When Reagan was pushing for tax cuts and spending cuts (although he did not bother to get the spending cuts done, and drove the deficit up substantially for the first time since the 60's) he was very active on the subject, addressing the nation and making speeches around the country.
Frankly, your gripe about this President addressing the nation too often is amusing and only gets traction from those intent on discrediting him and his agenda.
Again, I'm not talking about Reagan making speeches around the country... because I doubt you could say that Obama has done that any less. I'm talking about national prime-time televised addresses to the Nation. Honestly, is that so effing hard to understand? You brought up Reagan, I brought up the fact that Obama has already addressed the nation in eight months nearly half as many times as Reagan did in his entire first term. Hell, even the television networks are getting sick of him demanding air time so that he can make another speech. So once again, when presented with facts, you present a red herring.