white folk- hard done by!?

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black people are encouraged to feel proud of their race, and to embrace it. when someone tries to do something for the advancement of the black community/race, its all dandy buttercups. so when white people are proud of being white, it is improper and racist! i dont see the fairness here. whites must sit back and watch everyone else advance and promote their colour, culture and race whilst doing nothing about our own? ok, there is the United Negro College Fund- can we have a white college fund? oh goodness no! What about the Black History Month? dont even think about starting white history month, oh no! scorn! 'racist!' is the charge. why cant we whites be allowed to show pride in our skin tone and heritage when you're all happy to be black brown yellow red purple whatever. its not fair. im PROUD of being white, im GLAD im white, and hell no I wouldnt think for a second of changing to black...and for this ive been branded a racist my whole life... whats up with that?
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Having way too much fun
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Maybe it's the fact that white isn't a race. Why not look at your lineage and celebrate where you came from? Are you from Irish decent? Then participate in Irish American month. German? The go to October fest and celebrate German American month during October. You can find celebrations for every major ethnicity.
Every culture celebrates it's heritage, so why do you care that African Americans do the same? So they call it black history month, so what? Why get hung up on the terminology?

As far as the Negro college fund goes... Just with a quick search on the internet showed many German American college scholarship available. So I'm sure that you can find them for every ethnic group out there.

So before you call it reverse racism, take a look around and see what is available to you, as a white person. You will be amazed that it's not as one sided as you would think.


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Very tactful response Tim, however it's not quite spot on. It's "Black" history month, which isn't a race by the way. Though that holiday is referring to "African-Americans", you can be "Black" but be from many different places. Nigerian college fund? Ethiopian college fund? French-Negro college fund?

What the OP is referring to is more direct, related to color and not heritage. The "quotas" companies are forced to fill (or be labled as discriminative) has nothing to do with heritage and everything to do with skin color (though other things too of course).

At any rate, it's all due to the age we're in. For hundreds of years non-white's were discriminated against, females were discriminated against, pretty much everyone except white males. So, for a while, the world is gonna be partial to those who were oppressed and give them opportunities to catch up. That's all. In a hundred years there problable will be things like white history month and white scholarships, but just a generation or two ago isn't long enough to make up for hundreds of years of keeping others down.

I don't like it, but that's the way it is.


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Very tactful response Tim, however it's not quite spot on. It's "Black" history month, which isn't a race by the way. Though that holiday is referring to "African-Americans", you can be "Black" but be from many different places. Nigerian college fund? Ethiopian college fund? French-Negro college fund?

What the OP is referring to is more direct, related to color and not heritage. The "quotas" companies are forced to fill (or be labled as discriminative) has nothing to do with heritage and everything to do with skin color (though other things too of course).

At any rate, it's all due to the age we're in. For hundreds of years non-white's were discriminated against, females were discriminated against, pretty much everyone except white males. So, for a while, the world is gonna be partial to those who were oppressed and give them opportunities to catch up. That's all. In a hundred years there problable will be things like white history month and white scholarships, but just a generation or two ago isn't long enough to make up for hundreds of years of keeping others down.

I don't like it, but that's the way it is.
excellent post :withstupid:


Having way too much fun
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I agree with you on that Joe. Giving minorities a chance to catch up is a big part of it. I just didn't touch on that aspect of it yet. I was directing my post more to the "proud to be white" point of his post. You can publicly be proud of your heritage if you aren't black.


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On a sidenote: I don't agree with things being labeled as 'Black History Month' or 'Black Entertainment Television'. Things, events, etc. should be labeled to represent heritage not color.


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I'm surprised at the feelings you express being from New Zealand. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just sounds so American somehow...

Do you celebrate Black History month in your country? Also, is the college fund you're talking about international?

Peter Parka

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I agree with Joe and the guy who started this thread. We have music of black origin awards but we'd be branded as neo Nazi racists if we had music of white origin awards. But I also agree with what someone said about celebrating your culture and not your colour. This makes things interesting too because to be honest, curry , chinese food and kebabs are as much of British culture these days as fish and chips and cups of tea!

All Else Failed

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black people are encouraged to feel proud of their race, and to embrace it. when someone tries to do something for the advancement of the black community/race, its all dandy buttercups. so when white people are proud of being white, it is improper and racist! i dont see the fairness here. whites must sit back and watch everyone else advance and promote their colour, culture and race whilst doing nothing about our own? ok, there is the United Negro College Fund- can we have a white college fund? oh goodness no! What about the Black History Month? dont even think about starting white history month, oh no! scorn! 'racist!' is the charge. why cant we whites be allowed to show pride in our skin tone and heritage when you're all happy to be black brown yellow red purple whatever. its not fair. im PROUD of being white, im GLAD im white, and hell no I wouldnt think for a second of changing to black...and for this ive been branded a racist my whole life... whats up with that?
Being proud of your race is probably the silliest thing ever. Even more silly than nationalism.

Well, why wouldn't you want to change to being black? Reasons?

Also, there are plenty of European celebrations that aren't labeled as being "racist". Oktoberfest....st. paddy's day....Halloween (the original European form).....

Peter Parka

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Being proud of your race is probably the silliest thing ever. Even more silly than nationalism.

Well, why wouldn't you want to change to being black? Reasons?

Also, there are plenty of European celebrations that aren't labeled as being "racist". Oktoberfest....st. paddy's day....Halloween (the original European form).....

Maybe because the guy isn't racist and dosent see one colour as better than the other. Maybe you would like to explain why he should prefer to be black?

All Else Failed

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Maybe because the guy isn't racist and dosent see one colour as better than the other. Maybe you would like to explain why he should prefer to be black?

To be honest I didn't come off reading that from his post. He said " im PROUD of being white, im GLAD im white, and hell no I wouldnt think for a second of changing to black" so he OBVIOUSLY see color, and him saying he wouldn't change to black refers to him obviously preferring to be white for reasons I want to hear.


V.I.P User
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Well Im happy to have blue eyes and wouldnt think of changing it to any color... but it doesnt mean I hate brown eyes...

Peter Parka

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This is the point, why shouldnt we all be satisfied with what God or whatever you believe in has given us. I dont fancy black girls, I'm not racist but personally they dont do anything for me, its just taste. I don't see black people as any different to me other than when people still in this day and age have to keep bringing it up. I like being white which is great because I cant be black anyway! Whats the problem?

All Else Failed

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This is the point, why shouldnt we all be satisfied with what God or whatever you believe in has given us. I dont fancy black girls, I'm not racist but personally they dont do anything for me, its just taste. I don't see black people as any different to me other than when people still in this day and age have to keep bringing it up. I like being white which is great because I cant be black anyway! Whats the problem?

I'm satisfied with being white. I don't prefer other races to white women also, but that is because I think there's a comfort zone where you are just more comfortable around your own race. I agree it is just taste, but I have had non-white gf's in the past. I just don't see why people should be "proud" of what their skin color is....its so trivial it doesn't even deserve pride.

Peter Parka

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Thats where I agree with you, I really dont see peoples colour as being an issue whatsoever. By the way, I have been out with a black girl who is the sister of a famous singer, it just took this issue to make me remember she was black, thats how much I care about colour. She was apparently drop dead gorgeous but I dropped her not because of her colour but because I found her to be a bitch, that is all.


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Thats where I agree with you, I really dont see peoples colour as being an issue whatsoever. By the way, I have been out with a black girl who is the sister of a famous singer, it just took this issue to make me remember she was black, thats how much I care about colour. She was apparently drop dead gorgeous but I dropped her not because of her colour but because I found her to be a bitch, that is all.



All Else Failed

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Thats where I agree with you, I really dont see peoples colour as being an issue whatsoever. By the way, I have been out with a black girl who is the sister of a famous singer, it just took this issue to make me remember she was black, thats how much I care about colour. She was apparently drop dead gorgeous but I dropped her not because of her colour but because I found her to be a bitch, that is all.

More power to you, brother haha.


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Ok, in New Zealand, we dont celebrate black history month, but there is a maori language week where you are supposed to embrace the language and use it. there are scholarships for only maoris and PIs. and, it may sound american, but let me tell you, there is a lot of hard feelings between the natives and the white people. the maoris signed over their land and sold it to the brits, but now bitch and moan they want it back because they were hard done by. and alot of maoris use that excuse, and that of 'oppression' to just be useless jobless dole bludgers that blame everything on the government and white people giving them a hard time.this is why the white community dont liek them much. not only maoris, but islanders too. i dont see why any minority needs special help. they have the same opportunities to excel and succeed as any others do.

i admit i am a little racist, but not because of skin colour. i dislike the mentality. the gangster niggers in america where white people cant go into their neigborhoods. thats being emulated here. it sucks, and thats what i hate. i hate white people that try to act gangster and anti white. its not colour, its the cultural mentality.that i hate. i dont mind black people, but the gangster niggers is what i hate. just get along with everyone for christs sake. they complain about continuing animosity toward them, but thats because of the attitude toward the white people...


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no no no, there was no land stealing. the maoris got paid. and they still had mass chunks of land. and the treaty is so freakin useless anyway. some people argue 'oh no its still relevant' --what a crock! cant anyone see its just one of those things that continues to create tension, and should be abolished...not that anything is ever done by it. burn it i say