Tired of illegal immigrants?

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And that consequence, in your mind, is to ship them off like cattle.

They walked here, rode on boats here or were driven here; do the same thing, in reverse.

Do you people listen to yourself talk or read what you write?!

This is unbelievable.

Cry me a river.
Coddle coddle coddle.
Free handouts for all Illegals.
No jobs for Legals.
No room in hospitals and emergency room for Legals.
No room in schools for Legals.
Free college for Illegals.
Raise the tuition for Legals.

Go ahead, hate the United States; carry around the guilt of your ancestors....forever. :rolleyes:
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We keep going to the illegal part of the question because that's the illegal part. Heck, the thread title specifies illegal. I don't care about legal immigrants. I say good for them for doing it the right way.

Quite honestly, I don't care what we do with the illegals. If we kick them all out tomorrow, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I'd say it's about time we started enforcing the damn law. Especially one with such obvious national security implications.

At the same time, I'm also ok with an amnesty program, as long as every single one of them gets documented.

I firmly believe we need to strengthen our border security. I don't have a plan or all the answers. But whoever we elect next year sure as heck better. It's a problem we can't afford to ignore any longer.

Fully agree.


Having way too much fun
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AND we're back to this BS argument.

What is it with you Bleeding Hearts that you don't want people following the law? Well millions broke the law, so let's just sit back and give them everything free, give them all the handouts, everything free, free, free, free. Oh, you made it here alive, so yippee, we'll reward you.

And stop with the breaking up of families lame argument. They're all Illegal. The Illegals come here and conveniently have babies, which, by some archaic law, makes those Illegal's babies automatic U.S. citizens. Oh no, now we can't break up the family. Boo Hoo Hoo, send them all back. The Illegals are Illegal and their anchor babies are Illegal.

Stop coddling criminals. AND YES, that's what they are: Criminals. They broke the law. What else do you call people who break the law? Every other law, a criminal, but come here Illegally? It's like Jesus descended from the Heavens and you Bleeding Hearts flock to reward the Illegals like their your long-lost family.


When did people's sense of respect for the law fall on the wayside? What is it about Illegals that makes your heart bleed so much? I'm glad I'm not the only one who this problem makes their head spin with amazement.

I've got to leave this thread before my head explodes. I guess all of you Bleeding Hearts will open your arms to all the Illegals into your homes. 10 to a room. Come on. Do it. You care so much, put them up for free in your houses.

Just remember that you are only a legal citizen because you were born here. Remove that so called archaic law and your children will have to go through classes to become a citizen with the rest of the immigrants.
What about the people who become citizens through marriage? Throw them the hell out to?

I don't know how anyone thinks you can fix this problem overnight when it was over a hundred years in the making. We can send them all back... but they'll just keep on coming.


Back By Unpopular Demand
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Just remember that you are only a legal citizen because you were born here. Remove that so called archaic law and your children will have to go through classes to become a citizen with the rest of the immigrants.
The law could be fixed to say the children of 2 legal citizens become legal citizens at birth, instead of saying everyone born here is a citizen.


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what about all the americans living in mexican territories?......e.g. new mexico and california

*****quietly backs away****

All Else Failed

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AND we're back to this BS argument.

What is it with you Bleeding Hearts that you don't want people following the law? Well millions broke the law, so let's just sit back and give them everything free, give them all the handouts, everything free, free, free, free. Oh, you made it here alive, so yippee, we'll reward you.

And stop with the breaking up of families lame argument. They're all Illegal. The Illegals come here and conveniently have babies, which, by some archaic law, makes those Illegal's babies automatic U.S. citizens. Oh no, now we can't break up the family. Boo Hoo Hoo, send them all back. The Illegals are Illegal and their anchor babies are Illegal.

Stop coddling criminals. AND YES, that's what they are: Criminals. They broke the law. What else do you call people who break the law? Every other law, a criminal, but come here Illegally? It's like Jesus descended from the Heavens and you Bleeding Hearts flock to reward the Illegals like their your long-lost family.


When did people's sense of respect for the law fall on the wayside? What is it about Illegals that makes your heart bleed so much? I'm glad I'm not the only one who this problem makes their head spin with amazement.

I've got to leave this thread before my head explodes. I guess all of you Bleeding Hearts will open your arms to all the Illegals into your homes. 10 to a room. Come on. Do it. You care so much, put them up for free in your houses.
I'm all for following the law, if its reasonable. You seem to think that just because its a law, you SHOULD follow it. Thats not the case with all laws, and in this case, the laws concerning immigration into the US are ridiculous and unreasonable. Plus, I never said anything about giving them handouts.

Um, do you understand that babies born here are considered citizens? So that law isn't archaic. It makes sense. Maybe you SHOULD have a bit of a bleeding heart, because it sure seems like you have one of ice. Your lack of compassion for your fellow man is honestly disgusting to me, and authoritarianism practically oozes from every statement you make.

NEWS FLASH! You're a criminal too! Everyone is. Everyone has broken the law one time or another. You're being so knee jerk and reactionist its honestly funny. We keep pointing out the inequalities in the immigration process, but you choose to just breeze over them like they don't even exist and keep making absurd comments about something that you seemingly do not comprehend.

All Else Failed

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They walked here, rode on boats here or were driven here; do the same thing, in reverse.

Do you people listen to yourself talk or read what you write?!

This is unbelievable.

Cry me a river.
Coddle coddle coddle.
Free handouts for all Illegals.
No jobs for Legals.
No room in hospitals and emergency room for Legals.
No room in schools for Legals.
Free college for Illegals.
Raise the tuition for Legals.

Go ahead, hate the United States; carry around the guilt of your ancestors....forever. :rolleyes:
WHY did they come here? Answer me that. No wait, let me do it for you. They want a better life. Most of them are poor, and their government is complete shit. So, instead of us being helpful to people in need, we make arbitrary, overly complicated and expensive ways for poor people to come here legally that they cannot afford. They are FORCED to come here illegally. What don't you understand about that????


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WHY did they come here? Answer me that. No wait, let me do it for you. They want a better life.

Well, duh!

Most of them are poor,

I'm helluva poor and I don't ask the government for handouts. And yes the Illegals do get handouts from the government and from bleeding heart "activist" groups. I don't feel sorry for them at all. Come to my house, that I rent and can't afford, and I'll also show you all my bills, that I can't afford to pay. In fact, I need thousands of dollars to pay my bills next week and I have nothing in my bank account, so what should I do? Pretend I'm an Illegal and get in the "feel sorry for me" line?

and their government is complete shit.

True, but so is ours, in different ways.

So, instead of us being helpful to people in need, we make arbitrary, overly complicated and expensive ways for poor people to come here legally that they cannot afford. They are FORCED to come here illegally. What don't you understand about that????

What's sad is that you care more about Illegals than you do the Legal U.S. citizens here.

Illegals aren't forced to come here. They are welcomed with open arms by the U.S. government and corporations, though.

And why are YOU complaining about a so-called 'complicated and expensive" way for immigration? First rule, do it LEGALLY! You, obviously, don't want the laws to be followed. So, do you feel that there just aren't enough people in the United States and you want millions more to come here? Well, they do come here, LEGALLY. But you want to welcome the ILLEGALS with open arms. Are you sure you're not an Illegal Advocate?

You don't seem to understand that there is a problem. Or have just given up. I live here in California, where our state is flooded with Illegals....I'll send them to your house where you can feed, shelter and care for them. Okay?

All Else Failed

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Well, duh!

I'm helluva poor and I don't ask the government for handouts. And yes the Illegals do get handouts from the government and from bleeding heart "activist" groups. I don't feel sorry for them at all. Come to my house, that I rent and can't afford, and I'll also show you all my bills, that I can't afford to pay. In fact, I need thousands of dollars to pay my bills next week and I have nothing in my bank account, so what should I do? Pretend I'm an Illegal and get in the "feel sorry for me" line?

True, but so is ours, in different ways.

What's sad is that you care more about Illegals than you do the Legal U.S. citizens here.

Illegals aren't forced to come here. They are welcomed with open arms by the U.S. government and corporations, though.

And why are YOU complaining about a so-called 'complicated and expensive" way for immigration? First rule, do it LEGALLY! You, obviously, don't want the laws to be followed. So, do you feel that there just aren't enough people in the United States and you want millions more to come here? Well, they do come here, LEGALLY. But you want to welcome the ILLEGALS with open arms. Are you sure you're not an Illegal Advocate?

You don't seem to understand that there is a problem. Or have just given up. I live here in California, where our state is flooded with Illegals....I'll send them to your house where you can feed, shelter and care for them. Okay?
I can promise you that the average poor Mexican is much much more impoverished than you. Are you on welfare or receive and other sort of help?

Stop using "bleeding heart". Its such a stupid conservative talk radio buzz word. If you want to make fun of people that are actually compassionate about other humans, than guilty as charged.

Yes, our government is shit, but the Mexican government is a whoooollleee different shade of shit and corruption. Its way worse than ours.

You claim that I care more for illegals than American citizens, this is completely false and a untrue accusation on your part. I care for human beings. Borders to me do not matter. Where there is someone in need, we should do whatever we can to help. Remember whats written on that book the statue of liberty holds in her hands?

"And why are YOU complaining about a so-called 'complicated and expensive" way for immigration? First rule, do it LEGALLY!"

Are you choosing to not read or understand what I have been saying? MOST POOR MEXICANS CANNOT AFFORD TO DO IT LEGALLY. Let that sink in. You then accuse me of "not understanding the problem" when you clearly do not comprehend what entails the problem, sir.


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I'm all for following the law, if its reasonable.

No you're not; you have admitted that over and over in every post of yours in this thread. You want open borders, no immigration laws, no English learning, no assimilation, free driver's licenses, free cars, free housing, free health care, free schooling and no taxes paid....all for your precious Illegals.

You seem to think that just because its a law, you SHOULD follow it. Thats not the case with all laws, and in this case, the laws concerning immigration into the US are ridiculous and unreasonable.

Silly me for following and respecting the laws.

Prove to me the laws for immigration are ridiculous and unreasonable?

Most other countries, can you stay there Illegally? Can you drop an anchor baby there and claim it is a citizen of that country? Can you get free handouts from that country's government? Can you get away with not assimilating to that country's laws and way of life, not to mention their culture?

Only in America.

If this is the kind of America you are wanting more and more of when you get older, I want no part of it. Maybe you could just create your own state and herd all your overly-coddled Illegals there. You could be their king and savior.

Plus, I never said anything about giving them handouts.

Maybe not directly, but I'll bet if I question you enough, you'll admit that you want them to have everything handed to them on a silver platter.

Um, do you understand that babies born here are considered citizens?

Yes. And it's a stupid law.

So that law isn't archaic.

Yes it is. And it's a stupid law.

It makes sense.

No it doesn't. The parents are here Illegally; therefore every action they take in this country is Illegal. Conveniently popping out kids on U.S. soil is a con-game which the government and the Bleeding Hearts live for, "Oh, no, no, no, we can't break up families! The poor families. All members must stay here. Give them a break."
No! Send them all back. make them stand in line and immigrate legally. Gee, that's a silly concept, huh?

Maybe you SHOULD have a bit of a bleeding heart, because it sure seems like you have one of ice.

You'd be surprised how much of a nice, caring helpful person I am. You're making assumptions based on the fact that I don't want Illegals here Illegally. You're just upset that I don't fall for this "cry me a river" concept of letting Illegals come here like they were just walking to their next-door neighbor's house to borrow a cup of sugar.

It's really sad how you got so misdirected about Illegals and the amazing concept of people actually coming here LEGALLY.

Your lack of compassion for your fellow man is honestly disgusting to me, and authoritarianism practically oozes from every statement you make.

Again, you're just basing your wild assumptions about me just by how I feel about people coming here Illegally. You are so off base about me, I'm laughing my ass off at your incredibly narrow-minded thought process.

NEWS FLASH! You're a criminal too! Everyone is. Everyone has broken the law one time or another.

Let's see:

I rolled through a stop sign. Result? I paid a fine and went to traffic school.
I was caught speeding. Result? Paid a bigger fine and went to traffic school.

You're being so knee jerk and reactionist its honestly funny.

Actually it's you that I'm laughing at and if people were honest enough, they would be laughing at you, too.

We keep pointing out the inequalities in the immigration process,

No, YOU seem to think there is inequalities in the immigration process. You want Illegals to be here Illegally. There's an immigration policy and surprising enough, people use it! Amazing, isn't it.

The reason you think that the process is unequal is because there are 20 million + Illegals in this country. Well, fish, fish, you got your wish. Obviously the way you want immigration to work works since there are 20 million + Illegals that you so love in this country. What more do you want? Prove to me that the majority of Illegals want to be legal! The U.S. government, both main political parties, are the ones who want these Illegals to be legal.

Then, once they're all legal, in 5 years there'll be at least 10 million more. It'll never end. Why? Because the Illegals and the U.S. government don't want them to come here legally using the immigration process. You are one of those that want all Illegals to go to the FRONT of the line and be given everything they would ever need to survive.

but you choose to just breeze over them like they don't even exist and keep making absurd comments about something that you seemingly do not comprehend.

You only said that because I don't agree with your twisted way of welcoming Illegals here Illegally. Pretty sad. You try to cut me down and insult me because I don't agree with your over-the-top, ridiculous mindset.

You're part of the problem, not part of the solution.

All Else Failed

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Yes, I am for following the law if its reasonable. Too bad our current immigration laws are the exact opposite. Oh, and I'm not for free licenses, free cars, free housing and no taxes. Once again, putting words in my mouth, not surprising since thats how you debate.

You keep assuming that just because it is a law, it is right.

In order to get into this country legally from Mexico, you NEED a green card and VISA. Those cost a lot of money, which Mexicans do not have. Thats just one example on how its unreasonable. Its like asking a rock for water.

Actually no, not only in America. There are countries that have much more lax immigration policies and they have social programs set up for immigrants, but then again they have reasonable immigration laws and there is hardly any illegals so.

No, I don't want anyone to have everything handed to them on a silver platter, stop making stupid assumptions. Have you been paying attention at all? Probably not.

and the rest of your post is basically scream about "why can't they come here legally!1!!111!" so I'm not even going to bother, since you keep overlooking the fact that most of them can't.


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I can promise you that the average poor Mexican is much much more impoverished than you.

I'm right there with them. Are they almost 200,000 in debt? No.

Are you on welfare or receive and other sort of help?

Nope, none at all.

Stop using "bleeding heart". Its such a stupid conservative talk radio buzz word.

Why? Does it hit too close to home?

And, by the way, on political forums, people think I'm too Liberal. I guess it depends on what things you support.

If you want to make fun of people that are actually compassionate about other humans, than guilty as charged.

I'm very compassionate about people, people that are here legally I help everyday. I volunteer at my local Community Services center every week. By the way, volunteer, meaning I work for NO PAY! Gee, imagine that. I must be an asshole and not care about people to do that!

I put in an average of 5 hours a day volunteering; the three weeks before Christmas, I'll be averaging 8 hours a day.

Yes, our government is shit, but the Mexican government is a whoooollleee different shade of shit and corruption. Its way worse than ours.

So, we should bail out Mexico and take in all its people? How about we fix the welfare and infrastructure of the United States and its Legal citizens before any other country?

For example, look at the FUBAR in Iraq. Would you rather have all your hard-earned tax dollars going toward rebuilding that country or rebuilding the United States?

You claim that I care more for illegals than American citizens, this is completely false and a untrue accusation on your part. I care for human beings. Borders to me do not matter. Where there is someone in need, we should do whatever we can to help. Remember whats written on that book the statue of liberty holds in her hands?

Why don't you want Illegals to immigrate legally? Is there something I'm missing here that makes them more special than people who immigrate here legally?!

"And why are YOU complaining about a so-called 'complicated and expensive" way for immigration? First rule, do it LEGALLY!"
Are you choosing to not read or understand what I have been saying? MOST POOR MEXICANS CANNOT AFFORD TO DO IT LEGALLY. Let that sink in. You then accuse me of "not understanding the problem" when you clearly do not comprehend what entails the problem, sir.

You're very twisted, so very twisted. Who cares if they can't afford to do it legally. Wait in line. If you can't afford something, do you have an advocate group that rallies around you demanding that you be giving that thing because you can't afford it? Of course not. Same thing. And don't say it isn't, because using your logic it is. Something for nothing.

I don't get you. "Illegals come first, darn it all; make sure the Illegals go to the front of the line!!!"

All Else Failed

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Well the difference between you being poor, and a Mexican being poor is they can't even afford to BE in debt. They don't even have money to do that with. You're rich compared to them.

Well thats nice that you volunteer, perhaps you should extend that good deed past stupid, arbitrary things like borders.

Why don't you want Illegals to immigrate legally? Is there something I'm missing here that makes them more special than people who immigrate here legally?!

I want them to come here legally, but until we change our laws, I can't blame them for coming here illegally. You would too. Put yourself in their shoes.

I don't get you. "Illegals come first, darn it all; make sure the Illegals go to the front of the line!!!"

I don't advocate that. Stop making things up.

Again....for the umpteenth time...you can't expect people to just obey an unrealistic immigration system when they are practically dying in their own country with children they have to take care of.


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Yes, I am for following the law if its reasonable. Too bad our current immigration laws are the exact opposite. Oh, and I'm not for free licenses, free cars, free housing and no taxes. Once again, putting words in my mouth, not surprising since thats how you debate.

You keep assuming that just because it is a law, it is right.

In order to get into this country legally from Mexico, you NEED a green card and VISA. Those cost a lot of money, which Mexicans do not have. Thats just one example on how its unreasonable. Its like asking a rock for water.

Actually no, not only in America. There are countries that have much more lax immigration policies and they have social programs set up for immigrants, but then again they have reasonable immigration laws and there is hardly any illegals so.

No, I don't want anyone to have everything handed to them on a silver platter, stop making stupid assumptions. Have you been paying attention at all? Probably not.

and the rest of your post is basically scream about "why can't they come here legally!1!!111!" so I'm not even going to bother, since you keep overlooking the fact that most of them can't.

Have them stand in line and do it legally.

Jesus Christ, what a concept, huh?

If they can't afford it, they can't afford it.

Again, you want something that you can't afford, do you have an advocacy group that rallies around you demanding you be giving that thing for free? No, you don't.

You're basically thick-headed and stubborn and yes, you are for handouts for Illegals because you want them to come here Illegally and have a magic wand waved over their head making them instant Legal citizens.



OMFG!!! Illegal advocates are completely close-minded!

I'm done with this thread because it's filled with a few dense people who don't get reality. You're all in some imaginary La-La land where no laws apply.

So, you guys, just open up your homes to all the Illegals pouring into the U.S. Don't worry about your own family's welfare.

Whatever. This is getting stupid.