What Is Sharia??

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Sure thing, show me the thread and Ill be happy to float whatever that means. you are still refusing to answer a valid on-topic question by skyblue, it was in response to a comment you made so at least have the "guts" as you put it, to answer it and not hide behind your screen and goad people into arguments.

You dont have an answer, and I bet you wont answer at all, which confirms what I originally said, You cant answer it..it was not a part of war, it was cowardly and barbaric act of terror on innocent people by faith blinded morons.

As you know the answer why are you trying to troll and drag me into answering a stupid question
which clearly off topic and has no bearing to Sharia laws?? Where do sharia laws state that killing
innocent people is justified??

would be nice for you if you floated a separate thread on 9/11 for others to comment..
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how was it an off topic question when all i did was responded to one of your posts?

How does your question relate to sharia laws?
Where do Sharia laws justify killing of innocent people??
You are clearly off track and this is the last warning before I report to the Admin.


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Your life is your garden
and your thoughts are your seeds,
so if your life isn't awesome
you've been watering the weeds.

Terry Prince


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How does your question relate to sharia laws?
Where do Sharia laws justify killing of innocent people??
You are clearly off track and this is the last warning before I report to the Admin.

ok,you made a thread about sharia law,you then made a post in which the text said that muslims dont kill innocents,so i asked a question about 9/11 and the london bombings,which were acts commited by muslims...so obviously my question was relevant to the thread...yet you refuse to answer or cant answer...instead you start calling me childish names etc


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ok,you made a thread about sharia law,you then made a post in which the text said that muslims dont kill innocents,so i asked a question about 9/11 and the london bombings,which were acts commited by muslims...so obviously my question was relevant to the thread...yet you refuse to answer or cant answer...instead you start calling me childish names etc

There's no damn point... he's incapable of seeing anything negative about Islam. If you say anything negative, you're either lying, being a troll, not understanding, or any host of other things. He's right, and everyone else is wrong.

The Man

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Again, don't play with copy-paste crap from the web, just let me have a Quote
from the Quran ......

Mr, Sharia cannot go beyond the Quran, if it does that is NOT Islam but something
I have not opened your above link for the stated reason...

So Sadia Arabia and the taliban do indeed go by the quran as they do use sharia..you seem to be contradicting yourself here ;)


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ok,you made a thread about sharia law,you then made a post in which the text said that muslims dont kill innocents,so i asked a question about 9/11 and the london bombings,which were acts commited by muslims...so obviously my question was relevant to the thread...yet you refuse to answer or cant answer...instead you start calling me childish names etc

9/11 has no bearing on Sharia laws which evidently condemn killing of innocent people...
try not to twist things to suit your design....

BTW Why did the terrorists (they have NO religion) bomb the Trade Centre etc????Why??

Although there is plethora of information about 9/11 on the internet and since you are adamant to
indulge me in an off topic argument with malicious intents I can but only feel sorry for you..and your ignorance, including your side kick who is always there to jump at the first opportunity to show his venomous teeth!

PS: read 'FANGS' instead of TEETH!
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The Man

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I have no idea if and when that may have happened (or not happened) but that is condemnable
if it did.

As I have been repeatedly saying in this thread or elsewhere, Saudi law is Orthodox law the same as
observed by the Taliban's. It's a pity that super powers go bombing the Talibs but ignore Saudia
obviously for good reasons no more a secret!!

According to the best of my knowledge an aged woman is
not required to veil or wear burqa. She is also not stopped from going out alone if
she needed to accomplish her errands. I don't understand what could be the circumstances
in her case that led to punishment by the Saudis..? perhaps the matter relates more to custom and
culture rather than religion...I have known such thing happen anywhere...

As Kimmy stated in one of her posts Islam focuses on FAMILY rather than SEX...
and Muslim men and women are barred from premarital sex. Segregation of sexes is not
totally banned but proper veiling is bidden for women who work in offices or who have to move around.
Condition of escort (not by a stranger) for young women is not a religious command but is subject
to socio-cultural structure or custom...for example, a woman needs an escort in Afghanistan, Pakistan,
or Somalia but not in Japan, Uk, or South Africa, etc just for those reasons.

Breast feeding: If a woman breast suckles a baby or a small suckling he spontaneously
becomes her son...or daughter and they cannot inter-marry with any of her children.

As I said Sharia is a two-way system...If any Muslim state cannot give Rights it can
Neither ask them Duties!! Simple as enough but if someone, say Saudi, does that
you have no reason to malign Islam. Islam is by the Quran as Christianity is by the
Bible!! Rest is secondary and controversial.

As I have been repeatedly saying in this thread or elsewhere, Saudi law is Orthodox law the same as
observed by the Taliban's. It's a pity that super powers go bombing the Talibs but ignore Saudia
obviously for good reasons no more a secret!!
But you have stated sharia cant go beyond the quran...they use sharia law
If you are supportive of sharia law and yoy claim sharia law cant go beyond the quran then how can you not agree with the saudi justice?...........it is the same quran correct?
According to the best of my knowledge an aged woman is
not required to veil or wear burqa. She is also not stopped from going out alone if
she needed to accomplish her errands. I don't understand what could be the circumstances
in her case that led to punishment by the Saudis..? perhaps the matter relates more to custom and
culture rather than religion...I have known such thing happen anywhere...
That was never argued but not that you bring it up
If its not law then how can it be enforced for the women to wear them?

Breast feeding: If a woman breast suckles a baby or a small suckling he spontaneously
becomes her son...or daughter and they cannot inter-marry with any of her children.
We use courts to decide.....we cant claim a child is ours when we breast fed them once

As I said Sharia is a two-way system...If any Muslim state cannot give Rights it can
Neither ask them Duties!! Simple as enough but if someone, say Saudia, does that
you have no reason to malign Islam. Islam is by the Quran as Christianity is by the
Bible!! Rest is secondary and controversial
We dont use our bible for law...its voluntary if one wants to read it..let alone live by it
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The Man

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Enough has already been discussed about that tragedy on different
forums and perhaps even
at this one.
BTW I recall having posted a video on some other thread (perhaps Quran burning) just watch
it for your 'enlightenment'!

This thread is related to Sharia and Not 9/11....am I right??I hope you will understand my Dutch
this time.....I have no interest in going thru that beaten track again and again!
You made the claim in this thread that muslims dont kill innocent people...but now you want to dismiss a rebuttal?


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You made the claim in this thread that muslims dont kill innocent people...but now you want to dismiss a rebuttal?

His "argument" is that since they killed innocent people, they weren't actually Muslims. Awfully convenient.

The Man

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No, you cannot interpret or misinterpret religion on the basis of a single sad incident.
I still fail to understand what was the motive behind that indiscriminate attack as there are various explanations to that given by Americans themselves.

Those who attacked twin towers shouldn't be forgiven but judging adherents of a religion just on the basis of a rogue group is not fair...
Some say the twin tower issue is more political than religious ....
If adherents of a religion don't observe the tenets of their faith whose fault is it?? The adherents ofcourse and not their religion!

The perspective of Muslims changed after 9/11 It was not as it is now ....Why????

Atheists have nothing special to offer, therefore no harm in following a religion.Then at least you have some guide!!

Actually it only strengthens our knowledge that they would stop at nothing...we had several smaller prior attacks.

Lets face it the majority of terrorists are muslim.......while not all are violent agreed,,they seem to hold first place though


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The Man;1[QUOTE said:
714304]But you have stated sharia cant go beyond the quran...they use sharia law
If you are supportive of sharia law and yoy claim sharia law cant go beyond the quran then how can you not agree with the saudi justice?...........it is the same quran correct?

Can you stop a King from doing what he wants at his whims?? In fact you are supporting the evil in

That was never argued but not that you bring it up
If its not law then how can it be enforced for the women to wear them?

If you had visited Afghanistan during the reign of King Zahir Shah you would have been shocked
to see all Muslim women forced by King's decree to give up their traditional dress and wear skirts!
You better talk to Saudi King and he'll let you know why he does all those hand-picked things from the Sharia
---and obviously you haven't read the whole thread otherwise you would have noted when I wrote that ONE Sharia is not accepted by ALL Muslims...Shia's and Sunni's have different Sharia...Saudi's different, even Prince Aga Khan has his own Sharia! However, no Muslim denies the tenets of Quran ---controversy is over deviations and controversies in secondary matter, Got it?? That's how things go.....

We use courts to decide.....we cant claim a child is ours we we breast fed them once

Nobody is bound to follow you..your rules. Nobody claims a child illegally in any Muslim state...read the stipulates of the Sharia with open eyes.. but there is NO concept of adoption in Islam, hence no need for formalities like yours but still at common law Muslims have to get ratified in case they take in a child for some reason but not required if it is withing the family with consent!!

We dont use our bible for law...its voluntary if one wants to read it..let alone live by it

Ah! I must bang my head against the wall or pull my hairs at your rhetoric and inability to grasp the contents of the thread! As severally stated you are a secular country ....it makes no difference to you or your govt if
you abused anyone.. Islam doesn't allow such scot free freedom. Muslims get voluntarily bound to their faith
and state doesn't have to tell them to do this not to do that like you treat tiny tots!!


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Actually it only strengthens our knowledge that they would stop at nothing...we had several smaller prior attacks.

Lets face it the majority of terrorists are muslim.......while not all are violent agreed,,they seem to hold first place though

Answer my question: Why did the terrorist bomb trade centre etc??? Why??

Unless you give me a satisfactory answer to above question don't nose in with your nonsense!


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yes, what more could I say???

Well, you could start by stating it's your opinion that it's so. :)

I have no issues with opinions; they are like arseholes, in that everyone has one and they usually stink. What I do have an issue with is someone telling someone else that what they believe is wrong.

I have no issue with your Muslim beliefs; why should I? I've got many Muslim friends, and the best part about friends is that they never look down their nose at your OWN beliefs.

That is where I think you and I are going to be divided; you believe that I am wrong (which is fine) but you think that you need to change my beliefs (which is wrong).
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