Alien Allen
Froggy the Prick
Tell the Kurds there was no bio program. :eekBesides Iraq not having an active Nuc weapon program or a bio weapon program as was first accused, we deal peacefully with all sorts of countries with WMD including Russia, China, N.Korea, Israel, etc. The accusation that Iraq was making WMD to use against their neighbors and against the U.S. was a total fabrication to justify our first offensive war. It's criminal. While Cheney was out making the case for WMD, our intelligence agencies were wondering where he got the info.
You are delusional if you think Iraq was no threat to the region. You folks seem to always come back to the direct imminent threat. I never got that impression. I did get the impression the regions stability would be compromised if Iraq remained unfettered. Same goes with Iran. Ouch, I know that should strike a nerve.
In general the country was behind the war. If not I think things would have been dealt with differently. Maybe not as the dems are typical politicians. What ever is the flavor of the day a politician will follow. Don't misconstrue that as me giving Bush a free pass. The guy is incompetent. He ignored the law of unintended consequences.I agree that there is blame to go around, but I'll emphasis it was the Administration supported by a cheer leading Republican Congress that orchestra this war. I am pissed that most Democrats went with the flow for fear of being voted out of office, when Iraq became a huge success (in their minds).
Let me ask all you anti war folks the following. Would you support a surgical strike by the CIA or the like to assassinate a monster like Hussein??