I was wondering when you were going to come back and spoil this nice debate we had going on with your usual vile spew...
Well, those no argument to be made when you're blatantly and ridiculously wrong. Just like if you walked in and told me the sky was green with pink polka dots. You're just fucking wrong.
Slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We're all well aware of the meaning of chattle slavery Nova. If you can't understand the meaning of wage slavery then there's little more I can do I'm afraid. You continue to be ignorantly happy subjugating yourself, renting yourself to a master.
This thread had began to show the benefits of the labour movement, benefits that you enjoy right now. These views are as old as democracy itself, well established and understood, and one of the drives behind the labour movement that has provided you with much more humane working conditions. Your disregard the struggles that have gone before aren't surprising, very common amongst you far-right extremists. The corporate tyrannies that you love so much didn't wake up one day and just say "let's give the workers some rights". These rights were hard earned by those that understand what these concepts are. You benefit from these things and show utter contempt for the movements and thoughts that brought them about.
People ARE given that choice and do every single day. Its called being an entrepreneur. I know you might not be familiar with it since most of Europe makes it damn near impossible but when left alone people do it. Anyone can do it and they can even have a partner or 10 or 100 and have that vested interest.
This is of course assuming that everyone starts on a level playing field. You are totally ignorant to the fact that not everyone can be entrepreneurs, not everyone has business acumen, not everyone has had the benefit of a great education or a safe upbringing. That not every industry can have entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is fine and dandy, but it accounts for a tiny, tiny fraction of what is possible in society. Much of the advancement of society relies on cooperation, not individuals.
Europe makes it damn near impossible? An incredibly ignorant statement Nova. Clearly you know nothing of this continent.
Most people DON'T make that choice because most people don't have the desire, drive or risk tolerance thats required to deal with the issues that go along with that vested interest. Thats why they choose to sell their labor as you would any other commodity.
So for the fact that they don't have those qualities they should essentially have their choices taken away and forced into a life of wage-slavery?
I wasn't a slave to begin with and I may or may not end up selling my labor to someone else. As I said above I could always start my own business depending upon how I feel. The fact remains though that no one is forcing me to work at gunpoint, which is the definition of slavery.
No one is forcing you at gunpoint, this is true. But you're being forced. Money has to be earnt, taxes have to be paid. You could go and start your own business, if you're lucky enough to have that mindset. Tell that to a nurse, or a cop, or a factory worker...
Again, thats a choice people make. They can choose to stop that anytime they wish. Pretty much the opposite of slavery.
Yeah, hell of a choice: Wage slave or starvation...
Really? Because in essence the speaking fees Mr. Chumpsky charges are in essence, a wage, the very thing you've been arguing equates to slavery. He agrees to come and do what they want for set period of time for a set amount of money. Have fun digging yourself out of that logical hole. :24:
This is how Mr Chomsky, and you'd do well to show a little respect their because he's ten times the human being that you are, spreads his word, raises debate and tells the truth.
Ultimately that wasn't the point. You claimed he hasn't profited greatly from his speaking slavery which I just proved patently false. $2 million dollars is pretty big chuck of "not profit." Never mind the other things that make him a big fat hypocrite.
For such a successful author and highly quoted individual, $2 million is a pretty small amount. Pales in comparison against the fortune 500 list.
Completely and utterly not relevant. You said you can't opt out of the system, which I pointed out to be false. You can opt out of the system if you choose to.
sure ok. why would he want to drop out of the system? it's people like him that are actually getting of their arses and changing things.
Whats the epic fail is your reading comprehension because no matter how thoroughly I've explained my position, you are still completely and utterly clueless. Never not once have I ever claimed that any of the three fundamental rights is completely 100% unlimited. Again, reality escapes you....
Actually, that's what you've stated in the past your hate-filled society would be based on.
The minute you threaten me with immediate physical harm, I can defend myself to the point of ending your life. There's your limit to life rights.
That's the limit of life rights?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!! My God man, you're a psycho!
Property rights can be violated when its done to preserve the rights to life and liberty. There's your limit to property rights.
Liberty rights extend only so far as you're not infringing upon rights of others. There's your limit to liberty rights.
The only legitimate use for gov't is enforcing those boundaries on rights. And no, without being structured in law, a hierarchical society is not a liberty infringement. And with a minimalist gov't that is committed to protecting individual rights without excessive over broad power and authority for a person with money to buy, there is no liberty infringement.
a hierarchical society is of course an infringement on liberty. Your view of liberty is too simplistic - you should read up on Liberty and Freedom, they are incredibly complex subjects that go way beyond the boundaries of your simplistic world view.
Based on prior discussions, that seems to be your goal...
Ahh, the old "he's just speaking truth to power" bullshit. The "truth" he's speaking is one that you left wing loonies want desperately to believe. Desperately enough in fact to line his pockets to the tune of several million dollars. Have fun lapping up his brand of "truth" Mr. Lap Dog.
Ok, so, in the link that accountable posted, why do you think they're attacking the man and not the words? Simple, because Chomsky speaks the truth. He tells of news that is never reported by the media, that cannot be refuted, and forms explanations based on those. This is why he's considered, not just by me, but by many, to be the most important intellectual alive today.
The fact that he tells truths that you don't want to hear isn't his fault, just rather a sign of the brainwashing you've swallowed.
Patriot Act and the War on Terror weren't done by anyone I'd call conservative, especially not in the "classical liberal" sense of the word. They're much more in line with you left wingers. Neither is anything else you mentioned.
Ok WOW. So now Bush and his cohorts are left wing??!!!!!!!!!!???!!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!??!?
I'm sorry Nova, I really don't know what to say to that.
Now go back to polishing your boots and bayonet comrade. It'll be time to ship some more dissenters off to the gulag soon...
References to Russian gaols? What the hell? Now you've moved from being ignorant to just being childish. This thread was enjoying a nice peaceful debate until you showed up.
The world will be a better place when he croaks.....
Why? Because then a voice against your love of corporate tyranny is gone. What a nasty thing to say Nova, you're really showing your true, hated-filled colours now, aren't you?
Yet again, reading comprehension eludes you. As I've told you multiple times, I've heard all his bullshit before when I was forced to in college. Don't care to hear it again and don't care to waste my time arguing against a hypocrite who doesn't even attempt to practice what he preaches.
What exactly is he preaching? I doubt very much you even understand.
If he didn't like doing it, he wouldn't. There's nobody holding a gun to his head forcing him to invest his money, especially not in companies that he has openly criticized. There are plenty of investment options for so called "responsible" corporations, there are money market funds, plain old savings accounts, and even the First United Bank of Mattress that he could choose from.
Sure ok whatever you say. His investment choices are really down to Chomsky. He's never once said: Don't invest. Don't buy this, don't invest in that.