"authoritarian anarcho socialist libertarian fascist statist" - I like it. Might use that in future my government-minimalist-but-i-need-them-when-it-suits-me amigo.
Sorry you don't like the fact that I point out you have no coherent position to speak of. I am and have always been 100% clear and consistent on my views of the nature and role of gov't ie to protect the life, liberty and property rights of individuals. I know thats hard for you to understand since you don't believe in any of those.
There was simply no argument to be had - I was just laughing at what they wrote. Vast Liberal Conspiracy! It's hilarious! But if you need something to argue against, and we all know exactly how much you love to argue, how about this:
I don't love arguing so much as making ignorant liberals look like the jackasses they are. :24:
Fox news covers what Rupert Murdoch tells them to with the sole goal of forwarding his own business interests. None of it is "news".
OOOH, a smelly opinion straight out of the asshole. :24:
As for the "Vast Leftwing Conspiracy" - putting aside the fact that this simply DOES NOT EXIST, NEVER HAS EXISTED and NEVER WILL EXIST - please explain to me:
a) who the vast leftwing conspiracy is?
b) what its purpose is
c) for the love of God why do we even need to talk about something that exists solely in the mind of hard-right nutters?
I saw that statement as more of a joke but if you need an answer
A. The "who" is the myriad of labor unions and liberal activist groups funneling tens of millions of dollars through multiple front groups in order to disguise the source to a single lawyer's office in order to counter groups of average american citizens.
B. Its purpose is to subvert the wishes of the American people, and subjugate them through a further expansion of the welfare state.
C. Because reasonable people who aren't left wing lunatics hell bent of shoving liberalism down people's throats recognize astroturfing when they see it.
Get off your feckless, lazy ass, go back to the article and click through the links to a very well respected open gov't group and see how the money is flowing your own goddamn self. I know its going to hurt your brain to think beyond the superficial but just go do it....
The "article" you posted, I use quotations there because it barely passes as one, points to a conspiracy of left-wing people to produce what I suppose we could call propaganda to counter a movement that was totally and utterly fabricated by Fox News. To further their own selfish interests and counter a president based on the grounds of deep-seated racism. Do you not see that that is a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
And that right there shows just how fucking ignorant you are. Totally and completely ignorant.
Arguing that citizens who spent their own time and money to organize, make signs and go to town halls, rallys in DC, etc etc etc are fabricated by a news organization and founded on racism is the ABSOLUTE DUMBEST FUCKING THING I HAVE EVER HEARD. Its also quite telling about you personally that you would bring such stupidity up.
If you honestly think the "tea Party" movement is grass roots, has clear rational political objectives, then please watch this video and if this doesn't change your mind then clearly you don't have a mind.
I know what it is because I've had a fair amount of contact with one of my local ones. The one started and run by a house wife who had no interest in politics up until the past few years. There's no big scary backer organizing everything. People started talking about how fed the fuck up they were with the Fed gov't that it snowballed from there.
Why the fuck am I not surprised that a youtube video created by someone with a agenda constitutes proof to the little guy across the pond that can't figure out what he is.
Firstly - liberal establishment? What exactly is that supposed to mean? The entire US system is republican through and through - the media is owned, controlled and operated by businessmen, capitalist businessmen who most likely are republican. Where is this liberal establishment?
Thats really fucking funny because the media tried everything they could to discredit and destroy the movement. Up to and including using derogatory sexual terms to describe them (teabagger) and even open antagonism. If they're conservative own, run and controlled, well, they're not doing such a good job.
And I've never once heard any people criticising the tea parties and claiming themselves to be "grass roots"... this useless tosspot is just making crap up. Fox News is a joke to the rest of the world. Honestly, laughable. Painfully embarrassing.
Whats painfully embarrassing is you don't even seem to understand the meaning of "grass roots" and "astro turf." Nobody criticised them for being "grass roots" because thats the good one, the one where individuals come together to effect change from the bottom up. They were criticised for supposedly being "astroturf" ie fake grass, a fake effort made to look like it was coming from popular beginnings at the bottom.
The dear poster right below this statement was one of the one's screaming "astroturf" everytime something about them was mentioned.
Keep going and you'll be a joke to the rest of this site... wait, too late :24:
Your tearing mostly rings true to only others of like thinking. Big whoop.
And another incapable of making a logical coherent argument pops up. You guys have to band together when facts and logic tear you apart huh? :24: