What Is Sharia??

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Islam has nothing to do with the bombing... the terrorists did it.
Why would any Muslim want to bomb the US and not Japan, Singapore or Australia, for instance??

You do realize that you contradicted yourself in two sentences, right? Let's walk through it step by step.

Islam has nothing to do with the bombing... the terrorists did it.

Okay, so Islam had nothing to do with 9/11, it was terrorists.

Let's look at the next sentence

Why would any Muslim want to bomb the US and not Japan, Singapore or Australia, for instance??

I've bolded the word Muslim for a reason, and here it is. The definition of the word "Muslim" is "an adherent of Islam".

You stated in your first sentence that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11, yet you ask why Muslims didn't attack other places instead. By virtue of the fact that Muslim means "adherent of Islam", you've now admitted on your own accord that Islam did in fact have something to do with 9/11. The fact that they were terrorists doesn't change the fact that they were in fact followers of Islam... followers of radical Islam that doesn't match up with what the majority of Muslims believe, but Islam none the less.

You can't accuse me of twisting your words, because I've simply taken what you've said and broken it down.
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I don't have a lie detector.

I had no reason to say that it was a quadruple post if it wasn't. I got my point across with one post, and since I'm incapable of deleting my own posts, I did the next best thing and edited the extraneous posts.

But that's completely off-topic, and you ask people to stay on-topic.


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i asked why muslims are allowed 4 wives,the real reason without you being sarcastic


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i asked why muslims are allowed 4 wives,the real reason without you being sarcastic

But you pissed off without answering my question: WHY the TT were bombed?????????????????? What perpetuated the attack????????????

What do Muslims have to do with the US and not so many other nations of the world??


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The First Woman / Eve
Christianity (Bible)
"When the woman (Eve) saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband (Adam), who was with her, and he ate it...Then the man (Adam) and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, "Where are you?" He (Adam) answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid." And he (God) said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" The man said, "The woman (Eve) you put here with me-she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it." Then the Lord God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" The woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." To the woman he (God) said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." To Adam he (God) said, "Because you listen to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life."

Genesis 3:6-17
[SIZE=+2]Islam (Quran)[/SIZE] [7:19] "As for you, Adam, dwell with your wife in Paradise, and eat therefrom as you please, but do not approach this one tree, lest you fall in sin."
[7:20] The devil whispered to them, in order to reveal their bodies, which were invisible to them. He said, "Your Lord did not forbid you from this tree, except to prevent you from becoming angels,
and from attaining eternal existence."

[7:21] He swore to them, "I am giving you good advice."
[7:22] He thus duped them with lies. As soon as they tasted the tree, their bodies became visible to them, and they tried to cover themselves with the leaves of Paradise. Their Lord called upon them:
"Did I not enjoin you from that tree, and warn you that the devil is your most ardent enemy?"

[7:23] They said, "Our Lord, we have wronged our souls, and unless You forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be losers."


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That's quite a non sequitur you've got there.

You also need to change your original quote there... because the text is Christianity and Judaism, as Genesis is a part of the Torah.


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But you pissed off without answering my question: WHY the TT were bombed?????????????????? What perpetuated the attack????????????

bin Laden's declaration of a Holy War and signing of fatwās against the United States in 1996 and 1998. These were issued because of United States support of the Israeli state; as radical Muslims (and moderates for that matter) believe that Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount in particular, belong to Islam.
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You do realize that you contradicted yourself in two sentences, right? Let's walk through it step by step.

Okay, so Islam had nothing to do with 9/11, it was terrorists.

Let's look at the next sentence

I've bolded the word Muslim for a reason, and here it is. The definition of the word "Muslim" is "an adherent of Islam".

You stated in your first sentence that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11, yet you ask why Muslims didn't attack other places instead. By virtue of the fact that Muslim means "adherent of Islam", you've now admitted on your own accord that Islam did in fact have something to do with 9/11. The fact that they were terrorists doesn't change the fact that they were in fact followers of Islam... followers of radical Islam that doesn't match up with what the majority of Muslims believe, but Islam none the less.

You can't accuse me of twisting your words, because I've simply taken what you've said and broken it down.

Originally Posted by skyblue
because they were muslims who committed those acts in the name of islam...like it or not those acts of terror are indelibly linked to islam
BTW my reply was in reply to Sophia76's accusation and not YOU!! See what she said.
Just you stop twisting facts out of context and playing games - if you want to comment do on your own...

WHY WAS THE MOTIVE BEHIND THE TWIN TOWER BOMBINGS???????????????????????????????????

WHY ONLY THE ARABS( THE SAUDIS) DID IT???????????????????????????????????

Anybody listening????

PS: sorry I always get mixed up with names....was it Sophia76 or Skyblue?? In both cases it makes little diff, because they both are the opponents and your counter-parts.....
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bin Laden's declaration of a Holy War and signing of fatwās against the United States in 1996 and 1998. These were issued because of United States support of the Israeli state; as radical Muslims (and moderates for that matter) believe that Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount in particular, belong to Islam.

That may be too simplistic though, so I'll add on.

Other motivations did or could include

Sanctions against Iraq
Attempted Globalization of Islam
U.S. Military Presence in Saudi Arabia
To provoke open war by the United States against Islam as a whole, and any countries that are considered to be Muslim. This would be in order to galvanize Muslims around the world against a common enemy, behind the banner of al Qaeda and bin Laden.


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BTW my reply was in reply to Sophia76's accusation and not YOU!! See what she said. Just you stop twisting facts out of context and playing games - if you want to comment do on your own...

It doesn't matter who it was originally addressed to. The fact of the matter is that you contradicted yourself, and I pointed it out. However, true to form, you accuse me of twisting facts, when all I did was quote you, and break down your two sentences to show the inconsistencies with your statement.

WHY WAS THE MOTIVE BEHIND THE TWIN TOWER BOMBINGS???????????????????????????????????

WHY ONLY THE ARABS( THE SAUDIS) DID IT???????????????????????????????????

Anybody listening????

I just posted them.


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ok......muslims are allowed 4 wives.....i'll educate a muslim now

back in the days of the crusades when the acts of muslims were far more noble than they are today,if men didn't work they're family starved(ok,its like that now)...well many muslim men went into battle and lost they're lives,leaving behind helpless wives and children(one wife each then remember)...so to stop widespread starvation it was declared that men should marry more women and support them...it was a charitable act that in todays way of thinking has turned into the slavery of women


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bin Laden's declaration of a Holy War and signing of fatwās against the United States in 1996 and 1998. These were issued because of United States support of the Israeli state; as radical Muslims (and moderates for that matter) believe that Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount in particular, belong to Islam.

So you mean it was due to political differences because the US supports Israel and the Palestians happens to
be Muslims??? they could also have been Christians fighting against their land with the Jews!!
It proves that the TT were attacked by the Arabs who hate the US policies against them and the US and Israel.

Muslims may sympathize with other Muslims but it is an undeniable fact that the bombings were the result of fight between the concerned parties over land and resources...


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So you mean it was due to political differences because the US supports Israel and the Palestians happens to
be Muslims??? they could also have been Christians fighting against their land with the Jews!!
It proves that the TT were attacked by the Arabs who hate the US policies against them and the US and Israel.

Muslims may sympathize with other Muslims but it is an undeniable fact that the bombings were the result of fight between the concerned parties over land and resources...

Political and religious differences. As the main source of the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis is control over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. The Israelis believe that they have claim to it because their temple was built there long before the birth of Christ, and even longer before Muhammad created Islam. The Muslims believe that they have claim to both Jerusalem and the Temple Mount because the al Asqa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are located there.

The Political differences come into play after the religious ones, as the United States has a treaty with Israel, and has defended the state diplomatically as well as supplied it militarily. The followers of Islam take affront to this, because they believe that they have claim to Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount because two of their holy sites are located there.

Also, not all of the hijackers were Saudi Arabian. There was an Egyptian, two from UAE, and another from Lebanon.


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ok......muslims are allowed 4 wives.....i'll educate a muslim now

back in the days of the crusades when the acts of muslims were far more noble than they are today,if men didn't work they're family starved(ok,its like that now)...well many muslim men went into battle and lost they're lives,leaving behind helpless wives and children(one wife each then remember)...so to stop widespread starvation it was declared that men should marry more women and support them...it was a charitable act that in todays way of thinking has turned into the slavery of women

what a cock and bull story!!!

As Kimmy pointed out in one of her posts Islam stands first for FAMILY and then SEX.
Saladin came hundreds of year after the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran allowed 4 wives more than
1400 years ago!!! (still you say you know Muslims better than me?? bull!)) ....
The Quran may have done that because in the initial stages of the spread of islam there were too many battles
to fight... Muslims against their enemies in the ratio of one against four... consequently sometimes more men got
killed and women were left unsecure...then came the command to marry 4 women to provide safety, security and honor to widows ,,,,,,so that they were safe from other men's advances and that adultery/illicit sex/prostitution was excluded and thereby a woman's honor and dignity was preserved by giving her a FAMILY!!!.

In practice a Muslim is rarely seen to have more than 2 wives...the majority have One wife only....

Hope now you understand the philosophy behind allowing muslim men to marry 4 wives....and I believe that is a great idea!!

you got to watch the old movie, Horrors of Spider Island, it's available on youtube freee!!

The Man

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ok......muslims are allowed 4 wives.....i'll educate a muslim now

back in the days of the crusades when the acts of muslims were far more noble than they are today,if men didn't work they're family starved(ok,its like that now)...well many muslim men went into battle and lost they're lives,leaving behind helpless wives and children(one wife each then remember)...so to stop widespread starvation it was declared that men should marry more women and support them...it was a charitable act that in todays way of thinking has turned into the slavery of women

Also if they gave up all that fighting and suicide bombings 1 wife would suffice


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Political and religious differences. As the main source of the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis is control over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. The Israelis believe that they have claim to it because their temple was built there long before the birth of Christ, and even longer before Muhammad created Islam. The Muslims believe that they have claim to both Jerusalem and the Temple Mount because the al Asqa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are located there.

The Political differences come into play after the religious ones, as the United States has a treaty with Israel, and has defended the state diplomatically as well as supplied it militarily. The followers of Islam take affront to this, because they believe that they have claim to Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount because two of their holy sites are located there.

Also, not all of the hijackers were Saudi Arabian. There was an Egyptian, two from UAE, and another from Lebanon.

The story of Palestine is a different topic and cannot be discussed on this thread.

Both sides to the dispute have their own reasons and driving out anybody from his own land just because
he has a different faith is condemnable and naturally gives rise to grievances not against the aggressor but also his allies!!


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Also if they gave up all that fighting and suicide bombings 1 wife would suffice

No, the war on terror has become counter-productive. for Gaad's sake try to understand the seriousness
of the situation and listen to your own leaders (obama, hillary etc ) if not me!!
I guess the world would be plunged into terrible disaster if the war continues....and EU would be the first
to feel its brunt!! Be prudent and don't jest as maybe one day you may also be required to serve in Afghanistan
and if lucky go back home and perhaps commit suicide from mental trauma..(sooo many marines are already
committing suicides after returning from the war zones...take a lesson from them!!)
I hav witness atleast 2 wars .....you will not understand unless you are in it that how miserable war is for both
the belligerants!!


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The story of Palestine is a different topic and cannot be discussed on this thread.

Both sides to the dispute have their own reasons and driving out anybody from his own land just because
he has a different faith is condemnable and naturally gives rise to grievances not against the aggressor but also his allies!!

You're the one who brought it up to begin with. You wanted to know what the motivations for 9/11 were, and I provided them. This was merely taking it the next step in further exploring those motivators.

The land that comprises the State of Israel is the historical land of the Jewish people, and had been for centuries before Muhammad was ever born.

The Jewish claim to Israel and Jerusalem goes back to Abraham or even earlier.
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