Not at all, you missed the point and are confusing a very subjective term "value" with the term "necessity".
Not hardly. You're the one talking about necessity and how it applies valuation. You said and I quote
Oprah Winfrey is a good example of how the wrong people get rewarded in capitalist systems. Why should she, who doesn't contribute anything to society directly apart from pointless rhetoric, completely false psychological information and celebrity interviews.
She's obviously contributing
something to society that people value or else she wouldn't make money doing it. People don't exchange money for that which they don't value regardless of necessity.
Society is individuals and individuals making decisions is what determines what society wants and values.
I can poke as much fun at morons that watch Oprah as I like. You're always banging on about freedom so much, I'm just exercising my right of free speech. I never said she shouldn't be doing the nonsense she does.
Point out where I stated you couldn't say whatever you wanted? As ridiculous as your ideas are you have a right to them along with a right to speak them freely.
Oprah is a specific example, but ultimately I'm speaking in general terms. Replace Oprah with whatever good or service that you want to claim is or is not contributing to society because like it or not. Does Google contribute to society? Or how about the NFL (or name your soccer league for those of you in the EU)? Companies that make car accessories? What exactly is your definiiton of "contribution to society" other than "things I like contribute to society" ?
I only have a problem with your implicit goal to impose your ideas of value on everyone else. Everytime you post on this stuff it seems your implicit dislike is not really with the system, but with the fact that people get to choose of their volition which path to take, that its not dictated to them.
And since I have a right to free speech as well, don't expect me to be quiet when thats the garbage you're pushing..
Hang on, what was this thread about? Oh yeah, 42 Percent of your country's wealth in the control of 1 Percent of the population!!
So FUCKING what? I don't benchmark my success based on what other people have. I live a confortable life, have a roof over my head, food in my stomach and family that loves me. As far as I'm concerned, I'm a raging success and the fact that Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or whoever has $10 billion in the bank has no bearing on that whatsoever.
In any event, do you seriously think that that wealth is a stack of gold coins sitting a vault somewhere doing nothing? No indeed, its held as stocks and bonds, its lent out and provides the monetary input needed to build factories and storefronts and develop new tech, products and services, namely all the things that create better jobs and increase standards of living.
No small group in control huh? One of the biggest flaws of capitalism is that the capital moves upward into ever decreasing circles. With it too goes all the power.
Ooh, the zero sum fallacy. You're gonna hit on all the anti-capitalist myths today aren't you?
If one person is gaining wealth, that doesn't mean another person has to lose it, because our free, open and innovative society, generates wealth on a constant basis. Wealth thats amazingly spread around. Thats why even the poorest of the poor have things today that no amount of money could buy, 100, 50 or even 20 years ago.
Don't believe me? Take a drive through the housing projects and count how many satellite dishes and cell phones you see. If wealth didn't flow down to everyone, then most of us would still be farm hands working for nothing with increases to our standard of living over the last 150 years, while the super rich had all the enhancements that make life better, but amazingly thats NOT the case, we all live pretty comfortable lives comparitively.
If they find someone that can pay them 10million USD for sitting on their hineys, then great, good luck to them. It's the system thats at fault - how can one person's input to society be worth that sum? What more can they possibly be doing? There are only X amount of hours in the day. They must never sleep!
It depends again on what your definition of value is
So you're happy being a wage slave then? For someone so into the idea of freedom that surprises me greatly.
Wage slave? Put Marx down and come back to reality. What part of "I'll quit coming to work when I feel what they're paying me is worth less than my time" fits into the idea of slavery?
I CHOOSE to come in everyday and can quit at any time I please, either to get another job, start my own business or whatever suits my fancy.
Back to the old blame the govt for everything. They are YOUR govt. Vote the fuckers out if you dislike them that much.
Man you have troubles understanding simple concepts don't you?
What I outlined is not an issue of a
specific gov't, its a
feature of every gov't, or at least every effective gov't. Gov'ts are set up specifically with the ability to force people to do that which they don't wish to, specifically because if they don't have that power, it makes governance impossible.
Every gov't out that has the same basic underlying principles, from a direct democracy, to a constitutional republic to the nastiest dictatorship. If they tell you to do something, you will comply or they will eventually kill you.
When I decide I need money, I go to work and freely exchange my time for money. My employer and I both gain value from the transaction. When the gov't decides it needs money, it says "hand it over or else" and either have to or I forfeit my life, regardless of whatever value I get from the transaction.