..but that isn't how it's happening is it. Let's change the analogy and look at it from the Christian perspective of punishment for the sins of Adam and Eve...which is what we are talking about.
My friend stole a candy bar because he didn't want to pay for it.
Consequences: I got the blame for it and was made to suffer because of what he did.
Guilty party: Me or my friend.
Quite easily. Have you never been a member of a 'debating society'?
Obviously not...otherwise I wouldn't be able to write any responses would I.....and it's never very long before you get a Christian resorting to ad hominem attacks.
How what is happening? Are we actually being punished because of Adam and Eve? (please see the thread on the Bible being true ot not).
I think the issue is simple, hard times fall on people and they want to say "God did it" or Atheists use the Old Testament God to make him look like some kind of bully.
If you want to put things into proper context, we will assume these things actually happened of course.
God had to command that man did not lay with animals.....And he meant in the sexual sense, now if you are looking at it from a sensible angle, this must have been a period where God possibly had to force his will a little...I mean if you have to command someone to not fuck a sheep, then they were living in much different times.
So simply put, he said "Don't do this" someone did it anyways and rather than putting the blame on themselves for the act, they blame God for the consequences.
It's like when I tell my child "Don't play outside where I can't see you"
He does it anyways because let's face it, he's imperfect. I ground him and he accuses me of being mean.....He broke the rules else there would be no consequences.
Let alone punishig his brother for his actions, that's just rediculous.
MAybe if someone feels as though they are being punished for the sins of someone else they should investigate the possibility that they are doing something wrong as well.....I mean, I don't have any guilt along the lines of what Adam and Eve did.....
Hence, I have NEVER felt as though I was being punishd for the sins of others...Only my own thanks