Conservobots will never even attempt to understand. They'll just say things like "throwing money at a problem never works" or some other rehashed Limbaugh idiom (none of them actually listen to Limbaugh though

Ironically, many conservobots are broke, and one job loss from homeless. But they still manage to defend the individuals who make millions but only pay a 15% tax rate while they pay 20% + all the payroll & state taxes and such. They blame unions for all of America's economic problems, which even though they know unions are tiny compared even a single oil company or a retail giant like Walmart - they parrot whatever the conservobot talk radio monkeys say.
That's some powerful Kooliade to make folks vote against their own best interests. They seem to have this subconcious dream that if they defend the 15% club, they will somehow get inducted into it. Even the wealthiest are surprised by this - they have their own wannabee Praetorian Guards to defend them, free of charge, from the toiling masses. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, right?
Sad really. They are the oligarchy's useful idiots - but they can't see it. So round and round we go with yet another circular argument that ends, as always, with nearly broke conservo-libertarian-bots defending the 15% club, and blaming unions and teachers for for America's demise.