@Peter Parka - Love the chart!
@Zorak - :24: But what if I adore animals (they're quite tasty!), have no problem with gays, and love fun with women (also quite tasty in a different way)?
To better answer the OP, personally I do not believe that there is any one religion or philosophy I could adhere to without question. IMHO, any mode of thought that demands that is a cult, including Christianity, if not especially.
I've always been of the opinion that to be truly healthy spiritually, you have to be able to call all of your beliefs into question. Hey, at least they don't burn you at the stake for that anymore. I think the only ones being truly honest are the agnostics. Can't prove there is any divine being, can't disprove it, and for the theists and atheists, to prove or disprove it they have the burden. As for me, I know what I currently believe, but I'm not afraid to be wrong.
So for now, like I've said, I've chosen Christianity, from the standpoint of loving one another being the greatest commandment, and knowing those who elevate themselves actually do the opposite, those that judge will themselves be judged. Sorry more proclaimed Christians don't do the same. I do believe that with enough faith one can move a mountain, at least figuratively speaking. I believe that ultimately humans should learn to discipline their thoughts because thought is more powerful than people realize. It's been proven to be able to rewire the brain, previously believed impossible but measured by fMRI on OCD patients. I think it's a force amidst the other four. And yes, I know that last part probably sounds more Buddhist, but at its core and earliest intent that's what Christianity approximates.
But hell, I could be blowing a ton of smoke, and to address the OP again, you shouldn't want to be a part of a faith without question.