What is Islam? - a brief investigation

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Hi brothers;

what do you know about islam?

The lexical meaning of Islam is submission, and adherence to the commands of Allah without objection. This is the true essence of Islam. By obeying Allah and observing His commands, the Muslim would be in harmony with the universe in which he lives, for everything in this universe abides by the commands of Allah.
It is an established fact that everything in this universe follows certain rule, and an unalterable law to which it submits; the sun, the moon, the stars, the night, the day, the land, the trees, and the beasts; all submit to a rule which Allah, the Creator, has designated for all these things. Even man himself, when you consider his physical construction, and biological compounds, his need for water and nutrition, heat, air, light, rest, or sleep you would find him submitting to a law under which he has no choice, just like other creatures.


Man's existence in this world and the creation of this entire universe are not mere accidents or products of a fortuitous nature. This universe, every single atom of it, manifests and leads us to the realization of a Loving, Merciful and All-powerful Creator. Without a Creator, nothing can exist. Every single soul knows that he is existing and that his existence is dependent upon a Creator he knows for sure that he cannot create him self. Therefore it is his duty to know his master, the Creator.


Man is a unique creature. God establishes man as His representative or deputy to govern over all other creatures in this world. He is endowed with the faculty of REASON, which sets him apart from all other animals. Together with this faculty to discriminate and discern, man is given the freedom (free-will) to choose for himself a way of life worthy of his position as God's representative or to fall lower than the lowest of all animals or creations. Man is born pure and sinless and is given the choice to do righteous deeds or indulge in sins.


From the beginning of mankind, our Creator sent prophets to convey His REVELATION and to invite human beings to the path of true PEACE and OBEDIENCE to the ONE TRUE GOD.
This is ISLAM. This message is conveyed towards successive generations of man through the different prophets, all inviting mankind to the same path. However all the earlier messages or revelations from God were distorted by people of later generations.
As a result, pure Revelation from our Creator was adulterated and polluted with myths, superstitions, idol worship and irrational philosophical ideologies. The religion of God in a sense was lost in a plethora of religions. Human history is a testament of man's drift between light and darkness, but God out of His Abundant Love for mankind has not forsaken us. Islam is not a new religion. It is, in essence, the same message and guidance which Allah revealed to all His prophets, like Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, David, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Them). But the message that was revealed to prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is Islam in its comprehensive, complete and final form.
Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)."

What does 'Islam' mean? Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people; Islam is both a religion and the complete way of life. Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness. The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of God. 'Mohammadanism' is thus a misnomer because it suggests that Muslims worship Muhammad (peace be upon him) rather than God. 'Allah' is the Arabic name for God, which is used by Arab Muslims and Christians alike.

Islam is not Just for Arabs. The Truth of Islam is meant for all people regardless of race, nationality or linguistic background. Taking a look at the Muslim World, from Nigeria to Bosnia and from Malaysia to Afghanistan is enough to prove that Islam is a Universal message for all of mankind --- not to mention the fact that significant numbers of Europeans and Americans of all races and ethnic backgrounds are coming into Islam
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Peter Parka

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I know the world would be a lot better without Islam but each to their own. Just a tip for you, coming straight into a new forum and launching into posts and threads like this comes across as really preachy and is just going to get peoples backs up. ;)

You might find people more receptive to debate it with you if you put across your own personal views instead of copying and pasting stuff from an Islam propaganda site.

Minor Axis

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I'm bringing this up not to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but improve my understanding of Islam. I think in the U.S. a lot of people are not familiar with Islam so after so many bombs explode it might be natural to view Islam as a violent religion. I realize there are a lot of muslims who believe in life, mutual respect, etc and can fit in perfectly in secular Western society, but why is there a group in the Middle East who feels the need to strap on bombs and blow innocent people up? Would you say it's Islam, poverty, cultural, other, a quest for power or a combination of factors? Are the terrorists following the Koran or have they subverted it's meaning?

Secondly is Jihad being misused by these groups? I've been told that Islam is a peaceful religion and the misuse of the word jiad is a misrepresentation of what the Koran teaches. But I looked up the wiki link above and found this quote:

Within Islamic jurisprudence Jihad is the only form of warfare permissible under Islamic law, and may be declared against apostates, rebels, highway robbers, violent groups, non-Islamic leaders or non-Muslim combatants, but there are other ways to perform jihad as well, including civil disobedience. The primary aim of jihad as warfare is not the conversion of non-Muslims to Islam by force, but rather the expansion and defense of the Islamic state.

It sounds like there is an intolerance to others who are not Muslim, but I realize there are many things in the Bible that sound harsh and are not really believed in my most people today. Such as being stoned.

I assume you are Muslim. Would you say Muslims as a group are mostly tolerant of other religious views? Thanks.


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I'm bringing this up not to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but improve my understanding of Islam. I think in the U.S. a lot of people are not familiar with Islam so after so many bombs explode it might be natural to view Islam as a violent religion.
Hi my brother;
yes, that is very logical and i'm with you, but the responsibles of thoses bombs explodes are not muslims !
the 9/11 is the biggest lie in history ! al-quaida was not the responsible
follow this investigation:
The Hidden Truth - 9/11: The biggest lie in history! - with videos

my brother, even al-qaida and ben-laden are not muslims (Imams of Islam in Saudi Arabia announced that) or how can a muslim kill another muslim ???? after the many bombs explodes in algeria, morroco, iraq, saudi arabia which killed hundreds of muslims. the responsible was al-quaida.
Islam, a religion of mercy, does not permit terrorism. In the Quran, God has said:
""God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers."" (Quran, 60)

The Prophet Muhammad used to prohibit soldiers from killing women and children, and he would advise them: {...Do not betray, do not be excessive, do not kill a newborn child.} And he also said: {Whoever has killed a person having a treaty with the Muslims shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise, though its fragrance is found for a span of forty years.}

Muslims are even encouraged to be kind to animals and are forbidden to hurt them. Once the Prophet Muhammad said: {A woman was punished because she imprisoned a cat until it died. On account of this, she was doomed to Hell. While she imprisoned it, she did not give the cat food or drink, nor did she free it to eat the insects of the earth.}

He also said that a man gave a very thirsty dog a drink, so God forgave his sins for this action. The Prophet was asked, “Messenger of God, are we rewarded for kindness towards animals?” He said: {There is a reward for kindness to every living animal or human.}

Additionally, while taking the life of an animal for food, Muslims are commanded to do so in a manner that causes the least amount of fright and suffering possible. The Prophet Muhammad said: {When you slaughter an animal, do so in the best way. One should sharpen his knife to reduce the suffering of the animal.}

Secondly is Jihad being misused by these groups? I've been told that Islam is a peaceful religion and the misuse of the word jiad is a misrepresentation of what the Koran teaches.

Jihad is not terrorism, follow this link to know what is jihad:
The Hidden Truth - Jihad (the sacrificed struggle)

It sounds like there is an intolerance to others who are not Muslim, but I realize there are many things in the Bible that sound harsh and are not really believed in my most people today. Such as being stoned.

also follow this investigation: Is Islam intolerant of other religions?

I assume you are Muslim. Would you say Muslims as a group are mostly tolerant of other religious views? Thanks.

Yes, I was atheist but I became recently muslim, 11 month ago, after serious investigation.

the answer is: yes, Muslims as a group are tolerant of other religious views. you can read more by following this link: Suspicions about Islam which contain logical investigation about islam.

i guess you are very interested to know the reality of islam:
This site contains a thorough investigation on Islam based on the evidence and proofs: www.hiddentruth.tk

cordially - sylviane.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Erm...hate to burst your bubble but it was a proved fact that the 7/7 terrorists in London who killed fellow Muslims WERE also Muslims.
I accept that most Muslims are peaceful people who condemn those extremists but there is a marginal extremist faction who recruit peaceful Muslims to these terrible ways and views, the Muslim community has a large responsibility through their superior knowledge of these people to help stamp these extremists out.


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Hi brothers;

what do you know about islam?

The lexical meaning of Islam is submission, and adherence to the commands of Allah without objection. This is the true essence of Islam. By obeying Allah and observing His commands, the Muslim would be in harmony with the universe in which he lives, for everything in this universe abides by the commands of Allah.
It is an established fact that everything in this universe follows certain rule, and an unalterable law to which it submits; the sun, the moon, the stars, the night, the day, the land, the trees, and the beasts; all submit to a rule which Allah, the Creator, has designated for all these things. Even man himself, when you consider his physical construction, and biological compounds, his need for water and nutrition, heat, air, light, rest, or sleep you would find him submitting to a law under which he has no choice, just like other creatures.


Man's existence in this world and the creation of this entire universe are not mere accidents or products of a fortuitous nature. This universe, every single atom of it, manifests and leads us to the realization of a Loving, Merciful and All-powerful Creator. Without a Creator, nothing can exist. Every single soul knows that he is existing and that his existence is dependent upon a Creator he knows for sure that he cannot create him self. Therefore it is his duty to know his master, the Creator.


Man is a unique creature. God establishes man as His representative or deputy to govern over all other creatures in this world. He is endowed with the faculty of REASON, which sets him apart from all other animals. Together with this faculty to discriminate and discern, man is given the freedom (free-will) to choose for himself a way of life worthy of his position as God's representative or to fall lower than the lowest of all animals or creations. Man is born pure and sinless and is given the choice to do righteous deeds or indulge in sins.


From the beginning of mankind, our Creator sent prophets to convey His REVELATION and to invite human beings to the path of true PEACE and OBEDIENCE to the ONE TRUE GOD.
This is ISLAM. This message is conveyed towards successive generations of man through the different prophets, all inviting mankind to the same path. However all the earlier messages or revelations from God were distorted by people of later generations.
As a result, pure Revelation from our Creator was adulterated and polluted with myths, superstitions, idol worship and irrational philosophical ideologies. The religion of God in a sense was lost in a plethora of religions. Human history is a testament of man's drift between light and darkness, but God out of His Abundant Love for mankind has not forsaken us. Islam is not a new religion. It is, in essence, the same message and guidance which Allah revealed to all His prophets, like Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, David, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Them). But the message that was revealed to prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is Islam in its comprehensive, complete and final form.
Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)."

What does 'Islam' mean? Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people; Islam is both a religion and the complete way of life. Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness. The Arabic word 'Islam' simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of God. 'Mohammadanism' is thus a misnomer because it suggests that Muslims worship Muhammad (peace be upon him) rather than God. 'Allah' is the Arabic name for God, which is used by Arab Muslims and Christians alike.

Islam is not Just for Arabs. The Truth of Islam is meant for all people regardless of race, nationality or linguistic background. Taking a look at the Muslim World, from Nigeria to Bosnia and from Malaysia to Afghanistan is enough to prove that Islam is a Universal message for all of mankind --- not to mention the fact that significant numbers of Europeans and Americans of all races and ethnic backgrounds are coming into Islam

You know, im not going to involve myself in this lil debate..im nuetral...but, can i ask you sir..why you started your thread with "Hi brothers"?
Cordially Sister;)

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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You know, im not going to involve myself in this lil debate..im nuetral...but, can i ask you sir..why you started your thread with "Hi brothers"?
Cordially Sister;)

Propaganda techique. brother sounds so warm and inclusive, makes you feel like a welcome part of his views immediately.;)


The cake is a metaphor
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I didn't finish reading all of this, mainly because I thought I had read enough about half way through...

I have nothing against Islam at all. I think it's every bit as flawed as any other major religion.

One of my best friends is a Muslim, and obviously being a Muslim he won't drink, so it can be hard finding stuff to do, since that's my idea of socialising. :D


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Erm...hate to burst your bubble but it was a proved fact that the 7/7 terrorists in London who killed fellow Muslims WERE also Muslims.
I accept that most Muslims are peaceful people who condemn those extremists but there is a marginal extremist faction who recruit peaceful Muslims to these terrible ways and views, the Muslim community has a large responsibility through their superior knowledge of these people to help stamp these extremists out.

my brother;

These terrorists are not Muslims (like imams in Saudi Arabia announced) ... Because Islam does not have it so ... On the contrary ... Islam fights terrorism ... GOD prohibited terrorism in the quran.


Let's focus on Islam

Do you really believe that the religion of more than 1.5 billion people permit terrorism? this is illogical

You know, im not going to involve myself in this lil debate..im nuetral...but, can i ask you sir..why you started your thread with "Hi brothers"?
Cordially Sister;)

hi sister
This is usually when Muslims speak.
cordially brother ;)

Propaganda techique. brother sounds so warm and inclusive, makes you feel like a welcome part of his views immediately.;)

no brother,question why you hate islam like this ;) ?


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Actually, I was more concerned as to why we "sisters" were'nt acknowledged at the start of the thread? To me, id start with..."hi brothers and sisters"....or is that me being slighlty feminist (spell check?)

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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my brother;

These terrorists are not Muslims (like imams in Saudi Arabia announced) ... Because Islam does not have it so ... On the contrary ... Islam fights terrorism ... GOD prohibited terrorism in the quran.


Let's focus on Islam

Do you really believe that the religion of more than 1.5 billion people permit terrorism? this is illogical

no brother,question why you hate islam like this ;) ?

Ah, I think I see, you distance yourself from them and if I'm right, I understand where you're coming from. They do things in that name but their actions condemn them as true Muslims, right?

I never said I hate Islam, I actually said I think the're generally peaceful people. I just disagree with pretty much all organised religion be it Muslim or Christian or whatever for a variety of reasons. I was just pointing out a typical religious brain washing technique which as a former member of a religious cult for over a quarter of a century I am only too familiar with.;)


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and why does islam make pretty women cover they're faces?.......i hate that.....imagine never feeling the sun on your skin


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From the article you posted:

The lexical meaning of Islam is submission, and adherence to the commands of Allah without objection.

Man is a unique creature. He is endowed with the faculty of REASON, which sets him apart from all other animals. Together with this faculty to discriminate and discern, man is given the freedom (free-will) to choose for himself a way of life worthy of his position as God's representative or to fall lower than the lowest of all animals or creations.
In your own words, what is the purpose of giving a creature powers of discernment and freedom, and then demanding strict submission and obedience?


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skyblue said:
and why does islam make pretty women cover they're faces?.......i hate that.....imagine never feeling the sun on your skin.

that is totally false, who said so except you? islam does not say so.

Muslim women cover their heads only, not the face, and this is not a sign of subjection !!!

like this for example:


it is called "al-hijab"

skyblue said:
when the truth is spoken by a muslim......why is it always 'the hidden truth'?

it is a hidden truth because -for example- you didn't know that islam does not order woman to cover her face !!!

because the west -who fights "al-hijab"- forgot to fight also this:


she is a christian Nun. do you see that she cover her head ???
my brother;

these information are called "the hidden truth", because they were really hidden by the media in the west, and they were replaced by erroneous concepts.

today, with the most of the media who are under Jewish control and which hate Islam: how can you hear anything good about islam??? if you hear something about islam: you will hear that islam is bad or it is the nightmare of the world !!! all what is false.

and i repeat: how can you believe that the religion of more than 1.5 billion people in the world: permit terrorism for example ??? !!! isn't that ridiculous ?!

my brother if you visited the site which i have already shown to you ( hiddentruth.tk ) you will agree really it was a "hidden truth".;)

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Hi my brother;
yes, that is very logical and i'm with you, but the responsibles of thoses bombs explodes are not muslims !
the 9/11 is the biggest lie in history ! al-quaida was not the responsible
follow this investigation:
The Hidden Truth - 9/11: The biggest lie in history! - with videos

This is not an adequate answer. Even if you could pin 9/11 on the U.S. Government which I don't think you can, thousands of muslim suicide bombers have blown up anyone and everyone who stands in the way of their objectives in a variety of countries in the Middle East. It has become one of the most effective attacks because the perpetrator does not have to worry about getting away. When you want to get serious about discussing this issue give a shout. (sigh)


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In your own words, what is the purpose of giving a creature powers of discernment and freedom, and then demanding strict submission and obedience?

the purpose is that the submission is to GOD, and GOD is not against freedom. ;)

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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that is totally false, who said so except you? islam does not say so.

Muslim women cover their heads only, not the face, and this is not a sign of subjection !!!

like this for example:


it is called "al-hijab"

it is a hidden truth because -for example- you didn't know that islam does not order woman to cover her face !!!

because the west -who fights "al-hijab"- forgot to fight also this:


she is a christian Nun. do you see that she cover her head ???
my brother;

Good comparison, just to inform you as a Westerner, I think they both look like freaks so no prejudice there, alright? ;) Whatever they feel comfortable with out of their own FREE choice.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Whatever religious book you believe in, god is shown to be a control freak.

Yes, I can buy that as far as religious books go, although in reality we just might have complete freedom to find our own way, no strings attached... of course if you are a really bad person in this life, I'd say there is the potential for payback in the next. ;)

Good comparison, just to inform you as a Westerner, I think they both look like freaks so no prejudice there, alright? ;) Whatever they feel comfortable with out of their own FREE choice.

I've said that any religion that requires a dress code of the rank and file is basically flawed. However, I've seen quite a few nuns and it seems like the habit has gone out of style. Is it even required any more?