I think there is a big difference between treating them humanly and making them comfortable.
Sanitary conditions should always be a priority if possible. Remember that sanitation is a personal choice though. Some people choose to live in filth. It's sad the State has to be a babysitter.
Do I think it is inhumane to keep a felon locked up without A/C? Dude... That's weak. I think prison should be a place to be avoided at all costs. I don't know the laws, but I'm under the impression that the majority of prisons offer education to their inmates. Not for their good, but for the good of society.
I believe the inmates are living a very expensive lifestyle on money they have not earned. I don't feel they deserve cable TV and gyms, and congical visits. Dude... If you kill somebody, or beat them to an inch of their life for the $5 bucks they have in their pocket, I'm sorry, but you don't pass go. You don't collect $200 dollars, and you sure as hell don't get the equivalent lifestyle of a rich kid being grounded by his parents.