Aethiesm is a religion

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Atl Falcons said:
White2000GT said:
Oh, the big post where you quoted word for word what someone else wrote? Plagarism at its finest. Still, just as with SilentEyz, you haven't changed my opinion in the slightest... nor did the person who's work you plagarized.
I believe what I believe because it's what I choose to believe. It has nothing to do with what any other person tells me. It's what I personally feel to be the truth. And there is nothing you or anyone else can say that will change it. Besides, the day I start allowing my life to be dictated by some uneducated, opinionated kid in high school is the day I give up the very foundry that my life is based on... free agency. The ability to make decision for myself as long as I am willing to live with the consequences. So you can do the banana dance all you want to, but you haven't ended any debate.

Oh, and as a moderator I feel it is my duty to tell you that you really need to chill on the name calling. It is rude and unnecessary, so knock it off.

How in the fuck is that plagiarism, I left the site beneath each one???? And if your opinion is not changed one bit, then you did one of the three. A) you didn't read and comprehend it B) You're stubborn as crap C) You lack the intellect to understand what was said

And just so you know, that was directed towards the original poster's opinion..if your opinion isn't the same as the original poster's then why did you reply in that manner?

D) I did read it, I did comprehend it, I'm not "stubborn as crap" and I do have the intellect to understand what was said. All that, and still my opinion has not changed. You have failed young one. Now, go play with you Pokemon cards and stop trying to act like you know everything.
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Atl Falcons said:
SilentEyz said:
If I may inturpt for a moment??

Atl Falcons said:
mmmk...but no one has responded to my 'i've ended this debate post', which is in page 3...i guess i did end the debate :banana

It seems from what I have read, that this Debate is based on opinion, The opinion of many actually, so Unless you have changed everyone's opinion to agree with your's then truly you have ended nothing.

a debate is not ended by your opinion. it is ended when you have been succesful in changing the view of those you debate with, And I personnaly have not seen that, So I guess this debate is not over,

And realistically, this is a debate that has been going on for hundreds + some years, and I am sure it will go on for Hundreds + more years, long after our truths are found in our deaths

there now it has been commented on :D

i didnt change your opinion?..if not you need to counter my big post on page 3 please. if you can't refute it, you're opinion must be changed.

Give me a break man... so even though someone doesn't care enough to believe in anything at all... you know the very DEFINITION of an Athiest, they absolutely HAVE to refute your opinion, otherwise you're right?

Dude, that is by far the most ignorant thing you've said yet.

Opinions are opinions, I have the opinion of atheism because I don't give two shits about your beliefs, or anyone elses beliefs. That's why it's called a PERSONAL opinion.

Now are you going to continue on calling everyone else stupid, ignorant and wrong? Or are you going to give it up?


The OG
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Locking the thread due to the name calling and childish crap.

If anyone replies after me (a mod) i will kick you. :)

(just for bacon... i will delete any posts from mods then start taking privilages away from not listening like a child. ) lol
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