Gee.....where did you hear that argument? And who told you to read the ACTUAL Memos? :cool
That's the interesting part, 99.9% of the people offering up opinions don't know the type of waterboarding that was advocated as legal and haven't read the Memos. What they have done is read the yellow newspaper reports that laughingly pass as journalism and THINK they know what they are talking about.
I will ask this group of learned scholars....can anyone show me a quote from Obama in which he declares waterboarding as outlined in the CIA Memos as illegal.
Obama has stated repeatedly that he classifies waterboarding as torture. Torture = illegal.
President Obama: What I've said - and I will repeat - is that waterboarding violates our ideals and our values. I do believe that it is torture. I don't think that's just my opinion; that's the opinion of many who've examined the topic. And that's why I put an end to these practices
To ask whether or not he declares it to be illegal is to ask whether or not he considers it torture. Clearly from the statement above he believes it to be immoral, inhumane, unethical, and yes...illegal.