I'm all for following the law, if its reasonable.
No you're not; you have admitted that over and over in every post of yours in this thread. You want open borders, no immigration laws, no English learning, no assimilation, free driver's licenses, free cars, free housing, free health care, free schooling and no taxes paid....all for your precious Illegals.
You seem to think that just because its a law, you SHOULD follow it. Thats not the case with all laws, and in this case, the laws concerning immigration into the US are ridiculous and unreasonable.
Silly me for following and respecting the laws.
Prove to me the laws for immigration are ridiculous and unreasonable?
Most other countries, can you stay there Illegally? Can you drop an anchor baby there and claim it is a citizen of that country? Can you get free handouts from that country's government? Can you get away with not assimilating to that country's laws and way of life, not to mention their culture?
Only in America.
If this is the kind of America you are wanting more and more of when you get older, I want no part of it. Maybe you could just create your own state and herd all your overly-coddled Illegals there. You could be their king and savior.
Plus, I never said anything about giving them handouts.
Maybe not directly, but I'll bet if I question you enough, you'll admit that you want them to have everything handed to them on a silver platter.
Um, do you understand that babies born here are considered citizens?
Yes. And it's a stupid law.
So that law isn't archaic.
Yes it is. And it's a stupid law.
No it doesn't. The parents are here Illegally; therefore every action they take in this country is Illegal. Conveniently popping out kids on U.S. soil is a con-game which the government and the Bleeding Hearts live for, "Oh, no, no, no, we can't break up families! The poor families. All members must stay here. Give them a break."
No! Send them all back. make them stand in line and immigrate legally. Gee, that's a silly concept, huh?
Maybe you SHOULD have a bit of a bleeding heart, because it sure seems like you have one of ice.
You'd be surprised how much of a nice, caring helpful person I am. You're making assumptions based on the fact that I don't want Illegals here Illegally. You're just upset that I don't fall for this "cry me a river" concept of letting Illegals come here like they were just walking to their next-door neighbor's house to borrow a cup of sugar.
It's really sad how you got so misdirected about Illegals and the amazing concept of people actually coming here LEGALLY.
Your lack of compassion for your fellow man is honestly disgusting to me, and authoritarianism practically oozes from every statement you make.
Again, you're just basing your wild assumptions about me just by how I feel about people coming here Illegally. You are so off base about me, I'm laughing my ass off at your incredibly narrow-minded thought process.
NEWS FLASH! You're a criminal too! Everyone is. Everyone has broken the law one time or another.
Let's see:
I rolled through a stop sign. Result? I paid a fine and went to traffic school.
I was caught speeding. Result? Paid a bigger fine and went to traffic school.
You're being so knee jerk and reactionist its honestly funny.
Actually it's you that I'm laughing at and if people were honest enough, they would be laughing at you, too.
We keep pointing out the inequalities in the immigration process,
No, YOU seem to think there is inequalities in the immigration process. You want Illegals to be here Illegally. There's an immigration policy and surprising enough, people use it! Amazing, isn't it.
The reason you think that the process is unequal is because there are 20 million + Illegals in this country. Well, fish, fish, you got your wish. Obviously the way you want immigration to work works since there are 20 million + Illegals that you so love in this country. What more do you want? Prove to me that the majority of Illegals want to be legal! The U.S. government, both main political parties, are the ones who want these Illegals to be legal.
Then, once they're all legal, in 5 years there'll be at least 10 million more. It'll never end. Why? Because the Illegals and the U.S. government don't want them to come here legally using the immigration process. You are one of those that want all Illegals to go to the FRONT of the line and be given everything they would ever need to survive.
but you choose to just breeze over them like they don't even exist and keep making absurd comments about something that you seemingly do not comprehend.
You only said that because I don't agree with your twisted way of welcoming Illegals here Illegally. Pretty sad. You try to cut me down and insult me because I don't agree with your over-the-top, ridiculous mindset.
You're part of the problem, not part of the solution.