What do the Top 10 Poorest Cities in America have in Common?

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Feel free to ignore what I just said and devote your energies to worrying about the poor rich. :p
feel free to ignore my point that the rich already pay a disproportionate amount of the taxes

so :p yourself :D

and since when are the poor rich anyway? if that is the case they you would have utopia :24:
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Fox Mulder

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Progressive tax law has always viewed the rich as those who can afford to pay a higher percentage of their income for taxes. As in they can AFFORD it.

Your problem is you competely miss the most important aspect of taxes or economics for that matter. Simply because the rich can afford to pay more taxes doesn't mean that's what good for the economy--that's what you liberals just can't grasp--that WE ALL ALREADY PAY FAR TOO MUCH IN TAX. I don't want anyone else paying any more taxes and if you had even an inkling of how much high taxes hurt the economy, you would not either. The problem with you though is you don't give two shits about the economy or the poor as long as you think someone is sticking it to the rich--this is classic class-envy--its preached by Unions and preached by Democrats and they've got you like a puppet on a string. You're clueless to the fact that YOU ARE GOING TO ULITMATELY PAY FOR ALL OF THESE NEW TAXES. :rolleyes The rich will still living rich while the poor and middle class will pay through the nose for higher taxes.

Minor Axis

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Your problem is you competely miss the most important aspect of taxes or economics for that matter. Simply because the rich can afford to pay more taxes doesn't mean that's what good for the economy--that's what you liberals just can't grasp--that WE ALL ALREADY PAY FAR TOO MUCH IN TAX.

Then you should be in this forum screaming bloody murder not consistently singing the praises of an Administration who thinks they can deficit spend us into the poor house, because any responsible government would be paying for the huge run up in government costs with your taxes. That is if you are an advocate of responsible government.

BTW, you along with the Republican party place far to much weight on rich man welfare.


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...Deregulate big business so they can run their businesses as they see fit? Oh wait, that's exactly what created the mess we are in right now. The mess that will cost the American tax payer trillions of dollars in bail outs.

So it's the democrats fault that these people live in poverty but that is mere peanuts compared to the dollars it will take to fix the financial mess we are in right now. The $85 billion that we are using to bail out AIG links directly back to the republicans and their need for greed.
...But you can't definitively point to the democrats and say it's their fault. ...I don't know :dunno It's impossible to say for sure what the cause is.
"directly" is a definitve word

If the government didn't step in on this one last night, it very well could have led to a complete collapse of our financial institutions in America and that is directly out of the mouth of Ben Bernanke.
The irony of this part is that we're under a Republican administration and almost even split in Congress...

And we are supposed to trust the Republicans to fix this mess? I think not... I would much rather this was handled by intelligent people.
the inference being, I gather, that Republicans are not intelligent and Democrats are. That's the kind of unbiased, non-partisan straightforward thinking this country needs! CHANGE!!!!
