Onto the topic relating to opinions, Yes, there are no absolutes. Yes, you can never declare that a person’s belief is false. BUT certain beliefs can hold more validity than others. I will give you an example: If there was a scenario where a rapist was captured for committing a horrendous crime, the rapist could say that he played no role in the crime. If he truly believes that he did not commit the crime, he has the right to think so. Even if he was seen committing the crime, his belief is that he wasn’t there. Now, this is the area where my point comes in. Certain beliefs hold more validity than others. In the case of the criminal, he would most probably be sent to a prison or mental institution.
That is a horrendously bad example. Obviously the rapist's belief is incorrect, no matter how much faith he has, because he was seen committing the crime. This has nothing to do with belief anymore, but fact. The rapist was seen committing a horendous crime. Unless you are getting hopelessly abstract (how do we know that our eyes really see what they see, is rain really rain, what is time, etc. etc.), the rapist, for all intents and purposes, committed the crime, whether he believes it or not.
This example really has nothing to do with religion, as I would love to see someone peek though a curtain and go, "Oh, gotcha!" And some god or whatever shrugs his shoulders and goes, "Yep, sorry, just me." That just won't happen. Or hasn't yet, whichever you prefer. There has been no physical "thing" (for lack of a better word) to believe or not believe in. There is no rape or rapist in the religion scenario...
Atheists always use science to back up their beliefs and here is my argument against it. Now, for all you atheists out there, are you aware that FACTS have been proven to be wrong? Science can change. The scientific methods used to explain the things that happen around us are just the best explanations at the moment. All of this can change. Think about how science has changed throughout the centuries. You are having faith in something that can change. You'd have to have seen all evidences to know there is no God. You cannot claim this, therefore, your atheism is illogical. The “god area” is where we can’t supply facts. In the end, it boils down to faith.
However, science has been consistently logical about things far more than faith has. And the best explanations at the moment are probably better than having none at all, or having an unrelated one. Why does it rain? Well, precipitation falls from the sky after water has evaporated from the surface and collected in clouds. Or, a higher power did it. You choose which you prefer.
Maybe some atheists have seen as much proof as they need, which is certainly plausible if that belief has validity to them.
I don't think you can argue that atheism is "illogical", as that would make religion, or anything, really, "illogical", since there is no way to explain it, and no true proof of anything and science is only the best explanation at the moment, so it requires some faith, which is "illogical"... do you see where I'm going with this?
If atheists feel they have enough proof, fine. The best explanations of the moment provide that proof for them. Maybe the next big explanation will be that atoms are actually a miniature species of elephant-gods, and by feeding them microscopic food, they can grow to the size of a table and feed half a country. Then the atheists'll be screwed....