1. the definition of a gangster is a person in a gang/involved in orginized crime
I see you finally looked up Gangster.. Far cry from a street drug dealer. Now that we can move on lets get to the real topic..
2. Blacks are born black and asians are born asian. Im sure they could get medical procedures done to look different. If they want to do it, thats on them. As for people forcing muslims to convert to christianity, thats not showing Gods Love by christians, that is showing violence. Therefore the people wouldent actually believe, they would be resenting. If you are luke warm you are not a christian. Why not force the world to be blonde haired blue eyes Christians? Well, for one thing that would mean i have to get a surgery. I would never make people do things that would inconvience me, out of my own will, and for no reason.
And that was my point.. You can change people forcibly but you cannot make them into people they are not.. Just as you cannot change a heterosexual like you and I into wanting to be with members of our sexual orientation, the same can be said of homosexuals.
3.So why am i worried about Gay behavior? Has a gay guy asked me out?
Why am I worried about their behavior when it doesnt affect me? The same reason you would be worried about a pedophiles behavior, or any other sex offenders behavior. Oh and a gay guy has tried to hit on me before. Long story, funnt story. Well, not so funny for that guy.
Why do you keep linking pedophiles with gays ? That's like linking all military people with being berserk killers because one went nuts in a camp ( Nidal Malik Hasan ).. Or link all priest or clergy men with pedophiles..
And did you die or become Gay when they person asked you out ? Doesn't look like it to me .. The fact is your ego might have been slightly bruise but even that should not have bothered you.
4. How can I prove that gays werent born gay, easy one. The fact you cant genetically find a gay gene. Same as you cant find a heterosexual gene. Any person can go left or right depending on their upbringing. People identify homosexual, then get cured and become heterosexual, and vice vera. If you want this evidence just ask.
But I am not the one with a problem, you are. You have the burden of proof and need to prove the gays were not born the way they were. If we are all to be treated equally, it should not matter if you white, brown, Jewish, Christian, Gay or Straight. You should not try to berate anyone, especially if you believe in equal rights. Even mentally handicap people deserve equal rights.
Or do you believe that equal rights is just a fable for those who deserve it in your mind?
5. Pedophelia, Necrophelia, Homosexuality its all one of the same thing. Abnormal sexual behavior, also to add that there is no neurology or medical issues within true pedophiles, thats another issue altogether.
Again, you are lumping everything into one basket and not comparing apples to apples.. That's like say Cancer, a Common Cold and Eczema are all the same.. Get over it man..
6. Elaborate for me your dont ask dont tell comment. Its a pretty shitty analogy. I dont understand what your getting at. Im assuming your trying to say my comparing pedophiles to homosexuals is that ridiculous of an analogy that your comparing dont ask dont tell reappeal to all aoldiers being gay? The reason I use them is because pedophiles are with homosexuals in the catagory of abnormal deviant sexual behavior.
Hey an analogy is an analogy. If you keep lumping people all into one basket so will I..
Also wanted to add, I am not out to try and cure homosexuals. Its their choice to get help or not.. I have too much going on to try and force change among that group. If a gay dude approaches me, i will educate him on treatment. If he doesnt want it, its his problem not mine. All I am saying is its cureable.
Then what are you trying to do to them? Why in one hand do you say your not out to cure them but say they should seek help? You keep saying its a behavior so what do you what them to do? They will not take a magic pill and become hetrosexuals, so what's your solution? And what treatement are you talking about?
Thats was the original 2005 study which has been disproven. Check this out little dude
Retro, ill reply to all your shit when im off work today
Sorry Doc, but the article you refer to is from a heavivly bias religious web site.
I cannot find the APA it refers to at all and every report the APA are usually posted. And even at that it states only "
There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation." which is a far cry from saying there is no Gay Gene.
But if you want more recent findings, all you had to do was Google it..