white folk- hard done by!?

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lol the old "hey I have black freinds!" line. Classic.
What's wrong with having people of color as personal friends being a defense against the racist stick. I've never met a racist in my life that would be willing to call a person of color (or lack of) friend.

Um, no race a single mentality don't be stupid.

So what you're saying, is that race is an absolutely universal idea. If you recognize race, you're stupid. Different points of view on it are all just different ways of announcing the idea of being a racist?

Hell, America was pretty much built on the backs of minorities.
LMAO!! Oh really? And what on God's green earth would make you say something like this?

Also, did you know the number one recipient of welfare across the board are people of European descent?

Dude... What percentage of people in this country are of European descent? Americans with heritage from other parts of the world would practically ALL have to be on welfare to make up the difference in raw numbers.

btw race doesn't even exist.
This makes no sense what-so-ever. What is your definition of "race?"

All Else Failed

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What's wrong with having people of color as personal friends being a defense against the racist stick. I've never met a racist in my life that would be willing to call a person of color (or lack of) friend.

So what you're saying, is that race is an absolutely universal idea. If you recognize race, you're stupid. Different points of view on it are all just different ways of announcing the idea of being a racist?

LMAO!! Oh really? And what on God's green earth would make you say something like this?

Dude... What percentage of people in this country are of European descent? Americans with heritage from other parts of the world would practically ALL have to be on welfare to make up the difference in raw numbers.

This makes no sense what-so-ever. What is your definition of "race?"

Because being racist is believing that your race is superior to any other. You can have freinds you think you are better than, in some situations.

No I left out a word when I was typing it should have read: " Um, no race has a single mentality don't be stupid." The whites dont have a single way of acting/being, and neither does any other ethnicity. You can have multiple differences within a single ethnicity that don't fall into a single category. He was referring to blacks as a whole being lazy.

We would have never expanded as fast as we would as a nation without cheap, abusable slave labor.

I'm serious. Take a anthropology 101 class. There are only different ethnicities. There is no single "black" race. There is no single "white" race. You could have multiple different "black people" that are not the same but live in a similar geographic area. Skin color or physical apperance does not equal race. For instance, "East Indians" are really Caucasians. Race only exists as a social construct of sorts.

Here is some good reading on it: Does Race Exist? -- [ BIOLOGY ]: Scientific American
IOL: Scientists prove that race does not exist

NOVA Online | Mystery of the First Americans | A proponent's perspective
Region Does Not Mean “Race”—Reality Versus Convention in Forensic Anthropology



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my original point was how white people are scorned for being proud of their skin colour, and how black people celebrate their own, and i think this is so unfair. at school, the maoris of all different tribes and the tongans and the samoans, fijiians, cooks, even a couple of dark asians and a couple africans would team up together and be a mass gang of 'black' when they had a standoff with the whites.

they didnt separate into different cultures of dark skin, but teamed together to be just black. they would be jeering and calling us white shits and how their colour is way better and all sorts of carry on. and even when they were separated, even if there was an argument during a class about race, the islanders would stand up for the maoris and andyone who was black would stand up for each other for that reason. they were black skinned. they banded together.

but whites aren't 'allowed' to do this, its totaly bad and racist. of course im going to get my back up when the fundamentals of my very being are called into question or put down. thats human nature. so in opposition to the black unification, whites should stand up and band together also. nobody should need to walk around with their head down because they have been taunted about their race by a group of another race. but no group is willing to back down first. its the age old animosity. black vs white. and some white people that i know have started to think that it would be better to be black... why i ask? why cant you be happty with what you have. its because they have been brainwashed by all the black unification and how it is covering the globe, so they think they are inferior or some shit! its bullshit. the old saying ' if you cant beat them, join them' - we cant fight human nature, blacks wont disband and lose all the prejudice and anti white tendencies, neither will the whites. what the hell are we supposed to do


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Sometimes I think you've got it all together, and sometimes I think you're just a little bit crazy. ha-ha.

Anthropology 101 eh? We're not talking about anthro, or science, or different physical types of humans. (Mongoloid, Negroid, etc...) We're talking about common sense applied to real life. Remember blueness and flag burning?

Missed words are understandable. I get all amped up sometimes too. Spelling is usually my first casualty.

The idea that America was built on slave labor is ignorant. I'm sure Jessie would be proud, but don't swallow the damn hook man. You're too flippen smart to keep eating these one liners all the time.

All Else Failed

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Sometimes I think you've got it all together, and sometimes I think you're just a little bit crazy. ha-ha.

Anthropology 101 eh? We're not talking about anthro, or science, or different physical types of humans. (Mongoloid, Negroid, etc...) We're talking about common sense applied to real life. Remember blueness and flag burning?

Missed words are understandable. I get all amped up sometimes too. Spelling is usually my first casualty.

The idea that America was built on slave labor is ignorant. I'm sure Jessie would be proud, but don't swallow the damn hook man. You're too flippen smart to keep eating these one liners all the time.

I'm definitely crazy.

NO see we ARE talking about anthropology. You can't scream "race!" when race doesn't truly exist. Just because most people are ignorant to this doesn't make it ok to keep saying there is race. The "common sense" you speak of is wrong.

its no big deal I'm a terrible typer.

Ha, fuck Jessie Jackson. He's one of the biggest bigots out there. You think we'd be anywhere like we are today without using slave labor?


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Oh geez. LOL. We're NOT talking about science here. N.O.T. I cannot say this any more clearly.

I think if you and I jumped into a time machine, and traveled back to the colonies, made slavery illegal, then jumped back to '07... you would notice nothing much had changed. The only difference would be that there would be less black Americans.

How many slaves do you imagine there were? What'd they make up? 1% of the population?

If you took a 1% pay cut, how much would your life change?


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and referring to the point about the lazy mentality of some races; i realise this is not true, and that there are some excellent hard workers, and genuinely good people in each race. these are the ones who i class as friends. who dont put race before how people really are. i didnt mean it to sound as if i was generalising any entire race, cause thats just silly! but the racist, lazy mentality is very wide spread. did everyone seem to skip over the part where i commented on the bad white people. yes, there are some sorry excuses for human beings who happen to be white. i guess its just that i find them more agreeable for the fact they would be nice people to me for i am white. if i were black, they might view me as scum, but the ghetto niggers would accept me and seem to be more agreeable to me for the fact they would accept my colour. same situation, just reversed.

and when i say nigger i dont use that to describe just anyone with dark skin. i reserve that for those who are staunchly anti white, with no morals and who just contribute to the downfall of the community. nigger is a mindset rather than skintone in my book

All Else Failed

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my original point was how white people are scorned for being proud of their skin colour, and how black people celebrate their own, and i think this is so unfair. at school, the maoris of all different tribes and the tongans and the samoans, fijiians, cooks, even a couple of dark asians and a couple africans would team up together and be a mass gang of 'black' when they had a standoff with the whites.

they didnt separate into different cultures of dark skin, but teamed together to be just black. they would be jeering and calling us white shits and how their colour is way better and all sorts of carry on. and even when they were separated, even if there was an argument during a class about race, the islanders would stand up for the maoris and andyone who was black would stand up for each other for that reason. they were black skinned. they banded together.

but whites aren't 'allowed' to do this, its totaly bad and racist. of course im going to get my back up when the fundamentals of my very being are called into question or put down. thats human nature. so in opposition to the black unification, whites should stand up and band together also. nobody should need to walk around with their head down because they have been taunted about their race by a group of another race. but no group is willing to back down first. its the age old animosity. black vs white. and some white people that i know have started to think that it would be better to be black... why i ask? why cant you be happty with what you have. its because they have been brainwashed by all the black unification and how it is covering the globe, so they think they are inferior or some shit! its bullshit. the old saying ' if you cant beat them, join them' - we cant fight human nature, blacks wont disband and lose all the prejudice and anti white tendencies, neither will the whites. what the hell are we supposed to do
I've never personally seen a white person being put down for celebrating their ethnic traditions, ever and I live in a high minority populated area. Again, being proud of the amount of melanin in your skin is the most silly thing I have ever heard of. Skin color doesn't matter.

No see, their different ethnicities teamed together to form a gang of minorities, not a "black" gang since there is no single black "race". They are being stupid as well if they think their skin color actually means something. They were minorities that see injustice in the system towards them, that is why they banded together.

OH COME ON. "Brainwashed by the black unification?" "Covering the globe?" You sicken me. Here's somehting I think you should wear with your bigoted conspiracy theories: http://texasholdemblogger.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/tinfoil-hat.jpg

All Else Failed

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Oh geez. LOL. We're NOT talking about science here. N.O.T. I cannot say this any more clearly.

I think if you and I jumped into a time machine, and traveled back to the colonies, made slavery illegal, then jumped back to '07... you would notice nothing much had changed. The only difference would be that there would be less black Americans.

How many slaves do you imagine there were? What'd they make up? 1% of the population?

If you took a 1% pay cut, how much would your life change?

Then you are in favor of using a concept such as race in arguments when it really doesn't exist?

Come on....thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of slaves were used to do most of everything, from field work to construction. Tell me, do you think the mostly agrarian society then would be able to maintain the sheer amount of farmland without slaves? I think you could see the economic importance of the slave in the single situation...


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is that a tinfoil pirate hat? im not getting it here....

ok, so they banded together to form a gang of minorities. then we whites banded to form a gang of white skinned minorities. they unified themselves by colour. and yes, they are being fucking stupid!!

"brainwashed byt he black unification" possibly bad wording, i mean that black influence is spreading terribly. the young maoris and PIs are trying to emulate the gangster nigger shit thats over in america. and rap music is spreading with alarming rate aswell. there are a hell of a lot of white people trying to be black, and thats really sad. what got into them? for some reason, it is now cool to be black. to emulate the blacks in america or the horis in newzealand. its not brainwashing no, but its a sort of fuckin ideal. and yes, i repeat its fuckin stupid. and it should stop, the racism, but like i said, whos going to back down first?

why am i proud of being white? because i have amazing friends who i might not be friends with if i was black. i think white skin looks better. i dont even like girls that are too tanned for gods sake, i reckon pale is great. im proud because this is the way i was born, and im happy that way. my life has panned out decently well. its given me inspiration at times, given me opportunity at other times. if i wasnt proud, that would mean im not glad of who i am. and thats just sad when p[eople get like that


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Then you are in favor of using a concept such as race in arguments when it really doesn't exist?

Come on....thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of slaves were used to do most of everything, from field work to construction. Tell me, do you think the mostly agrarian society then would be able to maintain the sheer amount of farmland without slaves? I think you could see the economic importance of the slave in the single situation...

It doesn't matter what I'm in favor of. I'm just telling you that perception is reality. You can speak of technicalities until you are blue in the face, but you're only generating greenhouse gasses. Your point will NEVER be made this way.

lol That was a little vague... So do you, or do you not believe that the United States as she stands today was built on the backs of poor oppressed slaves? Was that intrepid 1% able to accomplish 51% of the work or more?

Europeans worked those fields too you know. In fact, going back to your welfare argument from earlier... are you aware that far more Europeans worked in agricultural and construction jobs than slaves did? :eek


(I'll catch your reply tomorrow. Sleep good)

All Else Failed

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is that a tinfoil pirate hat? im not getting it here....

ok, so they banded together to form a gang of minorities. then we whites banded to form a gang of white skinned minorities. they unified themselves by colour. and yes, they are being fucking stupid!!

"brainwashed byt he black unification" possibly bad wording, i mean that black influence is spreading terribly. the young maoris and PIs are trying to emulate the gangster nigger shit thats over in america. and rap music is spreading with alarming rate aswell. there are a hell of a lot of white people trying to be black, and thats really sad. what got into them? for some reason, it is now cool to be black. to emulate the blacks in america or the horis in newzealand. its not brainwashing no, but its a sort of fuckin ideal. and yes, i repeat its fuckin stupid. and it should stop, the racism, but like i said, whos going to back down first?

why am i proud of being white? because i have amazing friends who i might not be friends with if i was black. i think white skin looks better. i dont even like girls that are too tanned for gods sake, i reckon pale is great. im proud because this is the way i was born, and im happy that way. my life has panned out decently well. its given me inspiration at times, given me opportunity at other times. if i wasnt proud, that would mean im not glad of who i am. and thats just sad when p[eople get like that
You're being stupid too.

lol "gangster nigger shit in America" have you ever even been to America? I promise you its not that way.

You speak as though rap music is some sort of plague while rock music sings about the exact same things. Why is it sad if people want to act this way? Are they somehow committing race treason in your mind? Its called cultural diffusion. You know, when different cultures mix there will be this really really scary thing called cultural exchange! Its inevitable.

"why am i proud of being white? because i have amazing friends who i might not be friends with if i was black. i think white skin looks better."


Maybe you'll start being proud of the shape of your cheekbones next, or the angle of your jawbone!


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if the world was made up of culture loving left wingers, the world would have no racism, and i say again, this would be for the better, i mean at least ther would be no racism.

the ideals in rap is what is wrong with it. that does have a brainwashing effect. people hear about rappers doing al this gang shit, they think its so cool so they want to emulate it. i dont care what sort of music people listen to, but what is contained lyrically in the music can be destructive. i have seen it first hand.

and yes i have been to america. i know the whole bloody place isnt that way. but there sure are some areas where a white man would only tread if he had a death wish.

and during this whole thread have i once said that it isnt OK for black people to say they are proud of who they are.? no, i bloody havnt. i making the statement and voicing my opinion that it is -for lack of a better word - unfair, that whites cannot do the same. its playing out right now even among you left wingers, i say im proud, but right now im being attacked. i have not advocated any sort of violence toward a racial group, or shit of that magnitude. i have expressed my opinion that racism is indeed pointless, yet inevitable.

are.. are you.... are....are you mocking me for likeing who i am?? now thats just not cricket. go home.

All Else Failed

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if the world was made up of culture loving left wingers, the world would have no racism, and i say again, this would be for the better, i mean at least ther would be no racism.

the ideals in rap is what is wrong with it. that does have a brainwashing effect. people hear about rappers doing al this gang shit, they think its so cool so they want to emulate it. i dont care what sort of music people listen to, but what is contained lyrically in the music can be destructive. i have seen it first hand.

and yes i have been to america. i know the whole bloody place isnt that way. but there sure are some areas where a white man would only tread if he had a death wish.

and during this whole thread have i once said that it isnt OK for black people to say they are proud of who they are.? no, i bloody havnt. i making the statement and voicing my opinion that it is -for lack of a better word - unfair, that whites cannot do the same. its playing out right now even among you left wingers, i say im proud, but right now im being attacked. i have not advocated any sort of violence toward a racial group, or shit of that magnitude. i have expressed my opinion that racism is indeed pointless, yet inevitable.

are.. are you.... are....are you mocking me for likeing who i am?? now thats just not cricket. go home.
This has nothing to do with left or right wing politics. Bigotry exists beyond political homesteads.

You're just making straw man arguments with all of this rap talk.

Minorities that say they they are proud of their skin color are stupid as well. What you're really complaining about is that you aren't able to boast about your damn skin color more than the minorities, see how fucking stupid that is? You're jealous of others skin color boasting! Find somehting important to be proud of other than the shade of your skin. You're being attacked not because you are white, you are being attacked because you're being completely illogical.

I think you are advocating violence with all of this "whites need to ban together and not back down" talk.

No...n-no....no..I-I am not m-mocking you a-at all. Your skin color does not totally define who you are. If you think that you're incredibly shallow. I'll go home, and I'll listen to some rap music and put up my fist to da' man yo! Cuz ya'll know imma' bein brain washed by dis rapz music!


OTz original V.I.P
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Very tactful response Tim, however it's not quite spot on. It's "Black" history month, which isn't a race by the way. Though that holiday is referring to "African-Americans", you can be "Black" but be from many different places. Nigerian college fund? Ethiopian college fund? French-Negro college fund?

What the OP is referring to is more direct, related to color and not heritage. The "quotas" companies are forced to fill (or be labled as discriminative) has nothing to do with heritage and everything to do with skin color (though other things too of course).

At any rate, it's all due to the age we're in. For hundreds of years non-white's were discriminated against, females were discriminated against, pretty much everyone except white males. So, for a while, the world is gonna be partial to those who were oppressed and give them opportunities to catch up. That's all. In a hundred years there problable will be things like white history month and white scholarships, but just a generation or two ago isn't long enough to make up for hundreds of years of keeping others down.

I don't like it, but that's the way it is.

everything I had to say he said home slice


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growing up as a kiwi, a white kiwi, has set a basis for my life; my friends and dealings with other groups auckland is one of the most culturaly diverse cities in the world, and with all of the cultures celebrating themselves, the white folk have adopted a sort of culture to cling to and affiliate with so we can stick together. being white does indeed define who i am, but as you said, not totaly, it sure sets some what of a basis however. how can you call me shallow? you dont know me. i have admitted in times past that some black girls are pretty. and who doesnt have some sort of a prefference to the girls they fancy? long hair, curly, blonde, or brunette...for me, one factor i like is pale skin, but looks aint everything...

not everyone is affected the same by rap as others. some people take that shit into their heads, all the messages. just like some people get trolleyed off a box, some people can drink 3. some people take in the rap messages of killing and gangbanging and stealing and whatever, some people dont think twice about it.

no, i havnt advocated any violence. by saying that whites need to stick together,it wasnt so we can wage war against anyone, its more for moral support, to know a sort of culture. so they are less of a target to any sort of vigilante group. and i never said whites should not back down, i never said blacks should back down while whites keep oppressing did i. i said both need to step off, but it wont happen will it, maybe in a hundred years when the blacks finnaly get over their bad grace towards whites.

and i certainly am not jealous of any other skin colour boasting about that. i dont care that im attacked for being proud of being white, i just get sick of it sometimes. i just think that alot of people who are, or who should be proud of being white, proud of how they were born, cop a raw deal by not being able to express that very freely. black people are proud of being black, bloody good on them, and if they dont think white girls are pretty, ohwell, more for us. nobody attacks blacks for being proud. i think its good they like what they were born to be. im just proud of what i was born to be. its a draw really, aint it