Torture in American Prisons

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I haven't watched the video yet, but I recognize the name, and have looked into this guy a few times.

He is under such a massive microscope right now. I have zero doubt that if he were to be doing anything illegal or inhumane, he would be shut down in a heartbeat.

I heard him give a speach about a year ago. Everybody was angry because he was making his inmates live without air conditioning. His only response was "We have soldiers overseas who live in far warmer climates who have to wear battle gear all day long. These criminals can survive some discomfort. If they don't like it here, hopefully this will help motivate them to not come back."


He had me at hello.

He had me at hello! .... ROFL!!!! I wish I could rep you again ... but the site just won't let me ... ROFL! :24:
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I have a feeling that no one really knows what prison is like on here. Which is a good thing. I dont see any of you folks being the kind of people that would break the law. I have never been to prison either and I DONT WANNA GO!

But some of these people that are in prisons are products of a disturbing enviroment. Some people werent raised good. Now I'm not saying that it should be a 4 star hotel either, but these people are supposed to be getting rehabilitated. How are we going to take such a righteous stand and then beat them like dogs? It makes no sense to me.

Arpaio keeps people in tents in the middle of the fucking dessert. I was a mover out here for a while man. I had Gatorade out the yin yang and was still barely makin it. Heat advisory warning are almost an everyday thing here. Why is it such a horrible thing to make sure the people in the tents stay hydrated and have something to eat? Fresh bologna and bread is not expensive. Why do they have to feed them rotten meat and molded bread? Shit we treat child molesters better.


You really, really disturb me.

You really disturb me with the BS you spew. If it directly affected you, like someone murdering your mother, wife or sister you'd be happy to see the MF rot in prison. But whatever dude, keep thinking the world is this "pristine" place to live in and no one is a bad person.

Why do you think the capital punishment rates are less in states that have a death penalty? Gee I wonder. Even stupid criminals are smart about that.

You really need to go join the Peace Corps or something, get your mind off arguing with people on the internet and actually start to make a change, unless your just an e-liar.


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They featured Arpiao on an episode of Penn and Teller: Bullshit, and from what i saw, he is fucking stupid. he wanted to set up a perimeter around his county to conduct random drug searches... I wonder if he's ever read the constitution? I'm just glad I don't live in his county.

All Else Failed

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You really disturb me with the BS you spew. If it directly affected you, like someone murdering your mother, wife or sister you'd be happy to see the MF rot in prison. But whatever dude, keep thinking the world is this "pristine" place to live in and no one is a bad person.

Why do you think the capital punishment rates are less in states that have a death penalty? Gee I wonder. Even stupid criminals are smart about that.

You really need to go join the Peace Corps or something, get your mind off arguing with people on the internet and actually start to make a change, unless your just an e-liar.
So humane treatment of prisoners is considered BS now, ok. In no way do I think the world is a peaceful place, don't take me for some lout. If someone murdered my mother, I would like to see them spend the rest of their lives in jail. But you know what? I'm a bigger person, and I would want them to be treated like any other prisoner, humanly. You people let vengeance seep into your heads too quickly.

Capital punishment is also wrong, since it is state mandated murder.

What am I lieing about?


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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Yesterday I didn't have time to write my take on this. I will do it now since I have a bit more time and I could read everything you had to say so far.
First of all I want to say that the video I linked you to is a documental by Chanel 4. I have read some people saying it is BS, well, I don't think you can lie about people dying in prison or about guards beating up young men, when you have it on the security cam.
Then, I don't know your constitution but in mine it says that prison is a place for rehabilitation. Trying to make it a place for punishment is not only hypocritical, but won't help neither the victims or the agressors.
No matter what the convicted criminals may have done or not, brutal acts such as the ones seen in the video should never be tolerated. Treating other human beings like that doesn't make the guards any better than the rest of prisoners. That people are killed or let to die is disturbing not to say heart breaking. Those are human beings, some of them mentally disable, all of them with family that loved them. I'm sorry but there is no way to justify such treatment from one human being to another one, never.


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konuşmalardan pek bişey anlayamadım ama işte dünyanın gerçek yüzü.her zaman birileri birilerini böyle işkence çektirip eziyolar.insanlık bu mu?ben türküm ve böyle kişileri kınıyorum.bizler aynı annenin aynı babanın torunları olduğumuzu unutuyoruz.hadi onu es geçelim ama hiç mi başkalarının canını yakarken hiç mi vicdanları acı çekmiyor.nasıl böyle gaddar olabilirler,nasıl böyle acımazsız olurlar.böyle davaranan bütün insanları kınıyorum
Video made sad me very much.I'm sorry, really.
I want the peace.:(
I am not able to speak english very:)

Peter Parka

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konuşmalardan pek bişey anlayamadım ama işte dünyanın gerçek yüzü.her zaman birileri birilerini böyle işkence çektirip eziyolar.insanlık bu mu?ben türküm ve böyle kişileri kınıyorum.bizler aynı annenin aynı babanın torunları olduğumuzu unutuyoruz.hadi onu es geçelim ama hiç mi başkalarının canını yakarken hiç mi vicdanları acı çekmiyor.nasıl böyle gaddar olabilirler,nasıl böyle acımazsız olurlar.böyle davaranan bütün insanları kınıyorum
Video made sad me very much.I'm sorry, really.
I want the peace.:(
I am not able to speak english very:)

Erm, no offense but what?:confused

All Else Failed

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Yesterday I didn't have time to write my take on this. I will do it now since I have a bit more time and I could read everything you had to say so far.
First of all I want to say that the video I linked you to is a documental by Chanel 4. I have read some people saying it is BS, well, I don't think you can lie about people dying in prison or about guards beating up young men, when you have it on the security cam.
Then, I don't know your constitution but in mine it says that prison is a place for rehabilitation. Trying to make it a place for punishment is not only hypocritical, but won't help neither the victims or the agressors.
No matter what the convicted criminals may have done or not, brutal acts such as the ones seen in the video should never be tolerated. Treating other human beings like that doesn't make the guards any better than the rest of prisoners. That people are killed or let to die is disturbing not to say heart breaking. Those are human beings, some of them mentally disable, all of them with family that loved them. I'm sorry but there is no way to justify such treatment from one human being to another one, never.



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Yesterday I didn't have time to write my take on this. I will do it now since I have a bit more time and I could read everything you had to say so far.
First of all I want to say that the video I linked you to is a documental by Chanel 4. I have read some people saying it is BS, well, I don't think you can lie about people dying in prison or about guards beating up young men, when you have it on the security cam.
Then, I don't know your constitution but in mine it says that prison is a place for rehabilitation. Trying to make it a place for punishment is not only hypocritical, but won't help neither the victims or the agressors.
No matter what the convicted criminals may have done or not, brutal acts such as the ones seen in the video should never be tolerated. Treating other human beings like that doesn't make the guards any better than the rest of prisoners. That people are killed or let to die is disturbing not to say heart breaking. Those are human beings, some of them mentally disable, all of them with family that loved them. I'm sorry but there is no way to justify such treatment from one human being to another one, never.
The point is that the mockumentary you posted is painting with broad strokes, meaning that it is coming across that what is seen in that video the norm in our prison systems and it isn't. People are not dying of malnutrition, not getting medical care, etc. In the prison system people ARE being fed, while law abiding citizens don't have enough money to eat. In the prison system people have a roof over their head, while many law abiding homeless people don't. In the prison system people get medical care, while middle class law abiding citizens can't afford health insurance or health care. In the prison system they are getting a college education, while law abiding citizens can't afford to do so. All I am saying is that your mockumentary is not showing the whole picture. It is biased as all can be.

All Else Failed

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The point is that the mockumentary you posted is painting with broad strokes, meaning that it is coming across that what is seen in that video the norm in our prison systems and it isn't. People are not dying of malnutrition, not getting medical care, etc. In the prison system people ARE being fed, while law abiding citizens don't have enough money to eat. In the prison system people have a roof over their head, while many law abiding homeless people don't. In the prison system people get medical care, while middle class law abiding citizens can't afford health insurance or health care. In the prison system they are getting a college education, while law abiding citizens can't afford to do so. All I am saying is that your mockumentary is not showing the whole picture. It is biased as all can be.
I watched the documentary and I really didn't get the impression they were painting all prisons in America as torture houses, only some.


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The title of this thread is "Torture in American Prisons", then she posted this particular mockumentary.
This is why I think she is getting a distorted picture.


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Yes I did watch the whole thing. The point is the thread is labeled 'Torture in American Prison'. A broad stroke IS being painted in my opinion which I am entitled to and you are certainly entitled to disagree with me, but it still doesn't change the fact of how I see this issue being presented in this particular thread.


He disagrees to disagree Grace. I see your point spot on.

If you have a problem with the prisons, write your senator. Nuff said.