Why I Vote Republican

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Hey...think you guy's are smart enough to make the connection :willy_nilly:...if not start voting lefty to upgrade public education than there might be hope for ya !!!:24:

You do realize that simply throwing money at something isn't going to fix problems, right? I live in California, where we spend more money on education than any other state in the country... and yet our education system is among the worst in the country. But that's typical socialist behavior... keep spending money and hope that it fixes it.

Now, please explain how private oil companies making a profit harms education. Do you have any actual hard data to support your claims? Or are you just making things up?
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Hey...think you guy's are smart enough to make the connection :willy_nilly:...if not start voting lefty to upgrade public education than there might be hope for ya !!!:24:

Public schools are run by local governments with state and Federal oversight.....and funded through taxation.
The teachers union, NEA, is the largest and strongest union in the US.
The schools are owned by local governments and are staffed by union labor.
Hardly a capitalist formula.

How would you remake the US public school system to an even greater socialistic format?

( English, please :D )

And as retro brought up.......what is the connection of the oil industry to public education?


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Been through this before guy's it all has to do with fair sharing and making sure kids from middle class and /or poor incomes have the same education opportunities as any other little born baby but sorry not gonna repeat myself.I have been there with Mr stone in front of his forhead and that was enough.When you come full circle in a conversation thats it.Some people will never get it and than you just live on and do what you think is best.:cool


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Been through this before guy's it all has to do with fair sharing and making sure kids from middle class and /or poor incomes have the same education opportunities as any other little born baby but sorry not gonna repeat myself.I have been there with Mr stone in front of his forhead and that was enough.When you come full circle in a conversation thats it.Some people will never get it and than you just live on and do what you think is best.:cool

Why don't you answer the question? Please explain how you're correlating education with oil companies making money. If you're going to say shit like that, be prepared to back it up.


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Why don't you answer the question? Please explain how you're correlating education with oil companies making money. If you're going to say shit like that, be prepared to back it up.
Sorry man ...I gave you an answer...I said you are smart enough to make the connection and if you think or believe its shit than its just like that and I am ok with that.
(Not interesting in arguing or providing long length evidence off figures, as it will never make the light shine for some.)


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Sorry man ...I gave you an answer...I said you are smart enough to make the connection and if you think or believe its shit than its just like that and I am ok with that.
(Not interesting in arguing or providing long length evidence off figures, as it will never make the light shine for some.)

Where is your answer? Seriously. If you're going to claim something, back it up. You haven't proved your point... you've merely insinuated that if people can't draw the same bizarre conclusion that you have, that they're unintelligent.


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Been through this before guy's it all has to do with fair sharing and making sure kids from middle class and /or poor incomes have the same education opportunities as any other little born baby but sorry not gonna repeat myself.I have been there with Mr stone in front of his forhead and that was enough.When you come full circle in a conversation thats it.Some people will never get it and than you just live on and do what you think is best.:cool

Been through this before guy's it all has to do with fair sharing
How much is 'fair sharing'?
For instance......if you add up all the wealth of the super wealthy....essentially the Forbes 400......and confiscate every single dollar they have, you wouldn't have enough to cover the 2011 Federal deficit. Do you understand that?
If you tax them, say even 90% on all that they earned in 2011, the revenue generated would be even less....a smaller fraction of their holdings.
So....the problem is not about fair sharing.
It's about an economy that's not supporting it's own infrastructure. It's failing the middle class.
And much of that does come about from how certain elements have abused our financial system in order to generate wealth.

making sure kids from middle class and /or poor incomes have the same education opportunities as any other little born baby
Nice goal, but you keep claiming that instituting socialism is the savior.
And I'm asking how.
You claim....I ask how....and you dodge the question.

I have been there with Mr stone in front of his forhead and that was enough.
Do you mean 'in my face'?......all I remember was you claiming all the debt in the US was my fault because I'm a US citizen.
A non sequitur.
And now you claim you are about to be a US citizen.
Your logic is all wonky :D

When you come full circle in a conversation thats it.
Well.......here you are claiming the oil companies are in some way responsible for the condition of public education.
I would like to see how you came to that conclusion.

.Some people will never get it and than you just live on and do what you think is best.
In other words, you aren't going to even try to explain your claim.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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You can tax the rich all you want but it will not solve anything

It will help like putting a bandaid on a throat that is slashed

The federal govt needs to live within its means the same as they are forcing the states to

The whole concept of this nation has been turned upside down. It was never meant for the feds to run roughshod over the states

Instead we have the states basically begging or being coerced into what the fed wants

The farther control is away from local control the more it is likely there is corruption and we now have that in spades in DC. On a local level it is at least a bit more manageable but it all is pretty damn sickening.


Of course


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Congratulations on your citizenship!

That's quite an accomplishment. Most Americans can't even speak English correctly, much less another language.
Most Dutch citizen can speak and write in 4 lanquages ...its compulsary/mandatory at high school..thanks to what they here call European socialism but here they have absolutely NO idea what it realy means.It is as pathetic as in the cold war were every one in USA saw a communist arround and behind each corner and investigate with a FBI report even a simple soul like John Lennon with there paranoia.Same sort of money down the drain as thinking that Iraq was having WMD.All this sort of clownery has made this country on its knees to make sure that the oil companies can keep producing record profits and of course now it is the fold of the economy and a lot of other crap what makes us bleed to cut on education,services and that little bitty of welfare there is available here.
You can give it any name what you want but I lived in NZ for 25 years and in Holland an other 30 if you want to call it socialism there than I am all for it goz what I see here in the last 10 years were your so fantastic capitalism brought you forward to is a 50 % poverty,way behind education,sick people whom dieng and can not afford any healthcare and so on and what is even worse is that some trying to keep it that way.
Never seen in a country so many people with rotten teeth in there mouth as here...wtf...what a paradise that capitalism and not to mention that so called (FAKE) Freedom they are so proud of..the only freedom thing what excist here is the worship of a dollar towards florissing boob and face lift factory's or even trades in body parts from poor countries and there hungry young lives and than I even leave the wapon indusry out of this mess.
Its about time people are going to do something and speak up for this country and say enough is enough...but NO its like an old American record to do things against there on interest over and over again ...even now you try to elect a guy whom was punished for integrity misuse to become president ...what a joke.
Some do never learn.
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You can tax the rich all you want but it will not solve anything

Yeah, ok. Lets just fucking give up and take our ass fucking. AA says so, must be so.

It will help like putting a bandaid on a throat that is slashed

You saw this in your crystal ball did you?

The federal govt needs to live within its means the same as they are forcing the states to

I can go with that. And those that got rich off of our labor and infrastructure can pitch in a higher percentage.

The whole concept of this nation has been turned upside down. It was never meant for the feds to run roughshod over the states

So what exactly does that mean? We should have 50 independent countries?

Instead we have the states basically begging or being coerced into what the fed wants

I don't know too many states who have done a very good job at governing themselves - do you?

The farther control is away from local control the more it is likely there is corruption and we now have that in spades in DC. On a local level it is at least a bit more manageable but it all is pretty damn sickening.

So.........You guys are doing quite the job at managing corruption at the local level in Michigan I see.:sarcasm

Look - we have to start somewhere. Right now the top 1% has bent the rules in their favor. It happens when the federal legislature - the political class - are nearly all card carrying members of the top 1%.

And some people think that by putting even more Supply Side politicians in DC and at state levels will improve things?


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Most Dutch citizen can speak and write in 4 lanquages ...its compulsary/mandatory at high school..thanks to what they here call European socialism but here they have absolutely NO idea what it realy means.It is as pathetic as in the cold war were every one in USA saw a communist arround and behind each corner and investigate with a FBI report even a simple soul like John Lennon with there paranoia.Same sort of money down the drain as thinking that Iraq was having WMD.All this sort of clownery has made this country on its knees to make sure that the oil companies can keep producing record profits and of course now it is the fold of the economy and a lot of other crap what makes us bleed to cut on education,services and that little bitty of welfare there is available here.
You can give it any name what you want but I lived in NZ for 25 years and in Holland an other 30 if you want to call it socialism there than I am all for it goz what I see here in the last 10 years were your so fantastic capitalism brought you forward to is a 50 % poverty,way behind education,sick people whom dieng and can not afford any healthcare and so on and what is even worse is that some trying to keep it that way.
Never seen in a country so many people with rotten teeth in there mouth as here...wtf...what a paradise that capitalism.

thanks to what they here call European socialism but here they have absolutely NO idea what it realy means
So far, I haven't seen you offer an explanation of what European socialism is.

It is as pathetic as in the cold war were every one in USA saw a communist arround and behind each corner and investigate with a FBI report
One of your major flaws is speaking in absolutes.

Same sort of money down the drain as thinking that Iraq was having WMD.
The cold war was about superpower domination between the Soviets and the US.
The invasion of Iraq was about the Bush faction and it's backers controlling oil resources.
As a news journalist, this should have been obvious to you.

All this sort of clownery has made this country on its knees to make sure that the oil companies can keep producing record profits and of course now it is the fold of the economy and a lot of other crap what makes us bleed to cut on education
Please show statistics where the funding of public education has been reduced on a national scale because of profiteering in the oil industry.
All I've been seeing are increases in educational spending.
Here....look at anyone of these links in a google search....all relate to increases in spending.

You make up a lot of bullshit.

You can give it any name what you want but I lived in NZ for 25 years and in Holland an other 30
I don't give a rat's ass where you lived.
I don't give a rat's ass where you live today.

if you want to call it socialism there than I am all for it goz what I see here in the last 10 years were your so fantastic capitalism brought you forward to is a 50 % poverty
If it's so bad here and so great there, why are you becoming a citizen of this country?
What makes you think a corrupt society is any better off just because it changes it's economic model?
Why do I even bother to ask why......you avoid explaining your claims.

Never seen in a country so many people with rotten teeth in there mouth as here...wtf...what a paradise that capitalism.
If you don't like the way we smile, don't let the door hit you on your ass on the way out :tooth

Anyway....England is the nation famous for bad dental health.



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Ego my friend...is the best example of a bad name some can give there country and will make that country hated all over the world.
Think about it and GROW up !!!!:yukand Retro you can wait till ya nose grows longer....:willy_nilly::24:
Btw ..no idea what England has to do with it ....and sure there will be other countries to finger point for bad teeth....
I was comparing it to 2 countries were I have extensively lived ...you ever lived anywere other than your GREAT AMERICA ? ( not talking about a cruise to the carabean )
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And some people think that by putting even more Supply Side politicians in DC and at state levels will improve things?

On that point, I think we agree............supply side/trickle down economics hasn't worked for the general public and probably never will. It does focus wealth generation unfairly to those of wealth, because of the political/economic power wealth wields.
But I see more destruction in how massive wealth was generated in the recent past by deregulation and blindness to regulation ( banking industry in particular ) in comparison to their ( the ultra wealthy ) tax advantages.


Well-Known Member
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Ego my friend...is the best example of a bad name some can give there country and will make that country hated all over the world.
Think about it and GROW up !!!!:yukand Retro you can wait till ya nose grows longer....:willy_nilly::24:
Btw ..no idea what England has to do with it ....and sure there will be other countries to finger point for bad teeth....
I was comparing it to 2 countries were I have extensively lived ...you ever lived anywere other than your GREAT AMERICA ? ( not talking about a cruise to the carabean )

Avoidance to debate is all you offer.

Ego my friend...is the best example of a bad name some can give there country and will make that country hated all over the world.
Same old fallback......ad hominem attack.

Think about it and GROW up !!!!:yuk
Seriously, as a once professional journalist, can't you post something more convincing?
Like... something worthy of debate.

Btw ..no idea what England has to do with it ....and sure there will be other countries to finger point for bad teeth....
You are the one that brought up bad teeth in a discussion about education.
Looked like avoidance to address the topic you started with in this thread.

I was comparing it to 2 countries were I have extensively lived
But if you find so much wrong with the US and so much right about NZ......why are you becoming a citizen of the US?
Why are you even living here if you don't like our society?

you ever lived anywere other than your GREAT AMERICA ?
Again, seeing how you seem to despise the US, why are you living here?
I think that's a fair question considering how I haven't seen one positive comment on why you want to be a US citizen, but show a love for another nation.

I think you are the King of Non Sequiturs :D


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and Retro you can wait till ya nose grows longer....:willy_nilly::24:

So wait... you're trying to imply that I'm lying by asking you to explain your bullshit equivalency of oil profits and education? :24:

You're about as bad as mazhur. Spew off a bunch of bullshit, then refuse to back it up and instead try to insult people.


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So wait... you're trying to imply that I'm lying by asking you to explain your bullshit equivalency of oil profits and education? :24:

You're about as bad as mazhur. Spew off a bunch of bullshit, then refuse to back it up and instead try to insult people.
Did I say anywere that you were lying ????If I did than I am sorry ...but if you believe in fairy tales than it is completely understandable.....:24:


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so its safe to say that Dana does not vote Republican... he just finds you tube videos....not even a comment from him at all...interesting...

Carry on....


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Did I say anywere that you were lying ????If I did than I am sorry ...but if you believe in fairy tales than it is completely understandable.....:24:

When you tell someone that their nose is growing, the implication is that they are lying. That's obviously because of the tale of Pinocchio... I don't believe that someone's nose physically grows due to lying, but you knew very well what your intent in saying that was.


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Lying came not into my mind Retro...English is a second lingo to me and it was the first frase what came into mine as I read often in those lenghty
political discussions here people making things up the way they go.Take it for what you believe but my apology's for making you think I called you a liar as that was not my intention from the start.I am sorry.