U.S. and Iraq are officially winning:

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Having way too much fun
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Did we force them to give us their oil? Or did maybe they think that since we lost 4000 people giving them freedom, maybe they wanted to repay us in some way? Or maybe our companies just had the best bids! You don't know, you're just assuming there was some political arm-twisting, but there's no way you could know why they chose our oil companies.

They were no bid contracts. That means they were given to the American companies without having to compete with the 40 or so foreign companies. This was a deal brokered by the state department. And how does giving these contracts to American companies equate to paying America back? It wasn't the oil companies losing young men and women in this conflict, it was America.
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They were no bid contracts. That means they were given to the American companies without having to compete with the 40 or so foreign companies. This was a deal brokered by the state department. And how does giving these contracts to American companies equate to paying America back? It wasn't the oil companies losing young men and women in this conflict, it was America.

You talk about no-bid contracts like they're always the devil. The U.S. spent a boat load of green getting them where they are, and I don't see a problem with letting U.S. companies have the first crack at making some money over there.

Beyond the point that U.S. oil companies are head and shoulders above anybody else in technical ability, their money IS directly flowing into OUR country. If you have a 401K, you probably own oil stock.

In this case, I think we're in reverse of our normal stance. You're the go for America and Americans first guy, and I'm the let the best contract win guy. :D

Minor Axis

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God Intruder, don't you see Iraq is all about making money, lots of it at tax payer expense? We have more contractors in this war than any previous war, some of these companies making $1000 per day per contractor. And many of these contractors are displacing what normally is handled by the military people, like the electronics enlisted guy who is displaced by a contractor so he could go drive a truck. And these are no bid contracts, ie friends of the Administration hit the jackpot at your expense. And there apparently is no accountability what so ever. Submit the bill and the military writes a check period. It's a scandal, it's fraud. It's total bullshit being handed to the American taxpayer on behalf of your Administration. Wave the flag and send as much money to Halliburten as we can. Someone is going to live happily ever after.