Why the United States is Fucked

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In Memoriam - RIP
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Here's a nice little blurb from my morning news: Congress has increased their wealth 15% in the last 6 years while we have lost 8%.

Now nearly half of all Congress are millionaires and 10 members are worth at least $100 million dollars.

Well, duh...
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Here's a nice little blurb from my morning news: Congress has increased their wealth 15% in the last 6 years while we have lost 8%.

Now nearly half of all Congress are millionaires and 10 members are worth at least $100 million dollars.

Well, duh...

You've heard it before....It's a big club and you (we) ain't in it.



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Ok redliner, I'll play. I'll even type slow so you can keep up.

Go look at AA's latest response and tell this board if it was deserving of anything other than the smart ass tone he implied.

Now - do you have anything of substance to add to this thread, or do you just want to talk about me - seems I'm your favorite subject in threads like these.

I have told you before - if you have something to add, I will engage you. If not, I'll respond in kind. You have admittied you don't even have a clue how your own countries political system operates - so what makes you think you can intelligently comment on United States politics?

Your right. I don't know alot about America. I just know what I watch on the news or read in the paper everyday here in boring old Canada. John your a smart guy. Your thorow you read up and get informed on your information before making posts. Just because I am not as well versed as you in this or other subjects does not mean you have to verbally attack me. Explain to me why you think I am wrong. Trust me I will read it. I actually enjoyed you schooling me in the other threads. It got me better informed. I just find this whole subject of the sate of America so disgusting. You guys had a hole dug out beside you then were pushed into in by people you elected. How do you come up with a solution to that is beyond me and you I spose.


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Your right. I don't know alot about America. I just know what I watch on the news or read in the paper everyday here in boring old Canada. John your a smart guy. Your thorow you read up and get informed on your information before making posts. Just because I am not as well versed as you in this or other subjects does not mean you have to verbally attack me. Explain to me why you think I am wrong. Trust me I will read it. I actually enjoyed you schooling me in the other threads. It got me better informed. I just find this whole subject of the sate of America so disgusting. You guys had a hole dug out beside you then were pushed into in by people you elected. How do you come up with a solution to that is beyond me and you I spose.

If you are sincere I'll discuss any issue with you red. My perception was that you were coming at me personally so I came back at you personally.

America's problems are varied and complicated, our population divided as to how to fix it. Disinformation abounds, designed to divide the working class, middle class and small business class against each other for the benefit of a few. We - as a group - are generally too blinded by the political ideology we have been spoon fed to come together to solve it. That's pretty evident by the discussions we have here.


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If you are sincere I'll discuss any issue with you red. My perception was that you were coming at me personally so I came back at you personally.

America's problems are varied and complicated, our population divided as to how to fix it. Disinformation abounds, designed to divide the working class, middle class and small business class against each other for the benefit of a few. We - as a group - are generally too blinded by the political ideology we have been spoon fed to come together to solve it. That's pretty evident by the discussions we have here.

I see Ol' Johnny is at it again. Hey gang just come up with a couple of reponses to his posts and he will collapse like a house o' cards! hahaha!


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America's problems are varied and complicated, our population divided as to how to fix it. Disinformation abounds, designed to divide the working class, mOur iddle class and small business class against each other for the benefit of a few. We - as a group - are generally too blinded by the political ideology we have been spoon fed to come together to solve it. That's pretty evident by the discussions we have here.
I agree and all the sniping on these forums doesn't help the situation. I think all of us are seeking the truth. I also think we are fed half truths from both sides. These forums should be a place where we can present info and dissect it to see where the truths and exaggerations lie. For the most part, none of us have an original thought or idea related to these political issues and we all have a lot to learn and we can learn from each other. I read today where Kelly Clarkson had endorsed a political candidate and she must have really taken a beating for it because she posted this
Kelly Clarkson said:
Man my eyes have been opened to so much hate tonight. If y'all ever disagree with something I say please don't feel the need to attack me. I will listen to what you say and any articles or viewpoints you have when you say it with respect. Being hateful is not a healthy way to get people to see or hear you. I was raised to respect people and their decisions and beliefs and I hope you will grant me the same decency. If you don't agree with me simply unfollow me. It's really that easy. I hope you don't because I would love the chance to hear what you have to say but if you're so blinded by hate you can't seek peace and progress then that is your unfortunate prerogative.
The vituperative nature with which we are responding to those whose beliefs are different from ours needs to stop. We need to start seeking to understand. At the most basic level, we all want the same things and we ultimately disagree about how to go about achieving them.


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I agree and all the sniping on these forums doesn't help the situation. I think all of us are seeking the truth. I also think we are fed half truths from both sides. These forums should be a place where we can present info and dissect it to see where the truths and exaggerations lie. For the most part, none of us have an original thought or idea related to these political issues and we all have a lot to learn and we can learn from each other. I read today where Kelly Clarkson had endorsed a political candidate and she must have really taken a beating for it because she posted this
The vituperative nature with which we are responding to those whose beliefs are different from ours needs to stop. We need to start seeking to understand. At the most basic level, we all want the same things and we ultimately disagree about how to go about achieving them.

So often people claim to know most and know best...their opinion is obvious, right? heh


In Memoriam - RIP
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America's problems are varied and complicated, our population divided as to how to fix it. Disinformation abounds, designed to divide the working class, middle class and small business class against each other for the benefit of a few. We - as a group - are generally too blinded by the political ideology we have been spoon fed to come together to solve it.

Hence why I gave up ShillSlaying long ago. Why bother spinning ones wheels when it apparently does no good.

Over the years, I've often wondered if "We" will ever have that 'light blub' moment when we collectively realize what really is and if we do, what the catalyst will be? Once realization sinks in, will "We" even bother to do anything about it?

Like Carlin said 'nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care'.

All Else Failed

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Really? And how's that?

people making terrible decisions with their lives has a cumulative effect on communities and the country itself

It is not as simple as pointing to just one group and screeching that they are the only problem.

This is a popular meme exposed by the crowd, since everyone is horrified to actually admit that the problem is not as simple as having a single root cause, and actually might be inflamed by the tyranny of the masses.

America and Western civilization is in serious trouble because of a multitude of reasons.

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Well-Known Member
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people making terrible decisions with their lives has a cumulative effect on communities and the country itself

It is not as simple as pointing to just one group and screeching that they are the only problem.

This is a popular meme exposed by the crowd, since everyone is horrified to actually admit that the problem is not as simple as having a single root cause, and actually might be inflamed by the tyranny of the masses.

America and Western civilization is in serious trouble because of a multitude of reasons.

Good Lord! That's an awful lot of text to read without some kind of goal. Got a synopsis or something?


New Member
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JohnfromOKC...great posts! Keep up the good work. I am impressed with your knowledge. I have learned about lobbying fund ratios from your posts. Regards,Palzz

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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Good Lord! That's an awful lot of text to read without some kind of goal. Got a synopsis or something?

What the masses want is not always good. Winnging stuff through a popularity contest is detestable.

rule by the crowd is simply another form of tyranny and is short sighted due to the fact that crowds are motivated by short-term trends

democracy is simply a precursor to tyranny


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What the masses want is not always good. Winnging stuff through a popularity contest is detestable.

rule by the crowd is simply another form of tyranny and is short sighted due to the fact that crowds are motivated by short-term trends

democracy is simply a precursor to tyranny

For a guy who denys watching, reading and listening to conservobot media, you sure have the propaganda down Koolaid man. :p



Well-Known Member
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What the masses want is not always good. Winnging stuff through a popularity contest is detestable.

rule by the crowd is simply another form of tyranny and is short sighted due to the fact that crowds are motivated by short-term trends

democracy is simply a precursor to tyranny
Pure democracy is indeed tyranny, not just a precursor. It's tyranny of the majority. That's why we balance that with our Constitution. Well, we tried to balance it, and it worked for awhile. Now we have tyranny of the oligarchy. Corporatocracy. ;)