Before I start, let me say that you are being very rude. At least I'm attempting to explain myself without being a jerk. It was a prank, as the other parties involved stated. They didn't expect this to happen. I've never done something like this myself, and I never said I didn't have compassion. Read my posts. I said, "Although I do think this is tragic and she didn't deserve to die, she was partly to blame". Do I have to bring up the Butterfly Effect again? I knew that I would catch flak, because I know that saying something like this about a dead 14-year-old child isn't goign to be exactly praised, but I have the right to have my own opinion, and I'll be damned if I'm going to just let you forcibly change my mind at the drop of a hat. For your information, I did "read the goddamn article".
I'll fix my mistake.
This is a horrible tragedy, and the parties involved in following through with this terrible crime should be put to death by means of tortuer.