Your logic has a gap. You believe that I am narrow minded - by which, I am assuming, you believe that I don't consider others viewpoints - when, in fact, I do.. I have just rejected them all, because of my logic. Unfeeling - my feelings are a product of my logic. Incapable of being someone... - wrong again. I am not someone who doesn't rephrase rote objectivist idealistic statements. But that doesn't mean I can't become one. Man can always change - that's logical to assume. We are not borne with a personality, so I can change. Lonely and unsatisfied - wrong again. I am sure that there are other people out there whose ideas and feelings are products of their logic, and I imagine we'll be very happy together. It is illogical to assume there is no one else like me.
Your logic is wrong.
Your emotions tell you that? I thought that my posts would have.
Yes, but that is a logical assumption from my posts. You see that I am young and feeling the need, and so it follow that it is normal for who I am (why else would I post it?) and beautiful - achievement is a logical thing, and spreading wings and voicing opinions is a precursor to achievement in some area.
This is illogical. It is logical to assume that I can believe what I want - because I am doing it. It is illogical to say neither side of an issue should assume their own right-or-wrong -ness. Each side is either right or wrong on an issue, because of objective reality. I know that I'm right because I side with logic, and therefore, objective reality.
No, that's logical too. I am human, and therefore, can have breaks in my normal philosophy that I don't expect.
I hope for your sake that none of the girls at your school see your posts in this thread. You're in for a long romantic dry spell if you actually practice with this attitude.