Why does the left see astroturf everywhere they look?

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Voluntary associations between individuals do not equate to slavery, regardless of what that idiot Chomsky has to say. Fucking fool should stick to linguistics, a subject where he actually knows his ass from his elbow. And please dear god please quit pulling him out. I heard quite enough about him and his theories from a radical left wing professor I had who was just in love with his particular brand of stupid.

He's also a typical socialist hypocrite. More than happy to rant and rave against the system to any fool that will listen all the while profiting hugely from it. Whats good for us peasants isn't good for him and his progeny.

it's not like he's made millions by underpaying people or anything like that, and his contribution to society, whether you agree or not, is valuable

Yeah he made his money selling his crackpot snake-oil theories to people too stupid and naive to know any better. With your line of thought, not much better than a business owner who "enslaves" people who don't know any better by paying them wages. Taking advantage is taking advantage after all....

Other than that I think Accountable covered things pretty well....
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Voluntary associations between individuals do not equate to slavery, regardless of what that idiot Chomsky has to say. Fucking fool should stick to linguistics, a subject where he actually knows his ass from his elbow. And please dear god please quit pulling him out. I heard quite enough about him and his theories from a radical left wing professor I had who was just in love with his particular brand of stupid.

He's also a typical socialist hypocrite. More than happy to rant and rave against the system to any fool that will listen all the while profiting hugely from it. Whats good for us peasants isn't good for him and his progeny.

Is this the same guy who felt the Khmer Rouge was just misunderstood? ;)

By the way, he is referred to as Chumsky.


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Voluntary associations between individuals do not equate to slavery, regardless of what that idiot Chomsky has to say. Fucking fool should stick to linguistics, a subject where he actually knows his ass from his elbow. And please dear god please quit pulling him out. I heard quite enough about him and his theories from a radical left wing professor I had who was just in love with his particular brand of stupid.

I first heard the term "wage-slavery" when I was a child. It's a very common idea that most people on some level understand, and it's actually true. Lincoln and the republican party had that standpoint once. The concept has been around for a very long time, and has helped spawn the many labour movements that you now directly benefit from. You may consider yourself "free", but you're subjugating yourself to your bosses, giving them control of a substantial portion of your life - the time you are at work.

He's also a typical socialist hypocrite. More than happy to rant and rave against the system to any fool that will listen all the while profiting hugely from it. Whats good for us peasants isn't good for him and his progeny.

As explained before, he, like the rest of us, lives in a capitalist world. He hasn't profited hugely from it, he has worked hard for his money and not exploited anyone in doing so. You can't simply opt out of the current system. He's worked hard to make headway against the many problems in this world.

Yeah he made his money selling his crackpot snake-oil theories to people too stupid and naive to know any better. With your line of thought, not much better than a business owner who "enslaves" people who don't know any better by paying them wages. Taking advantage is taking advantage after all....

You call everyone who doesn't share your opinions "stupid" and "niave", the sign of a very narrow minded person. Chomsky's knowledge on politics and so forth is astronomical compared to yours. You hadn't even heard of libertarian socialism before (I still chuckle at that), and still can't fathom it. It seems laughable that someone who is so ignorant of such large areas of political thought should even be involved in debates like this.

And no, Chomsky isn't taking advantage of anyone, no matter how you try to spin it.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Chomsky is a hero to the far, far left

Does not make him a genius though

You might want to carry a towel around with you when you speak about him to catch your drool :D


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I first heard the term "wage-slavery" when I was a child. It's a very common idea that most people on some level understand, and it's actually true. Lincoln and the republican party had that standpoint once. The concept has been around for a very long time, and has helped spawn the many labour movements that you now directly benefit from. You may consider yourself "free", but you're subjugating yourself to your bosses, giving them control of a substantial portion of your life - the time you are at work.

I'm tired of having this same stupid debate with you. No matter how many times you repeat the lie, voluntary associations do not equal slavery. Period. End of discussion. Thats only the case in your fucked up ridiculous world.

By definition, slavery is an involuntary association between individuals.

I FREELY give up my time while I'm at work in exchange for something I value more, namely a paycheck. I can walk in and tell my boss to go fuck himself and he can't send the slave catchers after me to bring me back at gunpoint.

As explained before, he, like the rest of us, lives in a capitalist world. He hasn't profited hugely from it, he has worked hard for his money and not exploited anyone in doing so. You can't simply opt out of the current system. He's worked hard to make headway against the many problems in this world.

I mean yeah, its net worth is only like $2 million. Thats nothing, no profit there. Most of that non-existent profit is built off of giving $12,000 recycled speeches to ignorant left wing loonies and selling works of IP that are mostly just more recycled speeches and that are protected by copyright, the idea of which he hatest. Thats just terribly hard work right there let me tell you :24:

You most certainly can opt out of the system anytime you want. All it takes is a small plot of land and you can go back to subsistence farming. That shouldn't be anything for such a "hard worker" as the illustrious Mr. Chumpsky :24:

You call everyone who doesn't share your opinions "stupid" and "niave", the sign of a very narrow minded person.

Yeah, my narrow mind stems from operating in that place we call reality instead of whacko socialist fantasy world. You're more than welcome to have as many stupid unrealistic ideas as you want, as long as you leave me out of it. You don't seem content to do that though, you'd rather force me in at gunpoint.

Chomsky's knowledge on politics and so forth is astronomical compared to yours.

Chumpsky is a fuckwit who wouldn't know reality if it bit him in the ass. Its no surprise you put so much stock in what he has to say. Keep sucking down the swill my friend, the power hungry left always needs ignorant soldiers to do their dirty work for them. Can't get their hands dirty with executions and all that you know.

You hadn't even heard of libertarian socialism before (I still chuckle at that), and still can't fathom it. It seems laughable that someone who is so ignorant of such large areas of political thought should even be involved in debates like this.

Yeah, my narrow mind stems from operating in that place we call reality instead of whacko socialist fantasy world. You're more than welcome to have as many stupid unrealistic ideas as you want, as long as you leave me out of it. You don't seem content to do that though, you'd rather force me in at gunpoint.

And no, Chomsky isn't taking advantage of anyone, no matter how you try to spin it.

I'm just using the same asinine arguments you are. You argue people buy into the wage system because they just don't know any better, I argue people buy into Chomsky for the same reason. They just don't realize he's full of shit. And no matter how you spin it, dear Chumpsky doesn't know WTF he's talking about.

Now you and Chumpsky go play with the poor misunderstood Khmer Rouge and see if you can kill another million or so people.

ROFL ROFL ROFL For a man that hates corporations and capitalism he sure likes investing in them

Hoover Institution - Hoover Digest - Noam Chomsky, Closet Capitalist

Indeed, Chomsky is rich precisely because he has been such an enormously successful capitalist. Despite the anti-profit rhetoric, like any other corporate capitalist he has turned himself into a brand name. As John Lloyd puts it, writing critically in the lefty New Statesman, Chomsky is among those “open to being ‘commodified’—that is, to being simply one of the many wares of a capitalist media market place, in a way that the badly paid and overworked writers and journalists for the revolutionary parties could rarely be.”

Chomsky’s business works something like this. He gives speeches on college campuses around the country at $12,000 a pop, often dozens of times a year.

Can’t go and hear him in person? No problem: you can go online and download clips from earlier speeches—for a fee. You can hear Chomsky talk for one minute about “Property Rights”; it will cost you 79 cents. You can also buy a CD with clips from previous speeches for $12.99.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the retirement portfolio.

Chomsky, for all of his moral dudgeon against American corporations, finds that they make a pretty good investment. When he made investment decisions for his retirement plan at MIT, he chose not to go with a money market fund or even a government bond fund. Instead, he threw the money into blue chips and invested in the TIAA-CREF stock fund. A look at the stock fund portfolio quickly reveals that it invests in all sorts of businesses that Chomsky says he finds abhorrent: oil companies, military contractors, pharmaceuticals, you name it.

When I asked Chomsky about his investment portfolio he reverted to a “what else can I do?” defense: “Should I live in a cabin in Montana?” he asked. It was a clever rhetorical dodge. Chomsky was declaring that there is simply no way to avoid getting involved in the stock market short of complete withdrawal from the capitalist system. He certainly knows better. There are many alternative funds these days that allow you to invest your money in “green” or “socially responsible” enterprises. They just don’t yield the maximum available return.
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Well-Known Member
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He is a socialist

They are not known for their intelligence

you know you should show a little more respect for the socialists out there. If it weren't for them and their labour movements what do you think your working conditions would be like right now?


Well-Known Member
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I'm tired of having this same stupid debate with you. No matter how many times you repeat the lie, voluntary associations do not equal slavery. Period. End of discussion. Thats only the case in your fucked up ridiculous world.

The intelligence you exude is staggering. "I am right and you are wrong" is pretty much all you can say to anything, isn't it? Oh, that and a bunch of childish insults.

By definition, slavery is an involuntary association between individuals.

But that's the whole point isn't it? Given the choice, you think most people would choose to work FOR someone, or WITH someone? Do you think they'd be better workers with a vested interest (WITH) or treated like a slave (FOR)?

I FREELY give up my time while I'm at work in exchange for something I value more, namely a paycheck. I can walk in and tell my boss to go fuck himself and he can't send the slave catchers after me to bring me back at gunpoint.

Bully for you. If you're happy with that arrangement then fine. Many of us see the flaws in that system. You can go tell your boss to fuck off, please do, and then see how quickly you end up becoming a slave to another boss.

What you don't see here is that in a world where there are more people than jobs, like this one, the individual lacks the choice, the power is all in the hands of the bosses who, for the largest portion of your waking life, dictate what you do, how you do it, when you do it.

I mean yeah, its net worth is only like $2 million. Thats nothing, no profit there. Most of that non-existent profit is built off of giving $12,000 recycled speeches to ignorant left wing loonies and selling works of IP that are mostly just more recycled speeches and that are protected by copyright, the idea of which he hatest. Thats just terribly hard work right there let me tell you :24:

See this is exactly the point you seem to totally not understand - THERE HAS BEEN NO EXPLOITATION. NO SUBJUGATION. NO REMOVAL OF LIBERTY. I don't know how to spell that out any simpler for you.

You most certainly can opt out of the system anytime you want. All it takes is a small plot of land and you can go back to subsistence farming. That shouldn't be anything for such a "hard worker" as the illustrious Mr. Chumpsky :24:

Yes of course you can opt out of the system, and then not be in any position to change it. That'd be a great move!!!!

Yeah, my narrow mind stems from operating in that place we call reality instead of whacko socialist fantasy world. You're more than welcome to have as many stupid unrealistic ideas as you want, as long as you leave me out of it. You don't seem content to do that though, you'd rather force me in at gunpoint.

Reality? Let's look at the reality of your beliefs:

You believe in the right to Life, Liberty and Property. Ok firstly Life is a given. Secondly Property, yup, everyone should have the right to own stuff. Also a given. Thirdly, let's look at Liberty.

In your minimal govt world, firstly you STILL have a govt, which is an encroachment on Liberty. You still have a hierarchical structure in society, which is an encroachment on liberty. You still have the majority of money and therefore power in the hands of the few. That is also an encroachment on liberty.

That, my friend, is what you might call a fail. Your idea of liberty is so childishly simplistic it's absolutely laughable.

No one is forcing anyone, by the way.

Chumpsky is a fuckwit who wouldn't know reality if it bit him in the ass. Its no surprise you put so much stock in what he has to say. Keep sucking down the swill my friend, the power hungry left always needs ignorant soldiers to do their dirty work for them. Can't get their hands dirty with executions and all that you know.

Oh is that right?

Please watch the next video below. ALL he is concerned with is reality. He tells the truth, that's why people like you, and the establishment, hate him. He reasons like a true scholar, generates hypotheses and analyses through them with logic and reason. His contribution to the world of linguistics shows that he's an intellectual heavyweight. Try and reason your "reality" and your idea of a good model for society using traditional methods of analytics, logic and reason and you'll fall flat on your face because your system is a bad joke used as an excuse to pay less tax and fuck over the poor and vulnerable. You've been sold a lie, and you've bought into it hook, line and sinker.

Power hungry left? And the right isn't?!!!! Patriot act? War on Terror? Globalisation? Corporation driven media? The greed on the right is not only for money you know.

I'm just using the same asinine arguments you are. You argue people buy into the wage system because they just don't know any better, I argue people buy into Chomsky for the same reason. They just don't realize he's full of shit. And no matter how you spin it, dear Chumpsky doesn't know WTF he's talking about.

People listen to Chomsky because they want to hear the truth. You ignore him, which is a tragedy. Honestly, the US really doesn't realise what they have there - which is one of the greatest thinkers of our time. Why don't you actually watch the videos and try and counter his arguments? Especially the one I'll post next. Go on, be my guest. We both know you can't :D

Now you and Chumpsky go play with the poor misunderstood Khmer Rouge and see if you can kill another million or so people.

You keep on believing in a system of state sponsored terror, my friend.

ROFL ROFL ROFL For a man that hates corporations and capitalism he sure likes investing in them

Who says he likes doing it? You putting words in his mouth?
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Well-Known Member
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I wonder how many slaves Chomsky took advantage of to make this copyrighted video. But I'm sure he insisted that each one of them gets equal royalties, right? I mean, doing so would've have made headlines somewhere. Where's that article, surely? *goes off in search of the librarian*


Well-Known Member
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I wonder how many slaves Chomsky took advantage of to make this copyrighted video. But I'm sure he insisted that each one of them gets equal royalties, right? I mean, doing so would've have made headlines somewhere. Where's that article, surely? *goes off in search of the librarian*

Ask Silent Films & Plug Music who made and produced the documentary, or Epitaph Records who distributed it.


Active Member
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He is a socialist

They are not known for their intelligence

Uhh. Are you crazy? Political views aside, Chomsky's contributions towards Cognitive Psychology and modern Linguistics are immense. He is a very intelligent individual.

I think a lot of people would take issue with your inference that Socialists and leftists are not intelligent. Statistics argue that in the West, people who vote for Social Democratic or Left-Leaning political parties are on average, more educated than their right-wing counterparts.
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Well-Known Member
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Uhh. Are you crazy? Political views aside, Chomsky's contributions towards Cognitive Psychology and modern Linguistics are immense. He is a very intelligent individual.

I think a lot of people would take issue with your inference that Socialists and leftists are not intelligent. Statistics argue that in the West, people who vote for Social Democratic or Left-Leaning political parties are on average, more educated than their right-wing counterparts.

well put. And might I remind them that was it not for the socialists, out working conditions would be considerably worse than they are now.

Yeah, because George W and Sarah Palin are beacons on intelligence!:24:


:24: :homo:

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
What has Bush and Palin got to do with Chumpsky??

Did I say he was stupid? If I did I did not mean it. He is just dead wrong about things. IMO