Why I am voting for McCain/Palin tomorrow

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Leather N Lace

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Its pretty easy to understand. I've said it over and over. You believe certain believe genetically are doomed to a life of crime and I believe that's bullshit--its pretty simple. I wonder if you would correlate higher crime rates among miniorities as a genetic predisposition????

Psychopathic personality traits: heritability and genetic overlap with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology


Little research has examined genetic and environmental contributions to psychopathic personality traits. Additionally, no studies have examined etiological connections between psychopathic traits and the broad psychopathological domains of internalizing (mood and anxiety) and externalizing (antisocial behavior, substance abuse). The current study was designed to fill these gaps in the literature.


Participants were 626 pairs of 17-year-old male and female twins from the community. Psychopathic traits were indexed using scores on the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ). Symptoms of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology were obtained via structured clinical interviews. Structural equation modeling was used to estimate genetic and environmental influences on psychopathic personality traits as well as the degree of genetic overlap between these traits and composites of internalizing and externalizing.


Twin analyses revealed significant genetic influence on distinct psychopathic traits (Fearless Dominance and Impulsive Antisociality). Moreover, Fearless Dominance was associated with reduced genetic risk for internalizing psychopathology, and Impulsive Antisociality was associated with increased genetic risk for externalizing psychopathology.


These results indicate that different psychopathic traits as measured by the MPQ show distinct genetically based relations with broad dimensions of DSM psychopathology.
Link here: Psychopathic personality traits: heritability and genetic overlap with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology

For those mentally challenged attorneys out there -- This study concluded that different psychopathic traits are genetically based, and that genetics are linked to whether the psychopath will have a mood disorder or become involved in antisocial behavior.

Now, Mulder --- SHUT THE FUCK UP!
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For those mentally challenged attorneys out there -- This study concluded that different psychopathic traits are genetically based, and that genetics are linked to whether the psychopath will have a mood disorder or become involved in antisocial behavior.
so do you think that its possible that children born of rape will grow up to rape?

Fox Mulder

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Link here: Psychopathic personality traits: heritability and genetic overlap with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology

For those mentally challenged attorneys out there -- This study concluded that different psychopathic traits are genetically based, and that genetics are linked to whether the psychopath will have a mood disorder or become involved in antisocial behavior.

Now, Mulder --- SHUT THE FUCK UP!

That's interesting--from your own study, which is dated February of 2008:

In terms of etiology, while many studies have investigated phenotypes related to psychopathy (e.g. delinquency, antisocial behavior), very little is known about the genetic and environmental structure of psychopathy per se, as virtually no studies have investigated the genetic and environmental contributions to the interpersonal-affective traits

I thought you said this was proven and established--that study implies very little is known about the correlation between genetics and environment on interpersonal-affective traits. So essentially you are basing everything on this one study?

And the study itself conceded problems:

Second, despite the advantages of our sample (e.g. community sample, men and women), we utilized adolescents (17 years old) rather than adults to examine the heritability and underlying genetic relations of psychopathy. Thus, future investigations are needed to examine whether the present findings will generalize to an adult sample

So they drew conclusions from sets of 17 year old twins? You are confidant that extrapolates to the general population of adults. Because I don't know too many mass murdering 17 year olds.

Finally, this study says absolutely nothing about criminal behavior and by necessity relies on classifiying people within certain personality groups.

For example, I could readily conclude that you have self esteem and anger management issues (i.e., "Mulder shut the fuck up" and "Did you learn how to be such an arrogant prick from your parents") and classify you as such. Does that correlate with a pyschopathic personality? Perhaps/perhaps not.

The problem that you will continually run into is that there is no way to conclusively establiish any correlation between criminal activity and genetics because there are far too many variables at play. You cannot isolate those variable sufficiently to draw a reliable conclusion. This is not that hard to grasp.

Again Leather Face--the problem is this statement by you:

but some people are just born criminals. And there's nothing that will change that.

that gets you into trouble. It simply cannot be supported by any evidence (even if it were true).

Fox Mulder

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so do you think that its possible that children born of rape will grow up to rape?

Not just possible or even probable--she's saying that for some of them, it is an absolute genetic certainty--there is nothing that can change it. That's a fairly amazing claim.

Leather N Lace

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That's interesting--from your own study, which is dated February of 2008:


You know, I don't know why I bothered. I knew that no matter what study I posted, you would find something wrong with it. No matter what I did, you were never going to back down or accept that you might be wrong. It's what you do. You'd rather try to convince someone that you really said "day" when what you said was "night".

I really should feel sorry for you. All you know how to do is label people. If I think you're wrong about something, and I tell you that, I'm either a "liberal touchy feely feminist man hater" or I "have self esteem and anger management issues", which may or may not be psychopathic traits. Or, maybe I'm all of the above.

What's really funny is you don't know a thing about me. You have no idea who I am or where I'm from or how old I am. So how can you even think about labeling me. I on the other hand know a lot about you. More than you could guess. So, I know what I'm talking about when I call you an arrogant prick. There is no anger in that statement. It's just a statement -- but, it also happens to be true.

So, why don't you stop while you think you're ahead, and let it go. Here, I'll even give you a trophy:


Now, will you shut the fuck up?

GoldDust Woman

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I've got an idea! Let's get Scott Peterson and raise Jeffery Dahmer from the dead and let them tell us first hand! :24:

Now, how's about the both of you shutting the F up, hmmmm? :surrender

Fox Mulder

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I on the other hand know a lot about you. More than you could guess. So, I know what I'm talking about when I call you an arrogant prick.

Whew--that's a lot of anger--you must be one of the many women I used for sex--sorry I don't remember you--you must not have been very good!!! :cool

You too Jonesie!!! :24::24::24:

Minor Axis

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One issue that I feel strongly about is the war in Iraq. I agree with McCains position on continuing there until victory is achieved.

What is the victory that you and John McCain seek? What has been achieved in this conflict?

I always liked the idea of kicking the shit out of Al Queda in Afghanistan, but our fearless leader dropped the ball there 5 years ago. At this point in time all we can achieve in Iraq is get them stabilized at the cost of close to a trillion dollars, thousands of U.S. military deaths, and tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers who will never be the same, and who know how many Iraqis casualties. That is not my definition of victory, it's digging our selves out of a huge national mistake, one that has cost us a significant amount of our international standing and pride, with a large cost to our humanity.


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I obviously have no option of voting considering im english lol...but this statement kinda attracted me.

I just wondered if your views would be the same if a woman had been raped?...and was forced to give birth to a child who she will never love?
I also just wanted to point out...that instead of prohibiting Abortion....Maybe prohibiting sex completely outside of marriage??...
After all, all this law will enforce will be desperate woman who will resolve to olden time standards of trying to abort there unborn fetus......

Dont get me wrong...i am against abortion for the reasons of lack of birth control...but you cant put a stigma on every situation in a persons life....If a woman was told her baby would die @ birth...would she not have an option to end that trauma?

Just a thought...

There are so many couples in the US who want to adopt a child that I think that is always an option... and as a mother I can't truly understand how difficult it would be to carry a child that each movement you felt brought back pain & an emotional flood of bad memories... While I do not agree with abortion I feel that this a VERY delicate matter not to mention VERY hard to be die hard for or against when given different scenarios!


Back By Unpopular Demand
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Here's why I voted for McCain, and it's the same reason why I'm depressed as hell this morning. The war in Iraq is a very personal issue for me, since I spent a year of my life over there. 5 years after the war started, I don't think the reason we went into Iraq in the first place should be an issue anymore. Maybe we shouldn't have gone in, but it's all semantics now because we are there. I feel, as a country, it's our responsibility to clean up the mess we've made. We toppled a government, we shouldn't leave until there is a new, stable government in place.

That's my biggest problem with Obama, he ran his campaign based around us "withdrawing" (and by withdrawing I mean losing) a war. I think once this country goes to war, we need to do everything we can to achieve victory. I don't think defeat should be an option. And if we leave in the near future, it will be a defeat. Any security gains we've made there in the last two years can be lost overnight.

I know far too many Vietnam veterans who have had to live with the fact that their country basically abandoned all their sacrifices and gave up on the war they gave so much to win. I didn't want "my war" to end up like that. I feel like the friends that I've lost over there deserve better from the country that put them there in the first place. Make no mistake about it, they wanted to be there. They believed in the mission. I saw the Iraqi people rejoicing in the streets for weeks after Saddam was put down like the animal he was. I saw first-hand the civilians risking their lives to give us information about insurgent activities, because they believe in our mission. I believe in the mission too.

I think it's absolute crap that the very government who was so quick to send our military to war is now so quickly trying to end it before we've done what I feel we are obligated to do. It reminds me of the saying "What's popular isn't always right, and what's right isn't always popular." It's a shame we won't have a leader who will stand up for what's right.


DT3's Twinkie
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Here's why I voted for McCain, and it's the same reason why I'm depressed as hell this morning. The war in Iraq is a very personal issue for me, since I spent a year of my life over there. 5 years after the war started, I don't think the reason we went into Iraq in the first place should be an issue anymore. Maybe we shouldn't have gone in, but it's all semantics now because we are there. I feel, as a country, it's our responsibility to clean up the mess we've made. We toppled a government, we shouldn't leave until there is a new, stable government in place.

That's my biggest problem with Obama, he ran his campaign based around us "withdrawing" (and by withdrawing I mean losing) a war. I think once this country goes to war, we need to do everything we can to achieve victory. I don't think defeat should be an option. And if we leave in the near future, it will be a defeat. Any security gains we've made there in the last two years can be lost overnight.

I know far too many Vietnam veterans who have had to live with the fact that their country basically abandoned all their sacrifices and gave up on the war they gave so much to win. I didn't want "my war" to end up like that. I feel like the friends that I've lost over there deserve better from the country that put them there in the first place. Make no mistake about it, they wanted to be there. They believed in the mission. I saw the Iraqi people rejoicing in the streets for weeks after Saddam was put down like the animal he was. I saw first-hand the civilians risking their lives to give us information about insurgent activities, because they believe in our mission. I believe in the mission too.

I think it's absolute crap that the very government who was so quick to send our military to war is now so quickly trying to end it before we've done what I feel we are obligated to do. It reminds me of the saying "What's popular isn't always right, and what's right isn't always popular." It's a shame we won't have a leader who will stand up for what's right.

Looks like you need a hug:D


Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Here's why I voted for McCain, and it's the same reason why I'm depressed as hell this morning. The war in Iraq is a very personal issue for me, since I spent a year of my life over there. 5 years after the war started, I don't think the reason we went into Iraq in the first place should be an issue anymore. Maybe we shouldn't have gone in, but it's all semantics now because we are there. I feel, as a country, it's our responsibility to clean up the mess we've made. We toppled a government, we shouldn't leave until there is a new, stable government in place.

That's my biggest problem with Obama, he ran his campaign based around us "withdrawing" (and by withdrawing I mean losing) a war. I think once this country goes to war, we need to do everything we can to achieve victory. I don't think defeat should be an option. And if we leave in the near future, it will be a defeat. Any security gains we've made there in the last two years can be lost overnight.

I know far too many Vietnam veterans who have had to live with the fact that their country basically abandoned all their sacrifices and gave up on the war they gave so much to win. I didn't want "my war" to end up like that. I feel like the friends that I've lost over there deserve better from the country that put them there in the first place. Make no mistake about it, they wanted to be there. They believed in the mission. I saw the Iraqi people rejoicing in the streets for weeks after Saddam was put down like the animal he was. I saw first-hand the civilians risking their lives to give us information about insurgent activities, because they believe in our mission. I believe in the mission too.

I think it's absolute crap that the very government who was so quick to send our military to war is now so quickly trying to end it before we've done what I feel we are obligated to do. It reminds me of the saying "What's popular isn't always right, and what's right isn't always popular." It's a shame we won't have a leader who will stand up for what's right.

that is about as well stated as possible. :thumbup


Gimme Some Heat!
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I'm thinking I've seen 2 women get it on, on video.... but 2 men... :yuk :yuk :yuk :yuk

Something about that makes me want to poke my eyes out something fierce.... :nod:

Think happy thoughts... think happy thoughts..... think happy thoughts.... :eek

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
I'm thinking I've seen 2 women get it on, on video.... but 2 men... :yuk :yuk :yuk :yuk

Something about that makes me want to poke my eyes out something fierce.... :nod:

Think happy thoughts... think happy thoughts..... think happy thoughts.... :eek

Fuck happy thoughts :hey

This is Black Wednesday :D