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But they do agree. That's the point. It's up to each society to grow and progress in the way they want. If the chinese don't want freedom, they don't have to have it imposed.

Anarchy is a philosophy that people subscribe to or they don't. It will only be a viable option when we start on a path in that direction: ie, a path to actually change society for the better, progress, solve problems and so forth instead of conserving the status quo, which is all we're doing right now.

So now disagreement = agreement? This isn't a discussion so much as its you making shit up as you go...

Not me, but society. If you feel that you should have this particular choice or that, you would be able to actively campaign for it within the direct democracy you'd be living.

But if you and the rest of society tell me I can't, thats oppression. Tyranny of the majority is still tyranny. A majority voting to put blacks back into slavery is no more right than a dictator or any other gov't doing it...

it's not so much no capitalism, it's more about no exploitation. Equality is the drive behind anarchy, and the drive behind solving many of our problems. You would be free to move elsewhere, no one is going to be holding you to ransom saying you can't.

Except you said above that society and its direct democracy makes all the decisions. Choose which way it is....

So can you explain your system to me?

Its quite simple. As long as you aren't denying other people their individual rights, you can do whatever you want. Want to start a business? Go ahead. Want to start a socialist commune with your buddies? Thats cool too, get right on it. Want to sell your labor to others. Go right ahead. Want to do nothing at all? Hey if starvation is cool with you its cool with us. Want to walk around shooting random people, sorry not gonna happen, we'll stop that. Want to enslave people against their will? Yeah thats not gonna happen either.

Again, no one is going to be forced into anything. Say, for example, you have 75% anarchists and 25% Faux Libertarians (of the Murray Rothbard variety). Life in a direct democracy means that everyone gets their say in how things should be. The 25% Faux Libertarians could chirp us as much as they want and try and change things.

They're just de-facto subjugated by the majority. Wonderful wonderful freedom....

The idea that libertarianism is solely protecting "fundamental rights to life, liberty and property" is simply wrong and has nothing to do with libertarianism. It's simply a bandwagon jumped on by those not wishing to pay tax.

And the idea that socialism is about equality is simply wrong and has nothing to do with socialism. Socialism is a bandwagon jumped on by wastes of air and skin who are too fucking stupid and worthless to get ahead on their own, they want everything handed to them. Are we on the same page now?

But I would actually be very interested to have a faux Libertarian world explained to me. As Chomsky pointed out, it would be a world of hatred and division, no unity or cooperation. A frightful existence if you ask me. How would, in your opinion, a society like that function?

Very well because the idiot hero of the left wing world, Mr Chomsky, has nary a clue WTF he's talking about. People always have and always will unify and cooperate when they personally feel its in their best interest, when they get something out of the deal. The "whats in it for me" cooperation is the driving force behind free market capitalism. People work together not for some common good, but for what they get out of it.

Well, if someone comes to their townhall meeting and says they want to murder someone, for example, and thinks that should be allowed, obviously they would be voted against and that would be that. When it comes to capitalistic ideals, in an anarchist society do you honestly think someone would accept employment rather than partnering in a work endeavour?

People do it all the damn time. Its all dependent upon how risk averse the person is.

Well, as with any system, there will always be a level of dissent. We live in free democracies because the majority want it that way. In a Libertarian world, there would most likely be dissent too and people could exercise this through their voting systems. Its really not a hard concept to grasp!

You still didn't answer the question. If your tyranny of the majority says "Don't do this" and I do it anyway what are you going to do about it? Its not a hard question to answer.

I'm simply saying I don't have all the answers. There is plenty of material out there for you to read through, listen to the Chomsky youtube vids I posted, he answers pretty much everything in there.

Uh no, I've read and heard quite enough of that idiot Chomksy to satisfy me for a life time. One of my sociology professors college was far too fond of him. He should stick to linguistics...

A govt minimalist. So you want govt where YOU consider them needed, but not where others might?

Exactly. No one has the ability or authority to do with gov't as they please. Everyone is under the same restrictions and treated equally in that respect. My life, liberty and property rights are off limits to you just as your life, liberty and property rights are off limits to me.

If you feel that something needs doing outside those limitations on gov't power, then thats for you and like minded individuals to pursue privately. You'll have to the freedom to do anything along those lines privately as long as it does not infringe upon the life, liberty and property rights of others. In other words a private "Robin Hood" society wouldn't be kosher and neither would the "Committee to Kill People with Red Hair"

Firstly, where is this redundant infrastructure? Over here, we're always in need of more and the govt provides.

Over here we spend a lot of money on little used bridges, airports, rail systems, etc etc....

Secondly, of course roads weren't invented by the govt, but they do a good service of building more to allow us to travel around our countries freely. Who is in charge of building roads in your world? Private enterprise? What if the route you need isn't financially viable so therefore remains long pile of rubble that you cannot pass, would you build the road yourself?

Nothing has to be financially viable. The people who want the road just have to want it badly enough to put up their own money. I almost bought a piece of property that was along a road built and maintained in just that way. Oddly enough it was better maintained than the "public" road that lead up to it...

Who makes sure people aren't exploited in the labour force? Who protects the environment from destruction by corporations? Who will take care of people who can't take care of themselves?

If said laborers are competent adults (children the incompetent are special cases) and are not being held at gunpoint (slavery a right to liberty violation) who you sell your labor too and for how much is no one's business but you and the buyer.

Environmental protections fall under property rights. If your factory emissions are falling on my house, systematically destroying it, then you are violating my property rights, thus it can be restricted.

Taking care of those who can't take care of themselves would fall to those individuals and groups who feel those people need help. There was plenty of charitable work before the welfare state came along and turned it a monstrous beauracracy...

Would people be able to work in a cooperative manner? That is, would people be able to form unions and so forth to protect their working rights and such?

They would have the freeom to form whatever unions they wanted and make any demands they wished of their employer. Their employer would also have the freedom to tell them to go pound sand because said unions wouldn't be a gov't protected and enforced monopoly....
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So now disagreement = agreement? This isn't a discussion so much as its you making shit up as you go...

Do US citizens not agree that democracy is good for America?
Do residents of the UK not agree that having a democracy is good for Britain?
Do Chinese not agree that too much freedom is a bad thing?

I think it's you "making shit up as you go."


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And the idea that socialism is about equality is simply wrong and has nothing to do with socialism. Socialism is a bandwagon jumped on by wastes of air and skin who are too fucking stupid and worthless to get ahead on their own, they want everything handed to them. Are we on the same page now?




I'm very nearly speechless.

Not only do you readily admit you know nothing of socialist beliefs, but you also show what a hate filled person you are.

No, we'll never be on the same page I'm afraid.


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Actually, thinking about it, let's have a look at what might happen in an anarchist society if someone chooses to ignore their equality, and reduce their freedom and control over their working life and accept employment:

"I want to work for you. My name is Percy, I'm a carpenter."
"We don't employ people but you're more than welcome to come on board in our co-op."

Percy is free to sell their labour as much as they want. It's the employers that aren't allowed to turn people into wageslaves. What person in their right mind would choose to have the fruits of the labour taken from them and given only a small percentage back (capitalist) or get their fair share (socialist)?

Here you are playing semantics again. Employers are people too and restricting them is just as bad. Thats like saying its legal to buy weed, just not to sell it. Same result...

Greed has nothing to do with what you've just said though. There's much debate over this subject in psychology and the community is quite divided on it. Neither of us can possibly know the answer, but I know more people who aren't greedy than I do those that are, thats for sure. That would immediately tell me that it is not an instinctive trait of humans, but a learned behaviour. In your examples you point out about resources. Very true, more resources equals better survival chance. That's not greed though, is it? Greed is taking MORE than you would need. Back in those days, people needed everything they could get their hands on. Greed these days has nothing to do with survival.

Who defines "need" though? You don't "need" any more than a tin shack, a carbo/protein/vitamin goulash + water and burlap robe. Having more than that is "greedy" by your definition.

Even taking more than you "need" at a particular moment in time is not greedy. Who knows what the future brings eh? What may look to you like greed now, say killing 5 rabbits instead of the 2 you need for dinner and storing the other 3, becomes nothing but good planning when the famine hits now doesn't it?

Its just another example of you trying to push a subjective definition off on others to suit your interests.

Profit is essentially what's left after your operating costs (which would include wages) so of course they're not working for nothing!! The co-op sells a product at a price to include operating costs sufficient to share within itself. The co-op is allowed to profit, but the system means that profit is given to all those involved in the work, not horded by bosses and shareholders as in our current systems and your minimalist govt one.

But you just said no-one can work for wages. Working for wages from a co-op is not really any different than working for wages from an individual, you're just selling your labor to the co-op....

Yes, their are many examples of co-ops in existence today.

Yes there are, and they have less than a stellar record of being able to remain in operation. Said workers have a nasty tendency to take a payday now rather than investing in their operation. Tends to hurt their long term prospects.

Thats compared to many startup business owners who go years paying employees and putting money back into the business before they ever take a payday.

No, the owner doesn't bring nothing to the table, but he needs his employees as much as they need him and that is what our systems don't recognise.

No he doesn't. Almost anybody can be an employee. It takes a person with a certain drive, work ethic and ability to keep things together.

The problem is that we start on such an uneven playing field. Take this example:

Tom was born into money. With money he hasn't earned, he can build a factory and employ people. He can then sit back and let people work for him and he takes all the profit and gives them a wage.

Tom earned the money by taking a risk with it. There's no guarantee that a factory will be successful so if it is, if the factory fails, Tom could be penniless tomorrow. Tom has earned the return on the initial investment because of that risk.

Ben was born into poverty. Because he had to take care of his mum he missed school and has no money. He gets a job at the factory on minimum wage.

Ben should have made better choices. Ben should have learned a trade or taken night classes or any one of the inumberable opportunities available to him instead of being lazy, saying "poor me" and resigning himself to his life. Been took no risks and wasn't willing to even make the investment in himself so he gets no real reward. He's just lucky that Tom was willing to take that risk so that he can eat.

This is how capitalism works - Tom is exploiting Ben's misfortune. Ben's misfortune is no one's fault but at the end of the day it needs to be addressed nonetheless. Tom is also wasting potential too but subjugating Ben. Ben could be a great inventor if he had more input into his work environment.

Thats exactly how capitalism works. Tom is being rewarded for taking risk and Ben is benefitting from the risk. Ben's situation is his own fault for not taking steps to better himself and his situation. If Ben isn't even willing to take the risk of investing in himself, what makes you think he would ever do anything.

Even in his current situation, Ben could be a great inventor should he put the effort into it. The number of great inventors who started with nothing is far too numerous to discount. Should Ben come up with some great new invention, he could take it to his boss Tom, who's no fool, he was bright enough to start a factory business thats humming along. When Tom sees it, he'll say, great I'll start producing this thing and give you a share of what we make.

Voluntary?! You really think that people take employment voluntarily??!!! Or maybe you think it's because for most people there is simply no alternative?

Its entirely voluntary. There are any number of alternatives, most are simply much more difficult and risky. People make the trade off decision that they would rather be employees rather than deal with the difficulty and risk of any of the other options...

So, if you have three people on a desert island. They have enough food to last for 2 days but one of them wants a second helping, which would reduce their survival time to a day and a half. A vote is taken and a 2 to 1 majority decide the second helping shouldn't be eaten.

Now, by your reasoning you could call that oppression. The 2 in the majority are oppressing the third person's right to be a selfish cunt and eat more than he needs. Even though a vote had taken place and the original request was utter lunacy. That's not oppression, that's a bloody disagreement.

If the agreement amongst the 3 guys was to divide the food equally (ie each owns a share), and he wants to take his day 2 ration now, who the hell are the other two to stop him? He just gets no more on day 2. If he tries to take more, thats a property rights violation and they're completely legitimate to stop him.

That whole equation could change should there be no agreement amongst them depending on who brought what to the table. If one guy brought all the food and decided to eat for 6 days instead of 2 then he would be well within his property rights to do it.

Tell you what, you head on over to Cuba and speak to someone who isn't allowed to talk about their political beliefs for fear of imprisonment or even execution and then come back and tell me again that being able to have your say in an issue and place a vote is oppression. If you can vote on an issue, as in a direct democracy, it is not oppression if the outcome isn't what you wanted.

If the outcome of the direct democracy is a violation of your life, liberty or property rights it most certainly is. It is amoral and unjust for the mob to be able to infringe upon any of those three areas against the individual just as surely as its amoral and unjust for a dictator to do the same.

I mean, do you honestly think it would be ok if you put a bunch of Jews in the middle of Tehran and left their fate to a vote of the people? Fuck the majority says execute them, so its A-OK to do it. :24:

I still don't see why this kind of thing could not happen in an anarchist world. Invention, creative working would be thoroughly encouraged.

Those people found investors to put money in, in an anarchist society they would find people to put labour in.

How? If an investor dumps some money into something "crazy" and unproven, and it doesn't pan out, all they've lost is some money. If workers dump some time in and it doesn't pan out, they don't eat. The monetary capitalistic system allows you to develop things and hire employees without the employeers having to worry too much about where their next meal is coming from. They don't have to risk very much...


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I'm very nearly speechless.

Not only do you readily admit you know nothing of socialist beliefs, but you also show what a hate filled person you are.

No, we'll never be on the same page I'm afraid.

If you can say stupid bullshit like

The idea that libertarianism is solely protecting "fundamental rights to life, liberty and property" is simply wrong and has nothing to do with libertarianism. It's simply a bandwagon jumped on by those not wishing to pay tax.

then I can say that. Don't talk shit if you don't want to hear shit...

And yeah, we never will be on the same page because you can never admit to the logical contradictions in what you're proposing, inability to answer hard questions with coherent answers, and the fact that your definitions of things are so far out in left field you can't see them with binoculars.

I will never agree with your basic premisis that:

1. Voluntary agreements between competent adults is exploitation.
2. Direct majority democracy should be allowed to usurp the rights and liberties of the individual

Those two points are wrong on a fundamental level....


Active Member
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Do US citizens not agree that democracy is good for America?
Do residents of the UK not agree that having a democracy is good for Britain?
Do Chinese not agree that too much freedom is a bad thing?

I think it's you "making shit up as you go."

Not all of them agree. Simple as that. In addition you're talking about what essentially amounts to worldwide agreement amongst everyone, not agreement amongst small populations. If you winnow the group down small enough, you'll eventually have one where everyone can agree. 2 people deciding the enace a socialist/anarchist/whatever society isn't gonna get very far though...


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One thing I notice abt the people here is that they never want to lose in a debate especially if they are debating with non-americans. They will resort to personal attacks, put you on ignore, demand the person be banned and give you negative reps


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Well you'd be totally free to try whatever you like - you could go around your community and ask as many people as you'd like to exchange services or so forth. Why would anyone opt to take a single, one-off payment or be under your employ for a while when they would be able to become a partner with someone else and see much more in return?

As long as your proposals don't subjugate your fellow man, there really shouldn't be an issue.
Really??? That's almost polar opposite of what I've been reading from you, but that's likely due to my own filters. So people are free to make deals without having to go into permanent partnerships? Man, that's a relief.

Because I was imagining some poor kid not long out of school, with a new wife and a baby on the way. He approaches an established businessman. "I'd like to work with you."
"Do you have any skills?"
"I'm a fast learner."
"But what can you contribute to the company now?"
"Well, I can start at the bottom and work my way up."
"We don't have a bottom. All are equal partners here. Go get some skills and experience and come back."
"Where can I get experience if no one will hire me?"
"Good luck, kid."

The guy finds a new startup business ready to take him on.
"We're glad to have you, kid! This company's really going places. I'm hoping you can contribute alot."
"I'll do what I can," says the kid. "I was wondering when payday is. You see, my wife is pregnant and ..."
"We all get paid when the company starts making money. We'll all make the same then."
"But can I get an advance to buy groceries?"
"I'd love to help you, kid, but that wouldn't be fair to the other owners."

But with this new information you've given me, I can now see the new guy in a new light. He can go to the established company. "I'd like to work with you."
"Do you have any skills?"
"I'm a fast learner."
"But what can you contribute to the company now?"
"Well, I can start at the bottom and work my way up. I can learn the business as I do the small things that take little skill, freeing the more experienced people to be even more productive. That engineer, for instance, won't have to waste his time taking out the trash and sweeping the floor if I'm here to do it for him."
"Hmm. I don't know, it seems a bit wasteful to hire a partner just for convenience."
"I'll tell you what. Let me work just today. If you like the job I do, only pay me for today. I need a little money for groceries. If it works out, you can pay me an hourly wage for as long as we both agree that my services are needed. If we both agree for me to take on more responsibility, we can renegotiate my pay."
"That sounds fair. How much would you like to be paid?"

That's fabulous! :clap Since both men are in agreement, no one is subjugated.
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All Else Failed

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And the top 20% pay for all of your asses. Stop complaining.

Oh, and anarchism is a complete and total joke. Its not even doable. Non-negotiable.

That's good to hear Tim, I hope it resonates with you :)

They are really the only concepts brought to the table that actually help deal with the problems of societies - crime, corruption, greed, oppression and so forth. Each step deals with problems before moving to the next step.

This is the problem I've always had with capitalist and conservative views, they don't attempt to solve problems they create, only assign blame.

At least with this path there is and end goal in sight.
Explain in detail. Really.
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Explain in detail. Really.

How can a system that works on maintaining the status quo solve any problems. Really? How are our capitalistic systems tackling poverty? Inequality? War? Famine? Climate Change? Corruption? Greed?

Simple answer: it's not. Politicians just throw band-aids at problems, never looking to the root causes. And of course it doesn't, why would it? The systems we have now are the very causes of those problems.


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Not all of them agree. Simple as that. In addition you're talking about what essentially amounts to worldwide agreement amongst everyone, not agreement amongst small populations. If you winnow the group down small enough, you'll eventually have one where everyone can agree. 2 people deciding the enace a socialist/anarchist/whatever society isn't gonna get very far though...

no, but the majorities agree, thats the point. You said NO ONE agrees - "we're all different"...
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If you can say stupid bullshit like

then I can say that. Don't talk shit if you don't want to hear shit...

But it's not simple bullshit, is it? With your "minimal govt" world, a world filled with selfishness, distrust, no cooperation and hatred of your neighbour and fellow man, society would collapse. That's a simple and very obvious fact.

You then showed your hatred for your fellow man by saying:

And the idea that socialism is about equality is simply wrong and has nothing to do with socialism. Socialism is a bandwagon jumped on by wastes of air and skin who are too fucking stupid and worthless to get ahead on their own, they want everything handed to them. Are we on the same page now?

Which is probably one of the most erroneous and hate-filled statements you've said so far.

Firstly, socialism is ALL about equality. It's about making the playing field level, removing exploitation and giving people their fair share.

Secondly, I've never met a lazy socialist. Far from it, socialism is all about contribution, hard work and smart work. The people you're talking about are your fellow citizens and you're judging them without ever understanding their circumstances. And herein lies the reason behind political differences: you, and your fellow right-wingers believe that people are bad because they choose to be. You don't take into account environment and/or circumstance into the reason people are the way they are. We, on the other hand, realise that environment contributes massively to the way people are. Most traits people have are brought out by our systems. It's the whole "nature vs nuture" argument.

Anyone with half a brain can see that its a combination of the two that makes us who we are. We're given a basic set of genes that predispose us to certain types of behaviour. It's how those traits are nutured, influenced by family and society, that determines how people are.

A case in point: the human genome project discovered that the same gene that makes a house burglar get a rush from breaking into people's homes is the very same gene that drove Tony Blair to work to be in power.

The genes are the same, the outcome, very different. And that difference is down to the environment the person was raised in which of course is a result of the way society is structured.

This is what socialism tries to address - to level the playing field. Libertarian Socialism, the end goal, having removed the environments that leads to human waste, inequality etc, then allows people to be the best they can and do everything that's possible to allow people to excel.

Thirdly, if you knew ANYTHING about socialist philosophy, you'd know that socialists view the people that play the welfare system for a free ride as parasites, much like share holders and bankers.

And yeah, we never will be on the same page because you can never admit to the logical contradictions in what you're proposing, inability to answer hard questions with coherent answers, and the fact that your definitions of things are so far out in left field you can't see them with binoculars.

I've answered as best I can given my limited knowledge of this subject area (as I said, I'm still very much exploring these philosophies) and the limited time I have online. I've provided resources like the Chomksy videos that you've chosen to ignore. Your belief system is being thoroughly challenged here - that is the belief that you're an island, people generally are shit, people aren't equal, and money is god.

I will never agree with your basic premisis that:

1. Voluntary agreements between competent adults is exploitation.
2. Direct majority democracy should be allowed to usurp the rights and liberties of the individual

Those two points are wrong on a fundamental level....

1. Is an employee equal to their employer? Does the employee have a say in their worklife? Normally no - you can't choose your hours, you can't choose how you work, you have no say in the direction of the business. Now, just simply removing equality is enough to call it exploitation.

2. But it does all the time nowadays and with good reason. What if the minority wants to rape and pillage? Kill and maim? Decisions have to be made, surely it's better for those decisions to be put to the vote of everyone than just decided by representatives who have been voted in because they're on your team?
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Well-Known Member
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And the top 20% pay for all of your asses. Stop complaining.

Don't be so ridiculous.

Look at it this way: imagine society as two tiers - the workers, then the top 20% that "pay for all your asses".

Ok, firstly, let's remove the workers from the equation: what's left? A bunch of CEOs, shareholders, politicians, bankers and so forth.

What do they eat? Nothing, because no food is produced.
Who keeps them safe? No one, because there's no police.
Who looks after them when they're sick? No one, because there are no nurses and doctors.
How do they travel? By foot, because there are no cars being built, no planes made or flown.
How do they do business? They can't, because no one is making computers.
How do they stop another country invading? They can't, because there are no armed forces.
Who puts out the fire that's tearing through their house? No one, because there is no fire service.

I could go on, you should see the point.

Now, let's look remove the top twenty percent and answer those questions again shall we?

What do they eat? the food that they produce.
Who keeps them safe? the police.
Who looks after them when they're sick? the nurses and doctors.
How do they travel? Car, plane, boat, however they want.
How do they do business? Co-operatively and on the computers they build.
How do they stop another country invading? the armed forces.
Who puts out the fire that's tearing through their house? the fire service.

Now, you tell me who pays for who exactly? Who is riding off the back of the other? And, more importantly, who is unnecessary in this equation?


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Don't be so ridiculous.

Look at it this way: imagine society as two tiers - the workers, then the top 20% that "pay for all your asses".

Ok, firstly, let's remove the workers from the equation: what's left? A bunch of CEOs, shareholders, politicians, bankers and so forth.

What do they eat? Nothing, because no food is produced.
Who keeps them safe? No one, because there's no police.
Who looks after them when they're sick? No one, because there are no nurses and doctors.
How do they travel? By foot, because there are no cars being built, no planes made or flown.
How do they do business? They can't, because no one is making computers.
How do they stop another country invading? They can't, because there are no armed forces.
Who puts out the fire that's tearing through their house? No one, because there is no fire service.

I could go on, you should see the point.

Now, let's look remove the top twenty percent and answer those questions again shall we?

What do they eat? the food that they produce.
Who keeps them safe? the police.
Who looks after them when they're sick? the nurses and doctors.
How do they travel? Car, plane, boat, however they want.
How do they do business? Co-operatively and on the computers they build.
How do they stop another country invading? the armed forces.
Who puts out the fire that's tearing through their house? the fire service.

Now, you tell me who pays for who exactly? Who is riding off the back of the other? And, more importantly, who is unnecessary in this equation?
I don't see your point here. Sure, the top 20% don't actually do most of the things you listed themselves, but they damn sure pay the rest. They pay for the military, police, and firefighters through their taxes. Without their tax dollars, the people in these occupations wouldn't have a job because the funding wouldn't be there. It's a trade off, and a fair one imo.


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I don't see your point here. Sure, the top 20% don't actually do most of the things you listed themselves, but they damn sure pay the rest. They pay for the military, police, and firefighters through their taxes. Without their tax dollars, the people in these occupations wouldn't have a job because the funding wouldn't be there. It's a trade off, and a fair one imo.

It's well known that the top 20% pay a disproportionately smaller amount of tax. In the UK, for example, hedge fund managers pay less tax (not proportionately, but actually LESS) than their cleaning staff.

This is very common throughout most societies. GW Bush gave massive tax cuts on the wealthy and super rich in the US. That bill was picked up by the working man.

Also look at it like this: their money was essentially created by those working. Why not just remove the rich? The rest of society, ie, those that actually do work, would then have more to share amongst themselves.