I took the action. Clearly, you slept through Douchebaggery Ethics 101 at ol DCC :cool


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and for the record, and I'm not ashamed to say it:

I'd grudgefuck the dog snot out of Palin. She wouldn't shit, eat, walk, talk, see, smell or hear right for a week...

Fox Mulder

Active Member
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no, no one can get in on it once I took the action. Clearly, you slept through Douchebaggery Ethics 101 at ol DCC :cool

No fucking way--I watched your entire video presentation on the topic (along with Intro to
Ass Kissing)--as boring as it was, I watched the whole thing!!!



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now THAT'S a better than average comeback...:clap

now back to the hot politician before I infract you for calling names...

Minor Axis

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Did you know that the *new* Republican standard is that living in Alaska now qualifies you as having foreign relations experience and would add to your resume of being President of the United States? Yes it's true! That Cindy is one smart cookie. :D

Minor Axis

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JOB NOTICE: The U.S. government is now accepting applications for Ambassador to Russia. The job training consists of being in close physical proximity to the country, say an ocean away but it must be strictly an adjacent ocean. Send all applications to the U.S. State Department.

In the Navy, I flew within 50 miles of the country which is only a fraction of an ocean away! I also called and asked about the Vice President job, but they informed me you had to be vetted by one of the political parties, with shapely thighs being a plus in case the President needs a lap consultation. Anyway, I shot off my application today.