I think money given to Autism Research has nothing to do w/ money given to Cancer Research. If someone is personally effected by one and not the other then obviously they're going to give to that cause. And, on the flip side, if someone isn't personally effected by let's say Autism that doesn't mean that money would go to Cancer Research. Your not pulling money out of Cancer Research's pocket to put it in Autism Research's pocket.
Children w/ cancer have the blessing of the Ronald McDonald House and St. Johns (I hope I got that name right) hospital. What are the groups that do the same for Autistm patients??? Oh yeah...nobody knows. I am BY NO MEANS minimizing what cancer patients go through (my grandfather passed away due to Cancer...I donate to BOTH causes) but the fact is that there is a lot known about cancer while we still have uneducated people out there spouting off that Autism is a fake illness and is just the result of lazy parenthood (Dennis Leary, anyone???).
:homo:Thanks for being so windy. I had not heard your entire story before and thank you for sharing. I'm sorry for the loss of your daughter. i can't begin to imagine what that must be like.
The name of the hospital, Tasha, is St. Judes. :nod:
I'm chiming in late, but I feel as though I have a life's experience to share, as far as money donated, and how, it REALLY goes.
As many here know, I lost my only child to cancer. She was 2 months shy of turning 22 years old, when she passed away. During her illness, I found that I came up against many, many walls, when it came to assistance. We didn't need financial assistance, but, we needed housing assistance. Here's my story...
I live in Southwest Missouri. The type of cancer my daughter was diagnosed with was very rare. Due to that fact, we had to go to Houston, Texas, to MD Anderson Cancer Center, for her care. Our first visit, lasted 6 weeks. Thankfully, I have friends in Houston, who we stayed with. (This lifelong friend had come up here to be with me when my daughters tests were being done to find out what was wrong with her.) Once we got the diagnosis, she loaded us up into her van and took us home with her. (Leaving my vehicle behind.) As thankful as I was to my friend, to plop yourself down into the best of friends homes for 6 weeks isn't a nice thing to do under normal circumstances. :ninja Now toss into the mix, our 3 year old toddler.
I found during our 6 week stay, that my daughter, myself, and my grandson needed our own space from time to time, away from my dear friend who took us in. I reached out to the American Cancer Society. Now, listen up people, this is an eye opener for sure!
I was told by the ACS of Houston that since we had come to Houston for care, and were NOT residents, they couldn't "offer" any services to us, that I needed to contact my local ACS in Missouri. :eek WTF could the Missouri ACS do for me and my dying daughter, while I was in Texas? Not a damn thing! So, I then reached out to the Ronald McDonald House, near MD Anderson. Guess what? They couldn't help us either because my daughter was 21. :willy_nilly: I couldn't believe that my daughter's age made us in-eligible.
So, if you're going to get cancer, and hope that the Ronald McDonald Houses are going to help you, BE SURE to get that cancer before turning 18!!! :mad
It was the biggest mess I'd ever encountered.
6 weeks later, MD Anderson released us to come home... on a 2 week pass, to see our family and friends, give my daughter a respite, and then we were to return. Dilemma! I didn't have my vehicle with me. :ninja There was no way I was going to ask my friend to drive us back home, 10 hours, after we'd already way overstayed our welcome. I contacted the angel network and we were flown home free, on a corporate jet. Corporate Angel Network - Home
5 days later, found us back in our local hospital, with a very serious blood clot. (Don't fly after you've had surgery!) 4 days after that, my daughter was air lifted, in a coma, to Columbia, Missouri... 4 hours away from home! I farmed off my toddling grandson to some very dear friends, and through my tear stained face, my brother drove me to Columbia.
Things were VERY different in Columbia! They couldn't do enough for us. The Ronald McDonald House put us up for 4 weeks. The Doctors there arranged our stay, so maybe that made the difference? To this day, I still don't know, but I am thankful. Also... for a second time, the angel network flew us home.
Did the ACS of Southwest Missouri help us at all? That would be an emphatic and resounding... NO.
My daughter lost her battle, November 14th, 2001.
After that, I brought the Relay for Life to my town. I was on the front page of our newspapers... I brought in the most donations... my team won many awards and LOTS of money for the ACS. This was my way of giving back. But! I gave back to the wrong charity as far as I'm concerned. The Relay for Life in my town, is now a yearly event... but, they don't help cancer patients, I'm here to tell you.
What the ACS does offer to cancer patients is... ONE case of Ensure a month... and a 50 dollar gas card, ONCE a YEAR. :eek
The moral to my story is this. When you're making donations to the charity of your choice, please, be careful. Stay away from the money mongering corporations, and make your donations to those places who REALLY make a difference.
My donations now go directly to MD Anderson Cancer Center (who totally rock), as well as the Ronald McDonald house of Columbia, Missouri.
Sorry to be so windy! But, thanks for reading me.
I'm sorry for your loss. My mother was also in your predicament when I was first diagnosed with Hydrocephus & Dandy Walker Syndrome. I was brought to the city of Portland here in Maine. I could have got free admitance to Shiners Hospital but the nearest was in Maryland. My mother called upon the Ronald McDonald House like yourself but was denied. She called upon Red Cross but all they do is LOAN you the money and you have to pay it back. I was a newborn, born with the disease so you know how hard it must have been for my mother who was almost 19 at the time. I guess my mother found out years later that the Ronald McDonald House changed their guidelines for what sicknesses they cover or whatever. I've donated once when asked in a big box store other than that, if I don't know where the money is going my family will not donate money. The only exception is I have donated some change or a few dollars to the Salvation Army during Christmas to the people with the bells. I had a former boss that was doing it last year so that was a bit different.The name of the hospital, Tasha, is St. Judes. :nod:
I'm chiming in late, but I feel as though I have a life's experience to share, as far as money donated, and how, it REALLY goes.
As many here know, I lost my only child to cancer. She was 2 months shy of turning 22 years old, when she passed away. During her illness, I found that I came up against many, many walls, when it came to assistance. We didn't need financial assistance, but, we needed housing assistance. Here's my story...
I live in Southwest Missouri. The type of cancer my daughter was diagnosed with was very rare. Due to that fact, we had to go to Houston, Texas, to MD Anderson Cancer Center, for her care. Our first visit, lasted 6 weeks. Thankfully, I have friends in Houston, who we stayed with. (This lifelong friend had come up here to be with me when my daughters tests were being done to find out what was wrong with her.) Once we got the diagnosis, she loaded us up into her van and took us home with her. (Leaving my vehicle behind.) As thankful as I was to my friend, to plop yourself down into the best of friends homes for 6 weeks isn't a nice thing to do under normal circumstances. :ninja Now toss into the mix, our 3 year old toddler.
I found during our 6 week stay, that my daughter, myself, and my grandson needed our own space from time to time, away from my dear friend who took us in. I reached out to the American Cancer Society. Now, listen up people, this is an eye opener for sure!
I was told by the ACS of Houston that since we had come to Houston for care, and were NOT residents, they couldn't "offer" any services to us, that I needed to contact my local ACS in Missouri. :eek WTF could the Missouri ACS do for me and my dying daughter, while I was in Texas? Not a damn thing! So, I then reached out to the Ronald McDonald House, near MD Anderson. Guess what? They couldn't help us either because my daughter was 21. :willy_nilly: I couldn't believe that my daughter's age made us in-eligible.
So, if you're going to get cancer, and hope that the Ronald McDonald Houses are going to help you, BE SURE to get that cancer before turning 18!!! :mad
It was the biggest mess I'd ever encountered.
6 weeks later, MD Anderson released us to come home... on a 2 week pass, to see our family and friends, give my daughter a respite, and then we were to return. Dilemma! I didn't have my vehicle with me. :ninja There was no way I was going to ask my friend to drive us back home, 10 hours, after we'd already way overstayed our welcome. I contacted the angel network and we were flown home free, on a corporate jet. Corporate Angel Network - Home
5 days later, found us back in our local hospital, with a very serious blood clot. (Don't fly after you've had surgery!) 4 days after that, my daughter was air lifted, in a coma, to Columbia, Missouri... 4 hours away from home! I farmed off my toddling grandson to some very dear friends, and through my tear stained face, my brother drove me to Columbia.
Things were VERY different in Columbia! They couldn't do enough for us. The Ronald McDonald House put us up for 4 weeks. The Doctors there arranged our stay, so maybe that made the difference? To this day, I still don't know, but I am thankful. Also... for a second time, the angel network flew us home.
Did the ACS of Southwest Missouri help us at all? That would be an emphatic and resounding... NO.
My daughter lost her battle, November 14th, 2001.
After that, I brought the Relay for Life to my town. I was on the front page of our newspapers... I brought in the most donations... my team won many awards and LOTS of money for the ACS. This was my way of giving back. But! I gave back to the wrong charity as far as I'm concerned. The Relay for Life in my town, is now a yearly event... but, they don't help cancer patients, I'm here to tell you.
What the ACS does offer to cancer patients is... ONE case of Ensure a month... and a 50 dollar gas card, ONCE a YEAR. :eek
The moral to my story is this. When you're making donations to the charity of your choice, please, be careful. Stay away from the money mongering corporations, and make your donations to those places who REALLY make a difference.
My donations now go directly to MD Anderson Cancer Center (who totally rock), as well as the Ronald McDonald house of Columbia, Missouri.
Sorry to be so windy! But, thanks for reading me.
Sorry to be so windy! But, thanks for reading me.
Seriously though, I'm not exactly sure how the money donated to the Walk Now events is spent. I'll look into it and let yas know though
The name of the hospital, Tasha, is St. Judes. :nod:
I'm chiming in late, but I feel as though I have a life's experience to share, as far as money donated, and how, it REALLY goes.
As many here know, I lost my only child to cancer. She was 2 months shy of turning 22 years old, when she passed away. During her illness, I found that I came up against many, many walls, when it came to assistance. We didn't need financial assistance, but, we needed housing assistance. Here's my story...
I live in Southwest Missouri. The type of cancer my daughter was diagnosed with was very rare. Due to that fact, we had to go to Houston, Texas, to MD Anderson Cancer Center, for her care. Our first visit, lasted 6 weeks. Thankfully, I have friends in Houston, who we stayed with. (This lifelong friend had come up here to be with me when my daughters tests were being done to find out what was wrong with her.) Once we got the diagnosis, she loaded us up into her van and took us home with her. (Leaving my vehicle behind.) As thankful as I was to my friend, to plop yourself down into the best of friends homes for 6 weeks isn't a nice thing to do under normal circumstances. :ninja Now toss into the mix, our 3 year old toddler.
I found during our 6 week stay, that my daughter, myself, and my grandson needed our own space from time to time, away from my dear friend who took us in. I reached out to the American Cancer Society. Now, listen up people, this is an eye opener for sure!
I was told by the ACS of Houston that since we had come to Houston for care, and were NOT residents, they couldn't "offer" any services to us, that I needed to contact my local ACS in Missouri. :eek WTF could the Missouri ACS do for me and my dying daughter, while I was in Texas? Not a damn thing! So, I then reached out to the Ronald McDonald House, near MD Anderson. Guess what? They couldn't help us either because my daughter was 21. :willy_nilly: I couldn't believe that my daughter's age made us in-eligible.
So, if you're going to get cancer, and hope that the Ronald McDonald Houses are going to help you, BE SURE to get that cancer before turning 18!!! :mad
It was the biggest mess I'd ever encountered.
6 weeks later, MD Anderson released us to come home... on a 2 week pass, to see our family and friends, give my daughter a respite, and then we were to return. Dilemma! I didn't have my vehicle with me. :ninja There was no way I was going to ask my friend to drive us back home, 10 hours, after we'd already way overstayed our welcome. I contacted the angel network and we were flown home free, on a corporate jet. Corporate Angel Network - Home
5 days later, found us back in our local hospital, with a very serious blood clot. (Don't fly after you've had surgery!) 4 days after that, my daughter was air lifted, in a coma, to Columbia, Missouri... 4 hours away from home! I farmed off my toddling grandson to some very dear friends, and through my tear stained face, my brother drove me to Columbia.
Things were VERY different in Columbia! They couldn't do enough for us. The Ronald McDonald House put us up for 4 weeks. The Doctors there arranged our stay, so maybe that made the difference? To this day, I still don't know, but I am thankful. Also... for a second time, the angel network flew us home.
Did the ACS of Southwest Missouri help us at all? That would be an emphatic and resounding... NO.
My daughter lost her battle, November 14th, 2001.
After that, I brought the Relay for Life to my town. I was on the front page of our newspapers... I brought in the most donations... my team won many awards and LOTS of money for the ACS. This was my way of giving back. But! I gave back to the wrong charity as far as I'm concerned. The Relay for Life in my town, is now a yearly event... but, they don't help cancer patients, I'm here to tell you.
What the ACS does offer to cancer patients is... ONE case of Ensure a month... and a 50 dollar gas card, ONCE a YEAR. :eek
The moral to my story is this. When you're making donations to the charity of your choice, please, be careful. Stay away from the money mongering corporations, and make your donations to those places who REALLY make a difference.
My donations now go directly to MD Anderson Cancer Center (who totally rock), as well as the Ronald McDonald house of Columbia, Missouri.
Sorry to be so windy! But, thanks for reading me.
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