Why I Vote Republican

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So John... do you think that there is a correlation between oil company profits and declining educational standards? If so, why, and what led you to that conclusion?

Think of it this way Retro - How many billions in oil and lives and other materials did we burn in Iraq for the enrichment of the military industrial complex in order to protect the intersts of big oil? How about the billions we are paying Wall Street in interest to finance the oil wars?

Compare that amount of money to the relative pennies we spend on education. And where do conservatives scream the loudest for cuts?

Get it now?
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In your studies did you ever came across about a research book named 'Fossil Fuels,Oil companies and Indigenous Peoples". ?


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On an unrelated note to the current discussion, I saw this on Facebook and found it funny as fuck. :p



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Think of it this way Retro - How many billions in oil and lives and other materials did we burn in Iraq for the enrichment of the military industrial complex in order to protect the intersts of big oil? How about the billions we are paying Wall Street in interest to finance the oil wars?

Compare that amount of money to the relative pennies we spend on education. And where do conservatives scream the loudest for cuts?

Get it now?

What do oil profits have to do with educational spending? You're drawing a conclusion where none exists. You also haven't addressed the fact that here in California, some of the school districts that spend the most money per student have some of the lowest test scores. Throwing money at a problem isn't going to fix it. That's my whole point. How is the fact that oil companies make money directly related to the decline of education? Oil companies would still be making profits regardless of actions taken in Iraq and elsewhere. You could claim that Microsoft making as much money as it did in the 90s and early 2000s also contributed to declining educational standards. There wouldn't be any merit to it, but it's just as tenuous a connection as claiming that oil profits have done the same thing. The MIC argument is valid in that it's a huge reason why we went to war, but nothing says that the money spent there would have been spent on education. Or even if it was spent on education, there's nothing proving that more money thrown that direction would have done anything either.


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Oh, and in regards to your argument that conservatives scream loudest for cuts in Education... I guess I again prove that I'm not a conservative. I believe that we need to have cuts in the military, and I believe that educational spending should be increased, but not on a federal level. It is a state and local municipality level issue, and they are the ones that should be handling these types of things. But again, I'm a state's rights proponent.


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You see John ...this is what I tried to avoid LOL...You have funnn...:willy_nilly:No vision...no plans...just a downgraded education system way down the tube compare to other Western Nations.What about using some oil money to upgrade but hey that wont fix it huh?So we just do nothing and carry on like we did the last 100 years with oil companies on the same way.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Oh, and in regards to your argument that conservatives scream loudest for cuts in Education... I guess I again prove that I'm not a conservative. I believe that we need to have cuts in the military, and I believe that educational spending should be increased, but not on a federal level. It is a state and local municipality level issue, and they are the ones that should be handling these types of things. But again, I'm a state's rights proponent.

Then we have the example of Highland Park, MI and their school district

They have expected expenditures of 20 million and only 11 million in revenue. They are as mismanaged as you can get and are trying to get out of the State taking over with an emergency manager. Highland Park is a very tiny city located within the Detroit city limits and is very, very poor. In that light one of the school board idiots was on the radio the other day pleading for the district to keep its autonomy. When the radio host made the observation that with 20 million dollars those kids could be sent to the most expensive and elite private schools in the area. Where tuition is on par with state colleges. I swear she was dumbstruck as there was at least a 10 second pause before she could respond. Which was with bullshit.

Carry on
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Which means that there's nothing to explain. You're talking out of your ass, which is about par for the course. Be prepared to back up your claims when you make them, otherwise they just get disregarded as complete idiocy.

Maybe by you.... but don't assume you speak for all....or you gonna be and end up in the same corner as Mr Cement ....:willy_nilly:

And that would be kicking your ass...............


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Think of it this way Retro - How many billions in oil and lives and other materials did we burn in Iraq for the enrichment of the military industrial complex in order to protect the intersts of big oil? How about the billions we are paying Wall Street in interest to finance the oil wars?

Compare that amount of money to the relative pennies we spend on education. And where do conservatives scream the loudest for cuts?

Get it now?

All you have to do is a general google search on educational spending to find there are no cutbacks across the nation as banned is claiming.

And where do conservatives scream the loudest for cuts?
Education is one , but they were arguing to disband public school systems in favor of private and charter schools long before the 2007/2008 financial crisis.

What banned needs to prove is that educational funding is being cut as he claimed and that just isn't so.

banned made a claim he can not back up and isn't man/honest enough to correct it.

How many billions in oil and lives and other materials did we burn in Iraq for the enrichment of the military industrial complex in order to protect the intersts of big oil? How about the billions we are paying Wall Street in interest to finance the oil wars?
More like trillions, and it is negatively impacting the economy......but educational spending keeps increasing.
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You see John ...this is what I tried to avoid LOL...You have funnn...:willy_nilly:No vision...no plans...just a downgraded education system way down the tube compare to other Western Nations.What about using some oil money to upgrade but hey that wont fix it huh?So we just do nothing and carry on like we did the last 100 years with oil companies on the same way.

The issue is mostly the quality of educators within the school systems.


You can thank the NEA for a lot of that problem.


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You see John ...this is what I tried to avoid LOL...You have funnn...:willy_nilly:No vision...no plans...just a downgraded education system way down the tube compare to other Western Nations.What about using some oil money to upgrade but hey that wont fix it huh?So we just do nothing and carry on like we did the last 100 years with oil companies on the same way.

Conservobots will never even attempt to understand. They'll just say things like "throwing money at a problem never works" or some other rehashed Limbaugh idiom (none of them actually listen to Limbaugh though :rolleyes:)

Ironically, many conservobots are broke, and one job loss from homeless. But they still manage to defend the individuals who make millions but only pay a 15% tax rate while they pay 20% + all the payroll & state taxes and such. They blame unions for all of America's economic problems, which even though they know unions are tiny compared even a single oil company or a retail giant like Walmart - they parrot whatever the conservobot talk radio monkeys say.

That's some powerful Kooliade to make folks vote against their own best interests. They seem to have this subconcious dream that if they defend the 15% club, they will somehow get inducted into it. Even the wealthiest are surprised by this - they have their own wannabee Praetorian Guards to defend them, free of charge, from the toiling masses. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, right? ;)

Sad really. They are the oligarchy's useful idiots - but they can't see it. So round and round we go with yet another circular argument that ends, as always, with nearly broke conservo-libertarian-bots defending the 15% club, and blaming unions and teachers for for America's demise.


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Conservobots will never even attempt to understand. They'll just say things like "throwing money at a problem never works" or some other rehashed Limbaugh idiom (none of them actually listen to Limbaugh though :rolleyes:)

Ironically, many conservobots are broke, and one job loss from homeless. But they still manage to defend the individuals who make millions but only pay a 15% tax rate while they pay 20% + all the payroll & state taxes and such. They blame unions for all of America's economic problems, which even though they know unions are tiny compared even a single oil company or a retail giant like Walmart - they parrot whatever the conservobot talk radio monkeys say.

That's some powerful Kooliade to make folks vote against their own best interests. They seem to have this subconcious dream that if they defend the 15% club, they will somehow get inducted into it. Even the wealthiest are surprised by this - they have their own wannabee Praetorian Guards to defend them, free of charge, from the toiling masses. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, right? ;)

Sad really. They are the oligarchy's useful idiots - but they can't see it. So round and round we go with yet another circular argument that ends, as always, with nearly broke conservo-libertarian-bots defending the 15% club, and blaming unions and teachers for for America's demise.

Your own denial of reality is just as illogical as those on the far right.
And teaming up with banned does nothing to promote what ever credibility you think you have.


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Your own denial of reality is just as illogical as those on the far right.
And teaming up with banned does nothing to promote what ever credibility you think you have.
Mr Cement really does sound like those candidates "bots”.Instead of providing solutions to the problem they prefer to get personal and attack each other and point fingers.Inteligence does not do that they come up with ideas to make it a better world and unite. Of course we team up and challenge each other with ideas, study them and decide what is best. We do not act like little kids who's only contribution is slinging mud to there own while totally blind to the issues. Without proper reading and/or changing others words and sentences or plain to inadequate to understand what a other is saying they act like a single not united brick of nonsense. Worse is the unwillingness to change after been provided with knowledge and to possess the ability to take of those eye blinds and removing some concrete away from there forehead.Think every little baby can see the difference how Obama and Hillary were competing each other compare to the idiotery what you see now on TV in those bots debates. Some people in USA are so brainwashed that they don’t see anything else anymore and believe that this is some sort of a new life style???? and a way to change we talk,debate,worse Govern ??? I count (and don’t underestimate)on the American peoples intelligence as in the end they will say “enough is enough”. They will not ask for a better deal and share,they will DEMAND some of that oil money to be spend on issues what really matters like fixing and improving social, environmental and educational matters in a exchange of them pocketing money and ruin the land, something we failed to look into better 100 years ago.
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