Abort Abort!

Abortion: legal or illegal?

  • Legal

    Votes: 32 80.0%
  • Illegal

    Votes: 8 20.0%

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: Abortion should it be legal?

Good parenting can only do so much. Kids get horny and make stupid decisions.

Adults get horny and made stupid decisions.

There is no excuse for 99% of unplanned pregnancies but shit happens. It is gonna happen.

I am pro life as I wish every baby was wanted but for whatever reason there will be times when they are not. I leave that up to the person that is pregnant to judge.


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If you are going to charge with women with murdering their fetus, then you had better think about how you are actually going to catch them. You would have to catch the woman in the act, and women will have their abortions no matter whether it is illegal or not. You would need more police (to search for these women), more forensic pathologists (to match the DNA of the fetus with the DNA of the mother), and you must also explain how you would even find a dead fetus. In the garbage? Do you search every garbage can, do an autopsy on the fetus (to ensure it was aborted) then test it's DNA and keep that DNA in the databank until you come across a woman who happens to share that DNA?

It would be next to impossible to charge a woman for having an abortion.

Mudrer is the unlawful killing of a person. By law, a fetus is not a person, therefore, abortion is not murder.

One question: Would you make an exception if the woman was raped, or a victim of incest?
There are many laws that make some things illegal and are nearly impossible to enforce, but because it is against the law it still reduces the number of instances. That would be my goal by putting a law in place - not because I believe we could catch everyone doing it, but because there would be fewer doctors willing to perform the procedure if it was illegal, and thus, fewer abortions.

I don't care what the law current defines a human being as. To me, a human being begins life at contraception, and killing a fetus at any stage is murder.

And I doubt that I would make an exception for rape victims. To deny someone life, just because they were created out of a horrible incident like that, is still wrong. It's making them take the punishment for what someone else did.

Just my opinion on the matter. ;)


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Re: Abortion should it be legal?

But who has that power to decide when life begins? Tell me who has that kinda authority to tell me that? Cuz I don't think there's anyone walking today that could.
Personally, I'm pro-life FOR ME and could never have one. But it's not my job or anyone else's to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. So I guess that makes me pro-choice.
When life begins legally or scientifically? Kind of amusing that many of the same people that embrace evolution & big bang reject science when it comes to this subject, and those that reject scientific evidence regarding creating the world embrace it regarding creating life.


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Re: Abortion should it be legal?

And to add insult to injury who's making the laws?
Oh yeah, a bunch of dude's who don't even have the parts to carry a child and won't need to take on the responsibility of a child when the dirt bag you had a one nighter with won't man up.

Don't have a one night stand, then...and why should the man have to pay just because the woman decides she wants a baby? If she doesn't want it, she can abort it, but if she does want it, the man is forced to pay whether he wanted the baby or not.

Huge double standard there, if you ask me.


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And I doubt that I would make an exception for rape victims. To deny someone life, just because they were created out of a horrible incident like that, is still wrong. It's making them take the punishment for what someone else did.

Just my opinion on the matter. ;)

But in making a rape victim have her baby, you are punishing her for something which was not her fault, and it could add to her trauma, making her recovery a lot more painful. In my opinion, rape victims should definately have the option to choose abortion if she feels it will help her recovery from her ordeal.:thumbup


I kissed a leprechaun...
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Re: Abortion should it be legal?

Don't have a one night stand, then...and why should the man have to pay just because the woman decides she wants a baby? If she doesn't want it, she can abort it, but if she does want it, the man is forced to pay whether he wanted the baby or not.

Huge double standard there, if you ask me.

Then the guy should be super safe and wear protection. Point blake it takes two to tango. Don't want a kid....wrap it up or don't do anything at all.

not saying it's right, but that's the fact.

And many many women keep their baby (the one they could abort) because the father wants to keep it. So this woman who could have aborted and just got it done with is now havng to pay.

Or what about those sick fuckers who trap women too by destroying their condoms to get a chic pregnant. It happens. Yes women do it too I'm sure, but it goes both way.

Neither party is innocent when it comes to making a baby.


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Re: Abortion should it be legal?

Then the guy should be super safe and wear protection. Point blake it takes two to tango. Don't want a kid....wrap it up or don't do anything at all.

not saying it's right, but that's the fact.

And many many women keep their baby (the one they could abort) because the father wants to keep it. So this woman who could have aborted and just got it done with is now havng to pay.

Or what about those sick fuckers who trap women too by destroying their condoms to get a chic pregnant. It happens. Yes women do it too I'm sure, but it goes both way.

Neither party is innocent when it comes to making a baby.

Very true, which is why no woman should have a one night stand, simply because it's unlikely the man will have a condom at hand, which means the woman is possibly going to end up pregnant to a man who's name she doesn't know - and she also wouldn't know if he has any sexually transmitted diseases, which is another reason why a one night stand is irresponsible.

Men and women need to discuss the issue of pregnancy before they enter a sexual relationship. If the woman states that she would have an abortion if she got pregnant, the man now has the choice to walk away, or take the risk and have sex with her. But if the woman falls pregnant, too bad for the man because he knew the woman's opinion and chose to take the risk. Same if the man states he doesn't want kids, the woman can then decide to take the risk. If she falls pregnant, because she knew the man's opinions but chose to have sex anyway, she should not be able to go after the man for support.

That's my opinion.:thumbup


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Re: Abortion should it be legal?

Very true, which is why no woman should have a one night stand, simply because it's unlikely the man will have a condom at hand, which means the woman is possibly going to end up pregnant to a man who's name she doesn't know - and she also wouldn't know if he has any sexually transmitted diseases, which is another reason why a one night stand is irresponsible.

Men and women need to discuss the issue of pregnancy before they enter a sexual relationship. If the woman states that she would have an abortion if she got pregnant, the man now has the choice to walk away, or take the risk and have sex with her. But if the woman falls pregnant, too bad for the man because he knew the woman's opinion and chose to take the risk. Same if the man states he doesn't want kids, the woman can then decide to take the risk. If she falls pregnant, because she knew the man's opinions but chose to have sex anyway, she should not be able to go after the man for support.

That's my opinion.:thumbup
A very good reason to save sex for marriage as well. :thumbup


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Re: Abortion should it be legal?

A very good reason to save sex for marriage as well. :thumbup

Well, I don't agree with that so much. If two people wish to save themselves, then good for them, but I don't think such a thing should be...promoted. Most people have sex outside of marriage anyway, although I doubt that all of those sexual encounters are out of love and committment, but lust.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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But in making a rape victim have her baby, you are punishing her for something which was not her fault, and it could add to her trauma, making her recovery a lot more painful. In my opinion, rape victims should definately have the option to choose abortion if she feels it will help her recovery from her ordeal.:thumbup
This is something that makes no sense.

The purpose of the pro life crowd is to protect the fetus at all costs so it can be a baby.

The fetus does not know if it was conceived by rape so why is it suddenly ok to abort it if rape was how the woman became pregnant.

Then as to the woman that wants to abort due to rape due to the emotional trauma it is ok yet if a young single woman is going to have her life turned upside down due to a mistake from a one night stand that is not.


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Right or wrong, people will still want abortions. I'd rather they could have it in a licensed clinic by a proper doctor than a failed vet with half a coathanger.


Well-Known Member
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Right or wrong, people will still want abortions. I'd rather they could have it in a licensed clinic by a proper doctor than a failed vet with half a coathanger.
:homo:Exactly...if Abortion were illegal, it would go back to bye gone days, paying some inadequate to tamper with ya bits....desperation!!


New Member
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wow, there's some really deep discussion going on in here! i'm very much for abortion!

i like having fun a lot and if something goes wrong i like to know that there's always a last resort for me to take in case something goes wrong


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This is something that makes no sense.

The purpose of the pro life crowd is to protect the fetus at all costs so it can be a baby.

The fetus does not know if it was conceived by rape so why is it suddenly ok to abort it if rape was how the woman became pregnant.

Then as to the woman that wants to abort due to rape due to the emotional trauma it is ok yet if a young single woman is going to have her life turned upside down due to a mistake from a one night stand that is not.

It makes perfect sense. Sure, the lifer crowd want to protect the fetus, but they completely disregard what the woman may be going through. Once that baby is born, they no longer care because their job is over.

I think it's perfectly acceptable for a woman to abort for whatever reason, and if lifers care about the woman, as they claim, they would allow a rape victim to deal with her emotional trauma by aborting if she needed.:thumbup


Active Member
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wow, there's some really deep discussion going on in here! i'm very much for abortion!

i like having fun a lot and if something goes wrong i like to know that there's always a last resort for me to take in case something goes wrong

I'm very in favour of abortion, too...but I don't have that attitude!:eek