Well-Known Member
We live in an imperfect world. Nothing in life is perfect. There is no perfect system, no perfect government, no perfect church, no perfect person, no perfect anything. There is something wrong with everything. I don't want to burst your bubble, but that includes you and me. There is some disadvantage in every climate. There are some weeds in every garden. There is some fault in every friend. There are some rough spots in every road.I only trust people for a reason.
I realize this and I am able to love and forgive others more fully because I know ahead of time people are going to let me down. And I know I am going to let others down. Some of their behaviors will get on my nerves and some of my behaviors will get on their nerves.
I have learned to look past many faults and see the heart of others. Instead of constantly being arrogant and critical even though I see other's faults, I choose to focus on their heart instead. This enables me to sincerely be hospitable, loving, and forgiving toward others; even those that normally I would not be.
We are not trustworthy creatures. We even deceive ourselves.
I trust God. I love others.