I plucked this letter off of the letters section of my fav indy news blog. Sounds good to me. Many here have mentioned El Al. If this letter is any indication, they are indeed employing some sanity & common sense to screening. We should take a cue:
"I've been following the TSA uproar and all the comparisons to Israeli airport security.
Having been through Israeli airport security many dozens of times, let me explain how it works.
The most thorough security check takes places before you check in. First you queue up depending on where you are going, and a worker with a private security company approaches you and asks to see your passport and ticket. On the basis of those, and your appearance, they put a white sticker on your passport and bags with a number from 1 through 6. Israeli Jews normally get a 1. Foreign Jews a 2, non-Jewish foreigners a 3, and it's downhill from there. Israeli Arabs usually get a 4 or 5. The 6 is for the highest perceived security category--lone, young male Arab Muslim or others who, for usually unknown reasons, spark their suspicions.
After a few minutes someone else will approach you, look at your number. If it's a 1, no questions, a 2, "did you pack your bags, have they been with you all the time?";-pretty standard stuff; a 3: the same questions, plus "what were you doing in Israel? Where did you go, who did you see?." They will then take their leave and send another security person to ask you the same questions all over again. Then the two will get together and compare notes--if they suspect something, expect more questions. It sounds time-consuming, and it can be, but at least it's entertaining while you wait.
It gets more intense and unpleasant for 4 through 6. With a 6, you are strip-searched, x-rayed, possibly a cavity search--all in private, men by men, women by women. If, as the recipient of a 6, you haven't been arrested, they will then accompany you to check-in and stay with you, even in the bathroom, all the way to the door of the plane.
Some people are on the "screw you" list and no matter what, they get a 5 or 6. I know a non-Jewish, non-Israeli Caucasian Australian cameraman who works for Jazeera English who routinely gets a 5 or 6, clearly as punishment for his employer.
If you are with small children, they usually let you off easy, assuming, logically, that you're unlikely to do something nasty with a family in tow.
Then the bags go through an x-ray machine. If you have a 1 through 3, and there is something in your bag they want to know about, they ask you what it is. And often the answer is enough and they don't open the bag.
If you are an Israeli Arab, they will open all your bags and go through them thoroughly. If you are a single, young, non-Israeli, non-Jewish woman, they will be very interested because they will suspect an Arab boyfriend gave you something.
If you've made it this far--past the questioning, the bags inspected--you check in. And from there it's pretty straightforward.
Passport control is usually pretty easy, and the pre-boarding security check fast. There are no full body scanners along the Chertoff lines, just the standard metal detectors (you don't have to empty the change out of your pockets), and no patdowns (if you haven't been cavity searched).
And never, interestingly enough, have there ever been any restrictions on liquids.
I haven't been to the US since the latest TSA measures were put in place, but yes, my experience with them before was that they were unprofessional, minimum-waged morons. To their credit--and I don't usually give any to the Israelis--their security measures, if you are one of the lucky ones, are not outrageous.
So it's a mixed bag. Racial profiling has always been the heart of their security system. If you are in the right "category" Israeli airport security is fast and efficient. If you're not in the right category, it's slow, intrusive, degrading and humiliating.
Hope that gives you a better idea of how it works."
Now I'm curious how much they pay their people and if they make triple what our TSA employees do? Ya get what ya pay for? Who knows......