How are you going to deny credible news sources from various countries?
Just because it is not news in your have to remember that many countries do not restrict the other words in parts of Europe and the united states it is not a crime to have negative news about Islam..Why not?.......No sharia law....they tell the news and live....wonderful isnt it
Unfortunately all you information is based on media propaganda...whereas I KNOW it from
practical observation and honest conviction.
If people didn't want the Sharia (question being WHIC Sharia??) the Muslims wouldn't have
left behind in the race!! Until 12 century known as the Golden Age of Muslims there was greatly
ONE Sharia and that was the reason of Muslim uprising and achievement.
I think if they get back to those values they can again turn the world upside down!! Just think....
Are you in sin
for associating with an infidel?..many members on here...does the quran not forbid this.
If not then how can that be a misinterpretation?...isnt it wonderful to be sinning here on the board lol
My best of friends were either Christians or Jews and I still have some of them...they are very
honorable people and I hate to call them infidels.
Relating to one treaty or war with Jews the Quran says don't befriend Jews and Christians because
they are co-valent against Muslims...that is how things went during wars!! A Muslim will not kill
any innocent person ---Forgiveness is superior to taking revenge....that is forbidden by the Quran
You must view things in their right perspective as out of context everything will
appear distorted.
For a good Muslim character, for one study the life of Saladin ....and see how he treated his
Christian foes during Crusades!!
You claim saudi sharia is hated..why? sharia law comes from the quran..this is why stoning and amputations occur.
Saudi is not picking and choosing other nations may be..if you are in not of full support of sharia law then how can you be in support of sharia?
You claim the quran is unchangeable but yet claim its mis used by the saudis..if it is unchangeable then how can you off the argument of misinterpretations of the quran?
So you either support it fully or you seem to only support that of which you choose...thus showing it has serious flaws
Quran is not Science that cannot be interpreted in another way.
Just like the Bible the Quran is interpreted differently by many schools of thought hence its various
Quran is not changeable in the sense that NOT even a dot in it has been changed
for more than 1400 years! Everybody reads the same Quran from Australia to China
to Africa to America and Alaska !! Yet Muslims differ in its interpretation and creating a row among themselves. It sounds as how posters here are dealing with my English

Confusing, eh?
You also claim that no country enforces sharia in its true form.....Are you stating than saudi is also being lenient with sharia?
Saudia mainly follows the 'punishment' code ...and that is bad.
Sharia is enforceable ONLY in a true Islamic Welfare State....of which there is NONE!
You claim muslims are lax over the Saudi version..why? harsh?...but isnt this what sharia law is all about?...saudis hand out punishment from the quran..are you against not following the quran now?
Muslims do not want to interfere with the Saudi laws... firstly because
most Muslim countries are poor and depend on Saudi charity, secondly they revere
Saudia as holy land, thirdly why should they interfere with the Saudi Kings affairs when they know
they are not doing anything wrong to curb crime?? At lest their justice system is
equitable for all...
You also claim different sects interpret the quran differently....which one is right? we cut off a hand bases upon the interpretation of some?
nobody cuts nobody's hands .....because there is NO Muslim welfare state which
could afford Rights and then ask for Duties!!
Go to Saudia and see for yourself nobody can dare steal anything from anywhere
---they don't even bother to lock their shops!! Is that possible in America or elsewhere??
Why so many different interpretations?..........isnt that picking and choosing to the liking>>this is not fully following the Quran?
there could be many reasons for that.
Everybody says things as he feels...for reasons of misunderstanding, lack of adequate
knowledge, propaganda, ulterior motives and mala fide intentions, for establishing his own
authority, power, misleading, politics, etc etc
The best way as I know is to read and understand it yourself with open mind.....and do
you own interpretation using facts and your common sense!!
Our divided into the old testament and the new testament..our old testament was much like the quran from my understanding...we now use the new testement.
We do not use the book for the law..this is the main difference ....we only use it has a value system
no killing no stealing etc.......however no punishment is handed out by anything written in the book.
Quraninc tenets are NOT followed completely in any country or governance ( states like
Kingdom of Saudia excluded) ..but we have no division
in the Quran, ALL Muslims accept it completely as it is.
The punishments prescribed in the Quran may seem crude in present modern world
...Okay i will tell them to stop stoning and resort to chair or injections!!

Please try to
look at the essence of what is said not how it is said and who said it...
This is where sharia law and west law differ...our book is refused to be made into the law.
While I am for no stealing etc..I am not for cutting off the hand for such...especially since no substantiated evidence needed.
though america is a democratic and secular state yet there is strong religious sentiment
against one another. However I appreciate how strongly America sticks to its Constitution
principle regarding religious minorities and that is commendable.
On the contrary If a country constitutionally asserted itself
as Kingdom, dictatorship or a Muslim state that is understood to be with silent or
active consent of the people who live there....or for political reasons.
this shouldn't be taken to malign the religion itself for the fault of its adherents.
All Muslim states except Saudia and UAE follow the British legal and political system....
While we may be modeled slightly the same we have the need for credible evidence etc...this is where sharia is flawed...while laws are needed...the innocent also need to be protected...the word of a man is the same as the word of a woman here for example.
Due to lack of education or literacy (circumstantial contingency??) you may need a scribe
or two women and a man to attest the
CONTRACT. In rest of the case the evidence is EQUAL....
But women\s witness is treated as equal in all matters of criminal and civil law
Sharia need to be dead and use a more modern system for justice ..innocent need to be protected..such as child cutting and protections for the old from abuse
those are simply allegations ...not edicts of Islam.
Muslim have a familial system and no one misbehaves with the elderly..if he does that\s
not Islamic!!
Islamic justice system is the Best provided it is enforced. In this system you won't have to
lock your homes or shops or business centres when going out, the whole responsibility then
rests with the Islamic state. No woman would feel harassed, no child abuse, no shit of any kind!!