Abortion... Your thoughts on why, why not.

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Personally I could never compare a slug to a human being in a rational sense. A slug dosen't grow up to be an intelligent human with emotions and morals, does it?

very true, it was a poor comparison if you take into account what the foetus will develop into if it's given a chance. That doesn't change the fact that at the time of abortion, it's a long way from being a sentient being...


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Just gonna throw this in here...
What if a couple..."not some irresponsible slut..who btw is not completely responsible for sexual happenings..keep it ya trousers unless u have a condom", where told that the child she was carrying would die at birth.
Would u think it humane to continue that pregnancy? And cause that child the further ordeal of child birth??

Even then, I'm still pro-life.
I'm a mother, I had the option of testing for Down's, Spina bifidia etc. We opted not to test, because the results would make no difference to us.

Miracle children are born every day... who am I to decide not to give a baby a chance to fight for life.

anti abortion groups are all women who are so fugly you wouldn't have sex with any of them with a stolen dick

Interesting observation you have there.
I'll keep my observation to myself ;)

I love how people spout off this stuff about it's the womans body and she can do what she wants with it. We're not talking about aborting the woman, we're talking about aborting a baby.
I also love the double standards of the far left who are against punishing mass murderers with the death penalty but for some strange reason think killing babies is ok.
I also disagree strongly that the man should have no say. It's his baby too. If I got a girl pregnant and she had an abortion against my wishes, she's a complete cunt for killing my child as far as I'm concerned and I could never forgive her.



Toes in the water...
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I think ultimately it comes down to the woman. The man should have an influence, and depending on their relationship, she should highly take it into consideration. For me, abortion isn't an option. And even if it was, Matt strongly disagrees with it. If I were to have one regardless, it would destroy our relationship. I know we'd be fine if we had a child, and everything would eventually work out, but he would never, ever forgive me if I did.

Peter Parka

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no it does not because so long as the law sits it cannot be legally wrong, you may argue morals till you are blue in the face but the law is the law until it is changed

I'm sorry, I must have got the wrong end of the stick about this thread. I thought it was to debate our personal feelings about abortion. Had we known it was just to state the law, I guess 99% of the posts in this thread should never have been made.
I was under the impression this was the debate section, not the state the law section.


Valued Contributor
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I'm sorry, I must have got the wrong end of the stick about this thread. I thought it was to debate our personal feelings about abortion. Had we known it was just to state the law, I guess 99% of the posts in this thread should never have been made.
I was under the impression this was the debate section, not the state the law section.
a slight sidetrack carry on


Back By Unpopular Demand
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I think a baby in the womb is a life, and therefore abortion is the equivalent of murder.

I don't care if the baby "can't feel pain", neither can Stephen Hawking, but go hack off his leg and see if you go to jail or not. I'm ok with allowing abortion in the "Big 3" circumstances of rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Other than that, I think it should be completely outlawed worldwide.

I think way too many people are using it as a contraceptive now. OMG I got pregnant? Well I'm not on the pill, and he didn't use a condom, and I did let him cum inside me, and I was too embarrassed to go ask for Plan B the next day. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???

That being said, my opinion is a lot like my penis: it shouldn't be forced on people just because I like it a lot. I believe it's a States Rights issue, and if a state wants to make it legal, then that's fine with me, but I wouldn't live there.


V.I.P User
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I'm pro choice. I don't agree with the opinion that all unplanned pregnancies are due to women being sluts.:24: I mean, I was an unplanned pregnancy...my mom had been married twice and never used birthcontrol, nor did her husbands, then SURPRISE! Did that make her a slut? naaaaaaw

And Peter, I usually agree with you on topics, I don't on this one BUT, I too thought this was a forum for expressing one's opinion. Obviously if Peter's gf/wife, whatever had an abortion with not talking about it, or maybe even if they did, he would not continue in the relationship (I'm paraphrasing)

Okay, that's what he'd do. That's not what some men would do and frankly, I really don't think you'd KNOW what you do until faced with a particular situation. You can say what you FEEL you'd do, but people surprise themselves (and others) all the time with their reactions.

I like to debate. But then, I usually can see points on both sides. My two cents


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Do you have proof of this? You're just a bunch of cells at the end of the day, too, you know.;)

Yes but there are different types of cells and until it resembles anything likes a fetus or baby then it probably cannot feel pain. Pain requires a central nervous system and certain A fibres and C fibres and at least five different parts of the brain which they probably won't get until around the end of the first trimester anyway.


Well-Known Member
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Even then, I'm still pro-life.
I'm a mother, I had the option of testing for Down's, Spina bifidia etc. We opted not to test, because the results would make no difference to us.

Miracle children are born every day... who am I to decide not to give a baby a chance to fight for life.

Interesting observation you have there.
I'll keep my observation to myself ;)

Oh i agree , a life is a life, when that life actually begins is another matter.
Your answer intrigued me...it brings on a whole other argument really. Would you keep an man alive who suffered from a painful disease and wished to die? Would you even do that to a dog??
I guess what im trying to say is...if the quality of life is that painful, why put that child through it?
Id call that inhumane.


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Yes but there are different types of cells and until it resembles anything likes a fetus or baby then it probably cannot feel pain. Pain requires a central nervous system and certain A fibres and C fibres and at least five different parts of the brain which they probably won't get until around the end of the first trimester anyway.

The neural tube (which becomes the nervous system) forms within the first 4 weeks after conception. How do we know they feel no pain?

If you go for an ultrasound at around 6 weeks you will see an approximately 3mm long "bunch of cells", but you will HEAR a heartbeat.