Abortion. Right or wrong?

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Personally, it's probably not a choice I would make for myself, but having never been in that position, I can't say for sure...But having said that, I believe it's not my decision to make on someone else's behalf. I believe that the fetus is human, though I'm not exactly sure at what point yet. It is not, however, because it simply has the potential to be. There's no real reason for it, it's just intuitive. I also have a hard time imposing my morality on others. As a result, I feel that I cannot stop someone else from making up their own minds on the issue and deciding for themselves, and therefore I am pro-choice.

There could be a case made that we are human at any given point -- birth, conception, second trimester, third trimester, etc. But none of them are going to be conclusive -- in other words, it depends on what you choose to believe. Since one cannot state that any one position is any worse than any other (except when in considering the reasons why, that is) on its surface, one cannot state that their position is superior to any other; and therefore, the whole issue comes down to that choice, until someone comes up with a conclusive argument, if such a thing is possible.

I also take into consideration that regardless of whether an abortion is deemed legal or not termination of pregnancies will still occur and I’d prefer it to be done in a clinic by a doctor with the right education than in a dark cellar by a guy/gal who also bootlegs DVD's and cheap vodka...it also should be regarded as a tragedy if someone has to go to an underground clinic and possibly lose their life or get seriously injured. Legal clinics which are under government scrutiny at least take away one aspect of this.

*hops down from soapbox* ;p
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This is such a hard topic to side on, personally I think it should be a choice. Now would I try and convince a partner to get an abortion in any situation, no, probably not, but I would not put my foot down or anything. Ultimatley it's the mother's, or mother to be's, choice.


Heart & Soul
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as i said before I would never...but one more point I would make in side of prochoice...ya gotta take in consideration to girls who unfortunatly get pregnant...through acts of rape.

What would happen to those girls and the children they bear...if they were denied abortions if they wanted...the girl would probably resent and hate the child...and therfor the child would be denied love from the person it needed it from the most...so id have to say in some cases i can understand even tho i still dont agree

I cant even say what I would do in that scenario...From what I think I would do is have the child...give it a chance....and if I couldnt love it like it deserved...give it up for adoption...without ever telling the agency excatally how it was concieved so that it never knew it was a product of hate...to give it a true chance at life love

so like i said ...i can understand some reasons...tho still would never


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right or wrong is a misconception perpetuated by society, thus me giving you an answer to the original question would be an assimilation into that society. anyways, to answer your question - i bubbled in c.


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I'm pro-choice....to an extent. It's my body and I'll do what I please with it. I don't like the abortion route for girls that get pregnant, and get rid of their baby as if it was an inconvience. And even when I got my ultra-sound done at 8 weeks of pregnancy, I could see a heart that was beating. I can't imagine myself getting rid of something like that. But I guess there could also be certain circumstances where I would consider an abortion...but I would have to be put into that situation. And the situations that I'm thinking of would probably never happen.


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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I would never have an abortion myself. Yet I don't consider myself capable of judging if another woman who would do it. I find it necessary to keep abortion safe, legal and RARE.
Ps. Saying hormonal birth control equals abortion is at it's best, laughable. Similar to 1+1=5. I don't mean to offend anybody but that is going too far, even for me.. And I'm against abortion for myself, even if I was raped...


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Abortion right or wrong ????

Every decision has its own meaning b'coz its taken depending on the situation and surrounding circumstances.

So there is nothing such as right or wrong.. After all whatever consequences happen after taking the decision that particular individual person has to face it ...... Life just happens we just have to perform our role ...


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I dont think anyone can say if they would/wouldnot have an abortion unless they are put in that position. I was very young when i had my first child and seriously considered it but decided against it as i didnt think the child should pay for a choice i made but i have a friend who had 2 children and was happily expecting her 3rd when she found that the child had serious brain damage, the child if it survived would never be able to breathe or eat without help, never see, hear, talk or be anything other than in a vegative state, she had 2 other children under 5 and decided to terminate the pregnancy, she still asks " what if" but she made a choice that seemed right at the time... i wouldnt never condone her for that.
But used as a standard choice of birth control is wrong...extreme cases only.


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Each situation is different and everybody has a different take on it,but I don't think you can just pidgeon hole something like this by saying it is either right or wrong.....it is too major an issue to do that.


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Well, I think the general opinion, is half and half - half agree, it is a personal choice of the pregnant woman's and half believe this is totally wrong and out of the question.

I feel that it should be up to the woman, personally.

Yes, it can be questioned that if they didn't want a baby, why didn't they use anything, etc, etc?

However lame to onlookers it appears to be from women who say, "well, it just turned out that way, I was drunk......."and so on - well, it does happen that way at times.

It is a choice only the woman at the time, can decide.

It is never a choice made lightly either way. It's probably one of the hardest things to go through and as others' have said, it is a decision they then have to live with.

Many never get over it if they have had to terminate a preganancy, some never get over it if they kept the baby.

I have to touch on one particular point now, I'm afraid - it's all very well accusing a pregnant woman of murdering an unborn through termination, but how do Jehovas witnesses account for what they do, when their already born child(children), partners, are needing a life saving blood transfusion, or operation but are not, under any circumstances,
allowed to do so, because someone managed to make them believe this is a good thing?

I don't mean to offend anyone, but this is true and yet, in the bible, it says point blank, in the 10 cammandments that 'Thou shall not kill!'

I didn't particularly want to get into the religion thing at all, but had to make my point.

Getting back to Sam's avatar - I agree with others - please get rid.

Sorry, I clicked on the thumbs down icon - was meant for Sam's avatar, not this thread. Can't delete it.


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Abortion is intrinsically evil. Whenever empires and nations of the past allowed things of such nature, those pertaining directly against the nature of a human being, they declined quickly. The two worst things (in general) in my opinion is sodomy (keep in mind: "Hate the sin, love the sinner" - and personally I feel sorry for people like gays but whatever) and abortion. Throughout all of history the woman did not have the right to have an abortion when she or the baby could die. (Not to be politically incorrect or anything). Only since 1973, with the Roe v. Wade case do people speak of it more publically and treat it as if it is a light thing. With modern medicine and science very few women would die through child birth and therefore that wipes out the excuse that abortions are for those cases only. You cannot sacrifice a human life for pleasure (the pleasure that caused it in teh first place). If you set down principles then there is something sturdy and well-founded to fall back on.


Active Member
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Abortion is intrinsically evil. Whenever empires and nations of the past allowed things of such nature, those pertaining directly against the nature of a human being, they declined quickly. The two worst things (in general) in my opinion is sodomy (keep in mind: "Hate the sin, love the sinner" - and personally I feel sorry for people like gays but whatever) and abortion. Throughout all of history the woman did not have the right to have an abortion when she or the baby could die. (Not to be politically incorrect or anything). Only since 1973, with the Roe v. Wade case do people speak of it more publically and treat it as if it is a light thing. With modern medicine and science very few women would die through child birth and therefore that wipes out the excuse that abortions are for those cases only. You cannot sacrifice a human life for pleasure (the pleasure that caused it in teh first place). If you set down principles then there is something sturdy and well-founded to fall back on.
