black people are encouraged to feel proud of their race, and to embrace it. when someone tries to do something for the advancement of the black community/race, its all dandy buttercups. so when white people are proud of being white, it is improper and racist! i dont see the fairness here. whites must sit back and watch everyone else advance and promote their colour, culture and race whilst doing nothing about our own? ok, there is the United Negro College Fund- can we have a white college fund? oh goodness no! What about the Black History Month? dont even think about starting white history month, oh no! scorn! 'racist!' is the charge. why cant we whites be allowed to show pride in our skin tone and heritage when you're all happy to be black brown yellow red purple whatever. its not fair. im PROUD of being white, im GLAD im white, and hell no I wouldnt think for a second of changing to black...and for this ive been branded a racist my whole life... whats up with that?