Why I Vote Republican

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Inteligence does not do that they come up with ideas to make it a better world and unit. Of course we team up and challenge each other with ideas, study them and decide what is best. We do not act like little kids who's only contribution is slinging mud to there own while totally blind to the issues.
Who do you imagine you're describing? Certainly not anyone here, not with consistency. Everybody in these conversations get distracted from the high ideal of conversation. Many come purely to make personal attacks and sling mud. I think John and I get under each other's skin because we both have studied & observed and come up with different opinions, and we become irritated that the other can't see what is "obviously" right in front his face. While it would be nice if we were consistently as you describe, not one of us - and certainly not you or I - can claim the high ground you've written about.
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I am describing for sure not you....think you have a clear and respectful mind for conversation and it is very noticeable the difference the way your post are posted.
Now if “bots”, like in the candidate’s campaign could do the same in a way like Obama and Clinton did 3 years ago we may get somewere.
Yours and there’s way of changing and debating is a pleasure to read and/or watch and very constructive.
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Mr Cement really does sound like those candidates "bots”.Instead of providing solutions to the problem they prefer to get personal and attack each other and point fingers.Inteligence does not do that they come up with ideas to make it a better world and unit. Of course we team up and challenge each other with ideas, study them and decide what is best. We do not act like little kids who's only contribution is slinging mud to there own while totally blind to the issues. Without proper reading and/or changing others words and sentences or plain to inadequate to understand what a other is saying they act like a single not united brick of nonsense. Worse is the unwillingness to change after been provided with knowledge and to possess the ability to take of those eye blinds and removing some concrete away from there forehead.Think every little baby can see the difference how Obama and Hillary were competing each other compare to the idiotery what you see now on TV in those bots debates. Some people in USA are so brainwashed that they don’t see anything else anymore and believe that this is some sort of a new life style???? and a way to change we talk,debate,worse Govern ??? I count (and don’t underestimate)on the American peoples intelligence as in the end they will say “enough is enough”. They will not ask for a better deal and share,they will DEMAND some of that oil money to be spend on issues what really matters like fixing and improving social, environmental and educational matters in a exchange of them pocketing money and ruin the land, something we failed to look into better 100 years ago.

Mr Cement.......
Desperate with the name calling again I see....

Instead of providing solutions to the problem they prefer to get personal and attack each other and point fingers.
Whine, whine, whine....:D
Would you like some cheese to go along with it?
Face it....you are an easy target and your commie philosophy is not exactly durable let alone doable.

Inteligence does not do that they come up with ideas to make it a better world and unit.
You are starting out the day with poor grammar and fractured logic.......this is going to be an interesting day, indeed.... :24:

Of course we team up and challenge each other with ideas, study them and decide what is best.
Ah....I see you've voted yourself into the legislature with out even being a citizen.....fantastic :D

We do not act like little kids
You do....go to your first response to me in this thread.....I asked a civil question in a respectful manner and all I got from you was a pile of shit as you tried to evade a simple question.

contribution is slinging mud to there own while totally blind to the issues.
That's funny coming from a poster with a track record of being called out and proven wrong as much as you have.

Without proper reading and/or changing others words and sentences or plain to inadequate to understand what a other is saying they act like a single not united brick of nonsense.
Seriously....you're a hoot :D

Worse is the unwillingness to change after been provided with knowledge and to possess the ability to take of those eye blinds and removing some concrete away from there forehead.
Whine, whine, whine....:D
Let me refresh your memory.....you're the one refusing to back up his claims. And in of all places.....most obvious in this thread.
( shocking, just shocking I tell you :tooth )

Worse is the unwillingness to change after been provided with knowledge and to possess the ability to take of those eye blinds and removing some concrete away from there forehead
Read the previous comment.

Think every little baby can see the difference how Obama and Hillary were competing each other compare to the idiotery what you see now on TV in those bots debates.
Rather early in the morning to be using illegal substances, isn't it?
I haven't a fuckin clue as to what you're trying to say :D

Some people in USA are so brainwashed that they don’t see anything else anymore and believe that this is some sort of a new life style???? and a way to change we talk,debate,worse Govern ???
Seriously......John......make your arguments on your own.....this guy is going to drag you down.

They will not ask for a better deal and share,they will DEMAND some of that oil money to be spend on issues what really matters like fixing and improving social, environmental and educational matters in a exchange of them pocketing money and ruin the land, something we failed to look into better 100 years ago.
You still haven't backed up your claim that oil profits cause a decline in education.
The links I posted and the CS Monitor article obviously went over your head, or you didn't bother reading any of the info .....likely because it would fracture your rigid pinko/leftist/commie philosophy ( :D )

Take note, banned.......you haven't bothered to refute any of my successful challenges on your bullshit.
Not even try.
Worse, you even refuse challenges. And not just from me.

All I see you doing is using this forum as a billboard to promote your extremism.

Have a nice day :D


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Your own denial of reality is just as illogical as those on the far right.
And teaming up with banned does nothing to promote what ever credibility you think you have.

No denial here Stone. I spent many years as, and thousands of dollars supporting conservative and libertarian causes. I read every book Ayn Rand wrote and read Atlas Shrugged twice. I listened to every right wing talk show that aired and read dozens of conservative books. I used to believe liberalism was the scourge of the free world. Then I watched Supply Side trickle down economics fail miserably after observing it over 30 years of my working life.

I now consider all that money and time spent reading and listening to right wing propaganda my tuition to the "University of Live and Learn".

You see - all this stuff you conservo-libertarians (or whatever you claim to be for now) present to make your case, I have already been there, done that and found the truth to be otherwise.

And banned is a very intelligent guy with English as his second language. If you guys would actually attempt to understand instead of attacking him, you might learn something - assuming you would actually like to learn something.


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I am describing for sure not you....think you have a clear and respectful mind for conversation and it is very noticeable the difference the way your post are posted.
Now if “bots”, like in the candidate’s campaign could do the same in a way like Obama and Clinton did 3 years ago we may get somewere.
Yours and there’s way of changing and debating is a pleasure to read and/or watch and very constructive.

I am describing for sure not you
It's rather obvious you're addressing.....me :D

Let me ask you again.....from a point of logic ............what makes you think that the mere act of changing the economic system of a corrupt society is a solution to correct the wrongs and inequalities that exist?


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Mr. Cement ...this name is a term of endearment for you..

(spectators ...please take note off the difference and the style of posting I earlier mentioned to Accountable)


Well-Known Member
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No denial here Stone. I spent many years as, and thousands of dollars supporting conservative and libertarian causes. I read every book Ayn Rand wrote and read Atlas Shrugged twice. I listened to every right wing talk show that aired and read dozens of conservative books. I used to believe liberalism was the scourge of the free world. Then I watched Supply Side trickle down economics fail miserably after observing it over 30 years of my working life.

I now consider all that money and time spent reading and listening to right wing propaganda my tuition to the "University of Live and Learn".

You see - all this stuff you conservo-libertarians (or whatever you claim to be for now) present to make your case, I have already been there, done that and found the truth to be otherwise.

And banned is a very intelligent guy with English as his second language. If you guys would actually attempt to understand instead of attacking him, you might learn something - assuming you would actually like to learn something.

No denial here Stone.
There is, John......every time I point out that there is more to the economic equation than just the influence of corporatism, you do go into denial.

I spent many years as, and thousands of dollars supporting conservative and libertarian causes.
That's really irrelevant to the discussion.
It matters not what you once believed, only what you believe in today's environment and how you translate that into your perceived reality.

You see - all this stuff you conservo-libertarians (or whatever you claim to be for now) present to make your case, I have already been there, done that and found the truth to be otherwise.
You've become polarized.
The 'truth' has elements of both liberalism and conservatism, but neither as absolutes.
In our present political situation, as power is passed from one extreme to the next, the benefits of one model are compromised by the next.

But a corrupt society isn't going to benefit from either.
( as a generality, of course )
It struggles to fail.


Well-Known Member
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Mr. Cement ...this name is a term of endearment for you..

(spectators ...please take note off the difference and the style of posting I earlier mentioned to Accountable)

Please.......I much prefer personal honesty over your disingenuous slights :D

(spectators ...please take note off the difference and the style of posting I earlier mentioned to Accountable)
Yes, you have made a spectacle of yourself :D