What is a Troll?

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Minor Axis

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I see two types of trolls.

Troll No. 1- The first type posts content for express purpose of stirring the pot, getting people riled, or posts of an inflamatory nature.. Since we have seen so many of them lately, an article criticizing a particular country is not trolling. However if the individual making these posts is relentless, it may eventually move to the second more difficult type of Troll to identify.

Troll No.2-
The second type of troll who has a political/religious/cultural agenda, is overwelming negative on a subject and continues to hammer on daily and eventually it becomes evident that this person is using the forum to bash the object of his/her affection. At what point this becomes bashing is up to the moderators.

Let's say someone post 100 anti-Canada posts. After a while the it can be inferred this person is completely anti-Canadian and they are using the forum to consistently bad mouth Canada. As I said this is harder to detect because you have to evaluate if the person in question has valid points, if he has good or bad intentions regarding the subject of his affection, and if he is just expressing himself or is getting his jollies by kicking the shit out of the subject manner knowing that a majority of the forum participants will be aggravated by his actions.

Name Calling Now I'm not mentioning any names but when someone consistently calls names, especially when they use terms such as liar, Islamaphobe, racist, and hate peddler, this should be looked into by the moderators. They fall under the inflammatory statement portion of the first Troll example. These accusations are very serious, should be taken seriously, and they should be investigated. If true the offender should be reprimanded. If it is revealed that the person making these charges is full of shit, the accuser without exception should be reprimanded.
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A troll is someone who annoys members by their unrelated answers, continuous flamatory thread starting and answers nothing but protests everything. Some trolls thumbs down every answer in the question just to make everyone who answered that question angry. Another thing that trolls do is purposely initiate arguments just to boost their ego and make themselves feel good. A good troll will walk the line attempting to piss people off but not say anything directly that can get them banned unless they get so mad at others responses and at that point they lose control and yell type.

Trolls also go to a members answers and report almost every one of them, to get that persons account put on probation, suspended or banned. They are sneaky little fuckers who play on staff and try to seem as innocent as possible saying that they are the one who gets attacked even though they are the initiators.

Unless trolls are nipped in the bud they can bring a forum down by alienating the members and turning them against staff for not doing anything to stop the trolls behavior. I don't believe trolls can change because it is their nature to irritate people and cause conflict.

Sound and look familiar?


Gimme Some Heat!
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Name Calling Now I'm not mentioning any names but when someone consistently calls names, especially when they use terms such as liar, Islamaphobe, racist, and hate peddler, this should be looked into by the moderators. They fall under the inflammatory statement portion of the first Troll example. These accusations are very serious, should be taken seriously, and they should be investigated. If true the offender should be reprimanded. If it is revealed that the person making these charges is full of shit, the accuser without exception should be reprimanded.

Straight from the Rulez and Guidelines.... Brand New Edition....

Insulting Members- I expect people to act like grown ups and not call people names. However, if someone calls YOU a name (specifically, YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE- not, you're acting like an ass), then they will be infracted. But the person that is being called the name is the one that needs to report it. If it is NOT reported from that person, then NOTHING will be done about it.


Well-Known Member
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I see two types of trolls.

Troll No. 1- The first type posts content for express purpose of stirring the pot, getting people riled, or posts of an inflamatory nature.. Since we have seen so many of them lately, an article criticizing a particular country is not trolling. However if the individual making these posts is relentless, it may eventually move to the second more difficult type of Troll to identify.

Troll No.2-
The second type of troll who has a political/religious/cultural agenda, is overwelming negative on a subject and continues to hammer on daily and eventually it becomes evident that this person is using the forum to bash the object of his/her affection. At what point this becomes bashing is up to the moderators.

Let's say someone post 100 anti-Canada posts. After a while the it can be inferred this person is completely anti-Canadian and they are using the forum to consistently bad mouth Canada. As I said this is harder to detect because you have to evaluate if the person in question has valid points, if he has good or bad intentions regarding the subject of his affection, and if he is just expressing himself or is getting his jollies by kicking the shit out of the subject manner knowing that a majority of the forum participants will be aggravated by his actions.

Name Calling Now I'm not mentioning any names but when someone consistently calls names, especially when they use terms such as liar, Islamaphobe, racist, and hate peddler, this should be looked into by the moderators. They fall under the inflammatory statement portion of the first Troll example. These accusations are very serious, should be taken seriously, and they should be investigated. If true the offender should be reprimanded. If it is revealed that the person making these charges is full of shit, the accuser without exception should be reprimanded.

total bullshit!! Your suggestions are misconceived, malafide and based on personal grudge and grievance hence unwarranted.

Nobody has an agenda here, if he does, prove it with concrete evidence!! or just get the eff off!

There is provision in the forum for posting ''Latest News'' and 'General Discussion'' and 'Debates'', and many more.....posting relevant stuff on such forums is within rules and if someone feels uncomfortable with the 'news and views' he/she can simply ignore it rather than undesirably calling him names such as troll or frigging something else!

A debate is ''For and Against'' and you have NO right to object to someone's views if they do not suit your sweet temperament!! I never said anything bad about the Western culture or Western people, I just restricted myself to my or Eastern culture, custom and if religion stepped in , about removing misconceptions. But on the contrary you always insist upon and coerce me to admit what is not there...such as Muslim women being oppressed due to religious reasons..that's wrong!! I repeatedly reiterated that those who oppress women here or there are patently Criminals and have nothing to do with religions, any religion but you just keep blowing your own horn. Thus one who keeps blowing his own horn unreasonably is a TROLL in letter and spirit.

then how come it's fair that a bunch of like-minded people bully and harass a single poster?? That's not fair nor
the symbol of educated people.

BTW may I ask whether you have been to a University???

Have a heart, man, and don't be picky, frail-heart and rash!
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Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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total bullshit!! Your suggestions are misconceived, malafide and based on personal grudge and grievance hence unwarranted.

I thought you did not want to talk to me? I take it you disprove? Why exactly is my idea misconceived? I'll leave that up to the moderators to decide how misconceived my suggestions are. Thank you.

BTW may I ask whether you have been to a University???

Have a heart, man, and don't be picky, frail-heart and rash!

I do have a heart. Stop calling me names in your replies would be a good start to repairing relations between East and West. And if you want to know about my education you first need to answer the question about how you would deal with a wife who defies you. :)

Oh, never mind. I will warn you not to mess with my intellect, I graduated from the 6th grade, before I quit to be a ditch digger.


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I thought you did not want to talk to me? I take it you disprove? Why exactly is my idea misconceived? I'll leave that up to the moderators to decide how misconceived my suggestions are. Thank you.

I don't hate you as you hate me or Muslims and ladies! At least it is considered extremely bad to talk to a lady the way you did with those who differed from you. Is this the civility towards women you boast of??
Learn lesson of humility from Jesus, if Muhammad doesn't suit you!!

I do have a heart. Stop calling me names in your replies would be a good start to repairing relations between East and West. And if you want to know about my education you first need to answer the question about how you would deal with a wife who defies you. :)

How can I call you names when you don't have one to declare??? I didn't....
If I love my woman I won't mind and always carry my heart on my hand for her!!
fidelity is mutual, if that is committed then the best i would do is to change our paths!!

Oh, never mind. I will warn you not to mess with my intellect, I graduated from the 6th grade, before I quit to be a ditch digger.

you made me laugh!:24:
It's said in my culture that when one transgresses God takes away his intellect and as you know I am a believer in Jesus and Muhammad and Moses and Abraham and Isaac there is no question about doubting the Might of the Almighty !!

Everything betrays including intellect unless you stay on the right path...the path which God likes!
If at anytime you need my help take the services of my undertaking company for FREE!!


Toes in the water...
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Gentlemen- if this is going to continue to be an issue, please take it up via PM and not by traipsing around the board.

If you don't care enough to take the effort to send a message, then perhaps it's just not worth it entirely.


Gimme Some Heat!
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lol You sound like his mother.

Bwahahahahahahahaha...... I am a mother. I have a son. :D

..... but make no mistake.... I am NOT his mother. :eek

I like to weigh things carefully and needed input on this topic at hand. It's been quite the lesson thus far.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Gentlemen- if this is going to continue to be an issue, please take it up via PM and not by traipsing around the board.

If you don't care enough to take the effort to send a message, then perhaps it's just not worth it entirely.

No problem here. I'm not the one yelling "total bullshit!" :)

However, you could please inform Mr. MazHur that disagreement does not equal hate. Please ask him to stop accusing me of hating. In his latest post (#47 in this thread) he accused me of hating him, Muslims, and women. It is getting old and tends to be inflammatory.
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Or am I?
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A troll doesn't usually stick around long enough to make friends.......

Not true... some con a whole board into getting to know them (or what they want you to think that is them) and then pull some crazy stunt to throw everyone off... happened before.


Well-Known Member
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Not true... some con a whole board into getting to know them (or what they want you to think that is them) and then pull some crazy stunt to throw everyone off... happened before.

Thats not a troll doll, thats a nutbar...lol...they're everywhere;)