What Is Sharia??

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Answer my question: Why the twin towers etc were bombed??

I've answered this a million times in a million ways, and the answer has never changed; some assholes got through some extremely lax security on our (the US of A) part, and exploited it.

That's it. The beliefs behind it, however, are many.

It's my belief that it was some dumbass extremists who mean about as much to the general Muslim population as Hitler did to most Catholics, or McVeigh with his admittedly lax Catholicism.

The Man

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Can you stop a King from doing what he wants at his whims?? In fact you are supporting the evil in

If you had visited Afghanistan during the reign of King Zahir Shah you would have been shocked
to see all Muslim women forced by King's decree to give up their traditional dress and wear skirts!
You better talk to Saudi King and he'll let you know why he does all those hand-picked things from the Sharia
---and obviously you haven't read the whole thread otherwise you would have noted when I wrote that ONE Sharia is not accepted by ALL Muslims...Shia's and Sunni's have different Sharia...Saudi's different, even Prince Aga Khan has his own Sharia! However, no Muslim denies the tenets of Quran ---controversy is over deviations and controversies in secondary matter, Got it?? That's how things go.....

Nobody is bound to follow you..your rules. Nobody claims a child illegally in any Muslim state...read the stipulates of the Sharia with open eyes.. but there is NO concept of adoption in Islam, hence no need for formalities like yours but still at common law Muslims have to get ratified in case they take in a child for some reason but not required if it is withing the family with consent!!

Ah! I must bang my head against the wall or pull my hairs at your rhetoric and inability to grasp the contents of the thread! As severally stated you are a secular country ....it makes no difference to you or your govt if
you abused anyone.. Islam doesn't allow such scot free freedom. Muslims get voluntarily bound to their faith
and state doesn't have to tell them to do this not to do that like you treat tiny tots!!

Can you stop a King from doing what he wants at his whims?? In fact you are supporting the evil in
You are the one in support of sharia such as Saudi uses
Not I
If you had visited Afghanistan during the reign of King Zahir Shah you would have been shocked
to see all Muslim women forced by King's decree to give up their traditional dress and wear skirts!
You better talk to Saudi King and he'll let you know why he does all those hand-picked things from the Sharia
---and obviously you haven't read the whole thread otherwise you would have noted when I wrote that ONE Sharia is not accepted by ALL Muslims...Shia's and Sunni's have different Sharia...Saudi's different, even Prince Aga Khan has his own Sharia! However, no Muslim denies the tenets of Quran ---controversy is over deviations and controversies in secondary matter, Got it?? That's how things go.....
The muslim way...seems to be very disturbing..but yet you support the laws that makes it possible
Sharia law...Just say no

Nobody is bound to follow you..your rules. Nobody claims a child illegally in any Muslim state...read the stipulates of the Sharia with open eyes.. but there is NO concept of adoption in Islam, hence no need for formalities like yours but still at common law Muslims have to get ratified in case they take in a child for some reason but not required if it is withing the family with consent!!
While a woman declare a child her because she gave it some tit,and be legal
its still fucked up....more reason to say no to sharia law

Ah! I must bang my head against the wall or pull my hairs at your rhetoric and inability to grasp the contents of the thread! As severally stated you are a secular country ....it makes no difference to you or your govt if
you abused anyone.. Islam doesn't allow such scot free freedom. Muslims get voluntarily bound to their faith
and state doesn't have to tell them to do this not to do that like you treat tiny tots!
You sound more confused as ever,perhaps even frustrated...Not only do you admit to not fully understand sharia........you now claim to have knowledge of a proper law system that is used in the west.

You appear to know a little about both,but yet deny the terrible faults of sharia while claiming faults with ours,
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The Man

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Oh, no , that's an absurd reply!! Anybody could say that
about you as well...

Use your sense and tell all

WHY did they bomb twin tower???????????????

They were muslim terrorists...........simple


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Well, you could start by stating it's your opinion that it's so. :)

I have no issues with opinions; they are like arseholes, in that everyone has one and they usually stink. What I do have an issue with is someone telling someone else that what they believe is wrong.

I have no issue with your Muslim beliefs; why should I? I've got many Muslim friends, and the best part about friends is that they never look down their nose at your OWN beliefs.

That is where I think you and I are going to be divided; you believe that I am wrong (which is fine) but you think that you need to change my beliefs (which is wrong).

No, No, No....
you evidently misunderstand. I did condemn the TT attack..
I did not say you were wrong or anybody else is ...
The point is how can an opinion about any religion be correct if it
is based on misreading or nonreading of facts??
I noticed most of the posters have too many misconceptions and loads of prejudices against Islam and Muslims...not their fault because
that hasn't been their faculty. They put me questions and I am forced to clear the confusion as OP..by stating facts. If someone doesn't follow the commandments it's not that commandments are wrong, the followers are.

Like adherents of any other religions, there are good and bad Muslims too..... those who bombed twin towers were a bunch of black sheep and if I caught them i might kill them...but one intriguing question boggles my
mind: WHY did they bomb TT's??

Situation back in Afghanistan is heading for worse and Musharraf today said that if the Nato and US forces
backed off from Afghanistan the terrorists would get the whole of Europe in trouble. That's bad news indeed.
I really fail to understand that WHY some Muslims have acquired extreme hatred for the US?? Is it due to the US support to Israel against the Arabs or Oil?? Certainly there is something wrong somewhere...Pakistan and Iran are in the waiting...and there is strong hatred for American policies and I don't think the war on terror is
ever going to end unless mutual grievances which I think are of political origin and substance are not resolved.
Strangely enough those who bombed TT were Arabs...Saudis mainly but it's amazing that the US is fully supporting them despite??

I have no desire to win over you or your religion...to you yours to me mine is my motto...
I am not a religious man at all ...however at the same time I am hones and shy not in stating the Truth to the best of my knowledge and belief. A small bunch of posters here are bullying me to drive me into trouble but
how much they try my patience i will stay coooooooooooooooooooool to their utter disppointment. Those guys have NO serious questions to ask except hurl cuss words and pre-conceived ideas and fixed notions...with least inclination to arrive at the truth. When the Truth arrives they get piss off as Truth is too bitter for them!!

The Man

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Shut up...parroting!! They were enemies of the US!!
They were Muslim terrorists.
They became enemy after the attack/
We had several small attacks..then the towers...we decided to kick some ass.
Deal with it.........stop living with 14 century ideals or meet some 21 century weapons

Discussion over
Have a good day


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I've answered this a million times in a million ways, and the answer has never changed; some assholes got through some extremely lax security on our (the US of A) part, and exploited it.

That's it. The beliefs behind it, however, are many.

It's my belief that it was some dumbass extremists who mean about as much to the general Muslim population as Hitler did to most Catholics, or McVeigh with his admittedly lax Catholicism.


Why did they bomb the US and not any other country???Why not Japan or China or Russia??

This proves there was something wrong somewhere in political setting between the two parties.
BTW what were the grievances of the terrorists against the US??
Unless an hones political analyst replies to this the real nature of events cannot be understood.
In any case bombing the US was a bastardly act..

What grievance was there, how did the US wronged them or there was some other reason for such
provocation and enmity???
Plz\ answer...!!!


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No, No, No....
you evidently misunderstand.

Probably. I'm coming into this after it's been going on for a bit.
I did condemn the TT attack..

Good, I suppose. But I don't recall putting you on the spot about it.

I did not say you were wrong or anybody else is ...
The point is how can an opinion about any religion be correct if it
is based on misreading or nonreading of facts??

Actually, you did state I was wrong with your blanket statement about atheists.

I'd be willing to bet a not small sum of money (and I tend to make that amount) that I'm better read in most of the major religions than you are.

Just because I'm atheist, honey, doesn't mean I don't know my shit. ;)

I noticed most of the posters have too many misconceptions and loads of prejudices against Islam and Muslims...not their fault because
that hasn't been their faculty. They put me questions and I am forced to clear the confusion as OP..by stating facts. If someone doesn't follow the commandments it's not that commandments are wrong, the followers are.

Let's put it this way; I'll happily attend your Muslim ceremony of worship and give it my absolute all at belief IF you will go to my friends ceremony of worship and do the same.

He's a Satanist. And no, I'm not kidding. Wonderful man, bit on the egotistical side (what man isn't) but a straight up Satanist. He'd enjoy your being there, as long as you were willing 'believe'.

Never know where you may find God, after all.

Like adherents of any other religions, there are good and bad Muslims too..... those who bombed twin towers were a bunch of black sheep and if I caught them i might kill them...but one intriguing question boggles my
mind: WHY did they bomb TT's??
Situation back in Afghanistan is heading for worse and Musharraf today said that if the Nato and US forces
backed off from Afghanistan the terrorists would get the whole of Europe in trouble. That's bad news indeed.
I really fail to understand that WHY some Muslims have acquired extreme hatred for the US?? Is it due to the US support to Israel against the Arabs or Oil?? Certainly there is something wrong somewhere...Pakistan and Iran are in the waiting...and there is strong hatred for American policies and I don't think the war on terror is
ever going to end unless mutual grievances which I think are of political origin and substance are not resolved.
Strangely enough those who bombed TT were Arabs...Saudis mainly but it's amazing that the US is fully supporting them despite??

Useless drivel. I have no intention of arguing Middle East politics in this thread; I thought it was for Sharia??

I have no desire to win over you or your religion...to you yours to me mine is my motto...

I can agree to that.

I am not a religious man at all ...however at the same time I am hones and shy not in stating the Truth to the best of my knowledge and belief. A small bunch of posters here are bullying me to drive me into trouble but
how much they try my patience i will stay coooooooooooooooooooool to their utter disppointment. Those guys have NO serious questions to ask except hurl cuss words and pre-conceived ideas and fixed notions...with least inclination to arrive at the truth. When the Truth arrives they get piss off as Truth is too bitter for them!!

I don't have an idea of who you are nore who the other posters here are (I"m a somewhat infrequent visitor); what i Can say is that anyone who takes the opinions of member of an internet Forum to heart probably is not going to do very well in a street fight.

Your opinoin is yours; own it. Defend it. No need to get petty about anything. Someone dresses you down do likewise.

If someone cusses you out and you didn't deserve it, why the frick worry about it? Big effing deal. Its a goddam internet chat room for Allah's sake.

I'll debate anything; that's primarily because I'm obstinate enough to know I'm usually right and smart enough to fake it when I'm not.


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Why did they bomb the US and not any other country???Why not Japan or China or Russia??

Um, Al Queda has been bombing holy shit out of everything that they want. Anything that isn't Muslim, in their eyes, is a target.

Journalism. I recommend it.

This proves there was something wrong somewhere in political setting between the two parties.
BTW what were the grievances of the terrorists against the US??
Unless an hones political analyst replies to this the real nature of events cannot be understood.

Bullshit. It proves nothing. As for an honest political analyst, well, that's an oxymoron. 'Honest' and 'Political' go together about as well as 'Pope' and 'Gay Marriage'.

In any case bombing the US was a bastardly act..

No argument there.

What grievance was there, how did the US wronged them or there was some other reason for such
provocation and enmity???
Plz\ answer...!!!

I have. And Jesusfuck, quit using huge fonts. I like wine in the evening and hitting that while quoting is like hitting a Gnu while navigating the African outback in the dead of night at full throttle.


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They were Muslim terrorists.
They became enemy after the attack/
We had several small attacks..then the towers...we decided to kick some ass.
Deal with it.........stop living with 14 century ideals or
meet some 21 century weapons

Discussion over
Have a good day

Wrong!! Lame excuse you give...

Answer: What created such bitter enmity between the US and the Arab terrorists that led to the bombings???

the US is in trouble in Afghanistan more than it was in Iraq!! What has the US gained there???
Nothing!! And now the back off plans are on table!

The Afghanistani's have been meeting ''some 21 century weapons'' for the last many years but to no use.
but they don't seem to have their effect on them!! Just imagine the shape of things if Al-Quaida acquired nukes and used them against their enemies??? Next is Iran, Pakistan already has nukes!
Am afraid to say the whole world will go haywire....turn into ashes!


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Um, Al Queda has been bombing holy shit out of everything that they want. Anything that isn't Muslim, in their eyes, is a target.

Journalism. I recommend it.

Bullshit. It proves nothing. As for an honest political analyst, well, that's an oxymoron. 'Honest' and 'Political' go together about as well as 'Pope' and 'Gay Marriage'.

No argument there.

I have. And Jesusfuck, quit using huge fonts. I like wine in the evening and hitting that while quoting is like hitting a Gnu while navigating the African outback in the dead of night at full throttle.

you are drunk and less awake to take down things seriously, so some other time
have a nice boozy night! But for gaad's sake don't fuck all the time..Jesus is son of gaaad!!


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I've answered this a million times in a million ways, and the answer has never changed; some assholes got through some extremely lax security on our (the US of A) part, and exploited it.

That's it. The beliefs behind it, however, are many.

It's my belief that it was some dumbass extremists who mean about as much to the general Muslim population as Hitler did to most Catholics, or McVeigh with his admittedly lax Catholicism.

It is illogical for anyone to harm someone else unless he is badly hurt by his adversary!
Step on a worm and it will turn...better tighten your security as that is NO excuse..

Still the answer to my question has not been given by anyone:::::WHY??

The Man

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Wrong!! Lame excuse you give...

Answer: What created such bitter enmity between the US and the Arab terrorists that led to the bombings???

the US is in trouble in Afghanistan more than it was in Iraq!! What has the US gained there???
Nothing!! And now the back off plans are on table!

The Afghanistani's have been meeting ''some 21 century weapons'' for the last many years but to no use.
but they don't seem to have their effect on them!! Just imagine the shape of things if Al-Quaida acquired nukes and used them against their enemies??? Next is Iran, Pakistan already has nukes!
Am afraid to say the whole world will go haywire....turn into ashes!

Agreed a bunch of muslim nations with nukes are bad.
And since you did open the topic......I would like to point out that you have stated muslims are peaceful.
You appear to have retracted that statement with your above statement...appears as if we are on the same page after all ;)

Any more retractions you would like bring forth?

I doubt if you will however...next you will claim they arent muslim nations.

What nation are you from?..if I may ask

The Man

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It is illogical for anyone to harm someone else unless he is badly hurt by his adversary!
Step on a worm and it will turn...better tighten your security as that is NO excuse..

Still the answer to my question has not been given by anyone:::::WHY??

You did in the early part of the post..however you did put some spin on it.
Still spins back to.........freaks bomb towers and terrorized london etc
The world invades :D...thats correct there were many nations involved with the invasion...seems like the rest of the world pretty much though the Muslims werent being very nice towards the west
Damn Westerners ;)

The Man

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you are drunk and less awake to take down things seriously, so some other time
have a nice boozy night! But for gaad's sake don't fuck all the time..Jesus is son of gaaad!!

No we have freedom of press....that rights one doesn't get killed for making the truth known over here.
Maybe you guys should try it...........its wonderful :thumbup


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per forum rules, there will be NO name calling by ANYONE!!! the next person who starts name calling we be infarcted!!! DO YOU ALL UNDERSTAND ME!
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