white folk- hard done by!?

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yes, maoris were here first. they copped a raw deal, but it was not stealing. its human nature to want to get the best out of a deal. especialy back then, and you come across a new race of people that act so savagely. but my point is that today, the maoris use this as an excuse to be useless and live off the government. you dont have a job because your ancestors got a little ripped off and your culture was watered down with other world technology? you drop out of school because your tribe doesnt have as much land as it "should" have? what a lame excuse. why do they want the land back? they dont do anything with it. if they want it so bad, and they yearn for their culture back, why dont they go back to living in grass skirts with no technology in the forests. the mentality is often so bad that they cant wait to drop out of school in 5th form and smoke weed and do nothing all day. they cant wait to be 18 so they can sign up for the dole! they have grown up not knowing their ancient cluture, but use its absence as an excuse for not doing well in school, not knowing where their life is going, crime.

why cant they grow up and attend school and use their ancestors misfortunes as inspiration, to do the best they can, outshine all the white folk and make their tribe and ancestors proud? that seems the logical thing to do, but no, the culture in predominantly lazy. i know some incredibly intelligent maori kids. and PIs. its not hard. the chinese were dealt with harshly back in the days, but they come over here and carve up in schools and uni by hard work, making their family proud.

i dont see why they need special schollarships and special treatment to work hard and succeed

Peter Parka

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Maybe they dont want scollarships ect because they were going great in their own culture before the white man showed up and said "do things our way!". Just a thought!


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yeah sure, they were surviving and i guess prospering. i dotn see anyone with thier hands up to drop the technology and go running back to the old ways. so, beacuse of that, they want a life in the modern day with the modern comforts. and in that case, they should be made to act like the rest of us and make more of an effort to improve their families life and their own.

Peter Parka

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We (yes I say we because our country was responsible!) took over Australia and New Zealand. We introduced the indidgenous people to booze which they couldn't handle and diseases. Then we took their land, took their kids if their was a slight chance they might be slightly white (this was going on till 1970 by the way) treated them like shit and then wondered why, despite in this day and age they have a life expectancy 30 years less than the whites, they hate us so much!


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and whites are supposed to do what about it? thats still good incentive to rip up at work and school and show us up.

lol. this wasnt supposed to be about maoris. i was wonderin why whites cant be proud of our race? why are we scorned for white pride? for incidents like the aboriginals and maoris? im not saying that was the best. but still. id rather be a white person living for the now, not floundering in the events of the past living for nothing


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On a sidenote: I don't agree with things being labeled as 'Black History Month' or 'Black Entertainment Television'. Things, events, etc. should be labeled to represent heritage not color.
your right their replace the word Black with White and the shit would hit the fan.;)


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I think concentrating on color feeds racism. I think if we'd start promoting heritage instead of color it would 'help'.

Personally I do not like being called white. I actually cringe if I have to mark off that I am 'white' on a form. I'm not a freaking crayola crayon!

I'm Italian American. Doesn't that tell you a lot more about me than me calling myself 'white'?

All Else Failed

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Ok, in New Zealand, we dont celebrate black history month, but there is a maori language week where you are supposed to embrace the language and use it. there are scholarships for only maoris and PIs. and, it may sound american, but let me tell you, there is a lot of hard feelings between the natives and the white people. the maoris signed over their land and sold it to the brits, but now bitch and moan they want it back because they were hard done by. and alot of maoris use that excuse, and that of 'oppression' to just be useless jobless dole bludgers that blame everything on the government and white people giving them a hard time.this is why the white community dont liek them much. not only maoris, but islanders too. i dont see why any minority needs special help. they have the same opportunities to excel and succeed as any others do.

i admit i am a little racist, but not because of skin colour. i dislike the mentality. the gangster niggers in america where white people cant go into their neigborhoods. thats being emulated here. it sucks, and thats what i hate. i hate white people that try to act gangster and anti white. its not colour, its the cultural mentality.that i hate. i dont mind black people, but the gangster niggers is what i hate. just get along with everyone for christs sake. they complain about continuing animosity toward them, but thats because of the attitude toward the white people...
You really don't have to use "nigger", its completely uncalled for.

Who cares if white people try to "act black". Doesn't effect you. Plus, it doesn't matter what color you are, if you are born in the projects, you are born in the projects.

Plus, there's no such thing as being "a little racist". You're a racist.

Minorities often need help because being either enslaved or severely persecuted for HUNDREDS of hears really sets you back in the social and economic perspective.

All Else Failed

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and whites are supposed to do what about it? thats still good incentive to rip up at work and school and show us up.

lol. this wasnt supposed to be about maoris. i was wonderin why whites cant be proud of our race? why are we scorned for white pride? for incidents like the aboriginals and maoris? im not saying that was the best. but still. id rather be a white person living for the now, not floundering in the events of the past living for nothing
Because there is no such thing as a single white race, and being proud of the amount of melanin in your epidermis is stupid.


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black people are encouraged to feel proud of their race, and to embrace it. when someone tries to do something for the advancement of the black community/race, its all dandy buttercups. so when white people are proud of being white, it is improper and racist! i dont see the fairness here. whites must sit back and watch everyone else advance and promote their colour, culture and race whilst doing nothing about our own? ok, there is the United Negro College Fund- can we have a white college fund? oh goodness no! What about the Black History Month? dont even think about starting white history month, oh no! scorn! 'racist!' is the charge. why cant we whites be allowed to show pride in our skin tone and heritage when you're all happy to be black brown yellow red purple whatever. its not fair. im PROUD of being white, im GLAD im white, and hell no I wouldnt think for a second of changing to black...and for this ive been branded a racist my whole life... whats up with that?

Be proud or whatever. If you are proud, the thoughts of others shouldnt matter. Just remember pride before the fall. Its sounds really narrow minded, the way you expressed your feelings. Hopefully, I'm just not understanding you correctly. Me personally. Im Irish and Scottish buddy. I celebrate St. Patties and I love my culture. I think you need to do some research and trace your lineage. It sounds like you want to be proud of something and the thing you want to celebrate just red flags other peoples systems. For that, I apologize. The worlds a cold motherfucker. Do some research man, see where you are from and represent it to the fullest.


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yes, maoris were here first. they copped a raw deal, but it was not stealing. its human nature to want to get the best out of a deal. especialy back then, and you come across a new race of people that act so savagely. but my point is that today, the maoris use this as an excuse to be useless and live off the government. you dont have a job because your ancestors got a little ripped off and your culture was watered down with other world technology? you drop out of school because your tribe doesnt have as much land as it "should" have? what a lame excuse. why do they want the land back? they dont do anything with it. if they want it so bad, and they yearn for their culture back, why dont they go back to living in grass skirts with no technology in the forests. the mentality is often so bad that they cant wait to drop out of school in 5th form and smoke weed and do nothing all day. they cant wait to be 18 so they can sign up for the dole! they have grown up not knowing their ancient cluture, but use its absence as an excuse for not doing well in school, not knowing where their life is going, crime.

why cant they grow up and attend school and use their ancestors misfortunes as inspiration, to do the best they can, outshine all the white folk and make their tribe and ancestors proud? that seems the logical thing to do, but no, the culture in predominantly lazy. i know some incredibly intelligent maori kids. and PIs. its not hard. the chinese were dealt with harshly back in the days, but they come over here and carve up in schools and uni by hard work, making their family proud.

i dont see why they need special schollarships and special treatment to work hard and succeed

Ok I didnt see this before my last post. You are a jealous sad little man. Fuck outa here.

All Else Failed

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There just so much more in this world, and in your life to be proud of....who the hell cares what geographic area you were born in? It matters not in the slightest. You are HUMAN like everyone else.


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You thinking like this is only going to allow your heart and soul to boil in the water of hate. You should put more passion into something more productive. Rather than ranting and insulting another race. Is that going to change anything? You ranting and spewing your hate about? Is that going to make YOUR race look any better? You are absolutely a model for them to base their theories on. You are exactly the bad apple they are pointing out.


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There just so much more in this world, and in your life to be proud of....who the hell cares what geographic area you were born in? It matters not in the slightest. You are HUMAN like everyone else.
Not true each region has unique traditions and they are awesome to share with others.

I don't know if I would use the word 'proud', but I can understand the context it is being used in if it is not overly stressed.

Humans are humans, but we are not the same. We all come from different climates, cultures, families, religions, etc. It is ok to recognize these differences - they are not moral issues.

I love reading about other's holidays, how they celebrate things, how they decorate, dress, their different foods, music, etc. etc. It is all very beautiful.