Why Do People Vote Against Their Own Interest?

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And some of the most vocal supporters and advocates of the Democratic Party and the liberal agenda are among some of the most wealthy people in America. Or don't sports and entertainment stars count?
Be careful not to be sucked in by stereotypes.
AD: Party Of The Rich And Powerful - Michael P. Tremoglie - Jun 6, 04
Warren Buffet, the billionaire investor and the world's second-richest man, is a Democrat. He is now John Kerry's economic adviser. He was economic adviser to Bob Kerry's Democratic presidential candidacy in 1992.

Billionaire George Soros, who was indicted for fraudulent transactions, is a Democrat. Soros has stated that he will spend whatever it takes to get rid of George Bush. Soros is funding groups like MoveOn.org.

Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs is also a Democrat and also advising Kerry about economic issues. Jobs appointed Al Gore to the Board of Directors of Apple Computer Corporation.

Susie Tompkins Buell, who is co-founder of the fashion company Esprit, is a Democratic Party donor and activist.

Many of California's wealthiest people are Democrats. They include, Steve Kirsch, Haim Saban, and Steve Bing. The three gave $20.2 million to Democratic Party committees in 2002. Haim Saban, is owner of Saban Entertainment. They are the producers of the "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers." Steve Kirsch is a Dot.com millionaire. He was Infoseek's founder and sold it to Disney. Stephen Bing is the grandson of a New York real estate. Bing also contributed $1 million to help pay for the Democrats' national convention.

Leo Hindery Jr., a cable magnate, recently resigned as CEO of New York's YES cable network because, "At this point all I'm interested in is getting a majority in the Senate for the Democrats and in getting Senator Kerry elected in November," he was quoted as saying, by Reuters April 5.

The Saint Petersburg Times reported that trial lawyer Harry Jacobs, who has earned millions representing patients in malpractice suits, wants to spend millions to be a Florida Democrat congressman. The Orlando Sentinel has reported Jacobs has a net worth of at least $42-million, largely from suing doctors and nursing homes.

Wayne Hogan earned $54-million by representing Florida against tobacco companies. He also wants to be a Florida congressman.

West Virginia millionaire trial lawyer Democrat and Congressional candidate Jim Humphreys made his fortune helping plaintiffs win settlements from asbestos manufacturers.

Bernard L. Schwartz, CEO of Loral Space & Communications is a major Democrat donor. He was a principal character in the Chinagate scandal (the sale of advanced satellite and space technology to the Chinese People's Liberation Army).

C. Michael Armstrong, Chairman of Comcast Corporation the world's largest cable company is also a major financial supporter of the DNC. He too was one of the major players that sold defense technology to Communist China.
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Having way too much fun
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Being a democrat/liberal/progressive has nothing to do with money. It's more of an ideology.

Warren Buffett, the third-richest man in the world, has criticised the US tax system for allowing him to pay a lower rate than his secretary and his cleaner.
Speaking at a $4,600-a-seat fundraiser in New York for Senator Hillary Clinton, Mr Buffett, who is worth an estimated $52 billion (£26 billion), said: “The 400 of us [here] pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1 per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”
Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent. Mr Buffett told his audience, which included John Mack, the chairman of Morgan Stanley, and Alan Patricof, the founder of the US branch of Apax Partners, that US government policy had accentuated a disparity of wealth that hurt the economy by stifling opportunity and motivation.


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Be careful not to be sucked in by stereotypes.
AD: Party Of The Rich And Powerful - Michael P. Tremoglie - Jun 6, 04
Warren Buffet, the billionaire investor and the world's second-richest man, is a Democrat. He is now John Kerry's economic adviser. He was economic adviser to Bob Kerry's Democratic presidential candidacy in 1992.

I agree.. I have yet to meet a rich person who limits their inner circle

Buffet was once a advisor to Republican Arnold S in California..

USATODAY.com - Schwarzenegger taps Buffett as finance adviser


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liberals = how do we use gov't handouts to buy ourselves elections and maintain power

conservatives = how do me maintain the blessings of individual liberty for future generations (this is true conservatives/classical liberals not the BS kind that abound today)


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Ideology of liberals = how do we help society?
Ideology of conservatives= how do I help myself?

More like

liberals = how do we use gov't handouts to buy ourselves elections and maintain power

conservatives = how do me maintain the blessings of individual liberty for future generations (this is true conservatives/classical liberals not the BS kind that abound today)
Honestly helping oneself with an eye for the long-term helps society. It's the short-term outlook politicians use with an eye toward reelection that causes the most harm.


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liberals = how do we use gov't handouts to buy ourselves elections and maintain power

conservatives = how do me maintain the blessings of individual liberty for future generations (this is true conservatives/classical liberals not the BS kind that abound today)

Is that how you honestly view it?

My views are definitely in the liberal camp, but I have no interest in running for office or staying in power. And I'm sure as hell not in it for the hand outs.



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Honestly helping oneself with an eye for the long-term helps society. It's the short-term outlook politicians use with an eye toward reelection that causes the most harm.


And I think that just about every politician gets this wrong... a problem with the system as a whole or is it that we have that many corrupt people running for office?


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Is that how you honestly view it?

My views are definitely in the liberal camp, but I have no interest in running for office or staying in power. And I'm sure as hell not in it for the hand outs.

Of course you are! You want the gov't to take from those who earn, create, and produce, and give hand-outs to the so-called have-nots.

But anyone who reads can tell nova was only referring to politicians, and has an idealized fictional view of conservative ones.


Having way too much fun
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Of course you are! You want the gov't to take from those who earn, create, and produce, and give hand-outs to the so-called have-nots.

But anyone who reads can tell nova was only referring to politicians, and has an idealized fictional view of conservative ones.

So I want the government to take my money and hand it out to those who don't do a damn thing?



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And I think that just about every politician gets this wrong... a problem with the system as a whole or is it that we have that many corrupt people running for office?
It's a perfectly understandable, logical, doomed process.

Politicians want to be reelected. The natural question voters ask is "what have you done to deserve the position?" Politicians are naturally incented to make new and better laws, one on top of another, whether it's really needed or not ... even if it is harmful in the long term.

Who would have a prayer of reelection by saying "I voted against absolutely every new law, tax, or anything else that would grow gov't."?


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So I want the government to take my money and hand it out to those who don't do a damn thing?

Explains the avatar. :D

Phrase it your way, then.


eta: don't forget to include the "real people" vs rich people.


Having way too much fun
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Explains the avatar. :D

Phrase it your way, then.


eta: don't forget to include the "real people" vs rich people.

How I view my role as a US citizen...

I am part of society and as a productive part of society I need to contribute to the "commons"
The commons are everything from health, education, infrastructure, utilities, defense, innovations in health and science, police protection, fire protection, etc. everything that is needed for the society that I am part of survive and thrive. Things I couldn't possible provide for myself... like the roads I drive on everyday.

I have no problem contributing to a society that helps provide for me.

I hate the leeches in the system as much as you do, I just don't throw up those red herrings as a reason to never pay taxes again...


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How I view my role as a US citizen...

I am part of society and as a productive part of society I need to contribute to the "commons"
The commons are everything from health, education, infrastructure, utilities, defense, innovations in health and science, police protection, fire protection, etc. everything that is needed for the society that I am part of survive and thrive. Things I couldn't possible provide for myself... like the roads I drive on everyday.

I have no problem contributing to a society that helps provide for me.

I hate the leeches in the system as much as you do, I just don't throw up those red herrings as a reason to never pay taxes again...
No herrings here. I don't think society should pay for those who can take care of themselves. I don't think society should make decisions for those who are able to make their own. I don't think society should intervene in any portion of a citizen's life and liberty without dire need and exhaustive justification.


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Of course you are! You want the gov't to take from those who earn, create, and produce, and give hand-outs to the so-called have-nots.

But anyone who reads can tell nova was only referring to politicians, and has an idealized fictional view of conservative ones.

Yet again, you're the only one that gets it. Thats getting to be a habit of yours... :D

No herrings here. I don't think society should pay for those who can take care of themselves. I don't think society should make decisions for those who are able to make their own. I don't think society should intervene in any portion of a citizen's life and liberty without dire need and exhaustive justification.

Thank you for saying it so I don't have to...


Having way too much fun
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No herrings here. I don't think society should pay for those who can take care of themselves. I don't think society should make decisions for those who are able to make their own. I don't think society should intervene in any portion of a citizen's life and liberty without dire need and exhaustive justification.

So you are against police protection, the military, fire protection, schools, public roads and bridges, unemployment compensation, etc...? The list is endless on things society helps provide for everyone.

WTH do you mean society should not pay for those who can take care of themselves? Who are these people? You're not one of them, I'm not, who is? Everyone benefits from society and everyone should contribute to it.

If you have zero interest in contributing from the society that you live in, then move out to the middle of some god forsaken forest never to benefit from the rest of us again. That is the only way you can truly say you do not benefit from the "commons" which you are so against. You would still be living in a cave somewhere if it were not for society and everything it has provided for you. For the opportunities it has granted you. You are nothing without this society that you hold in such contempt that you feel that you shouldn't have to participate or give back anything...


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So you are against police protection, the military,

Nope. Legitimate gov't function of protecting the liberties of individuals and upholding the law.

fire protection, schools, public roads and bridges,

Has been handled without the sticky fingers of gov't mucking things up before and could be done again.

unemployment compensation, etc...?

You lose your job its nobodies business but your own. Gov't dictated and enforced insurance is bullshit.

The list is endless on things society helps provide for everyone.

The only list thats endless is the ways in which you think gov't should interfere with our lives.

WTH do you mean society should not pay for those who can take care of themselves? Who are these people? You're not one of them, I'm not, who is? Everyone benefits from society and everyone should contribute to it.

Your view of society is highly flawed. Society is nothing more than a group of INDIVIDUALS acting in their own blatant self interest. The interaction of blatant self interest in free exchange is what benefits everyone.

If you have zero interest in contributing from the society that you live in, then move out to the middle of some god forsaken forest never to benefit from the rest of us again. That is the only way you can truly say you do not benefit from the "commons" which you are so against. You would still be living in a cave somewhere if it were not for society and everything it has provided for you. For the opportunities it has granted you. You are nothing without this society that you hold in such contempt that you feel that you shouldn't have to participate or give back anything...

Blah blah blah. Nice job rationalizing enforcing your value system on the rest of us via the sharp tip of the gov't spear....

Minor Axis

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conservatives = how do me maintain the blessings of individual liberty for future generations (this is true conservatives/classical liberals not the BS kind that abound today)

Were the conservatives of the 1960's true? That was a time when conservatives and liberals understood the country was not composed of all conservatives or all liberals, they focused on their mandate working together to govern for the good of the country.

If you want to call Republican's conservatives (you probably don't), the Republican's of the 1960's would not be allowed in todays Repbulican party for being too liberal.
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Having way too much fun
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Your view of society is highly flawed. Society is nothing more than a group of INDIVIDUALS acting in their own blatant self interest. The interaction of blatant self interest in free exchange is what benefits everyone.

You truly believe that people only act in their own self interests?

You must live a very sad life...

And if your wife only got into medicine for the money, then you to should get along just fine.