This is Why the Occupy Wall Street Movement Keeps Growing

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The cake is a metaphor
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And watch that video, that officer is not acting like he is nervous at all. He is casually strolling back and forth spraying the sitting students.

Looks to me like he took a perverse pleasure in it.
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Ok, let's look at this logically...

If students surrounded the officers and cut them off from backup, wouldn't it make more sense that the police would move those individuals and not go after the ones that were sitting there with locked arms?
Seriously, put yourself in that situation. As you are approaching people sitting down locking arms refusing to move and people start closing in around you making you nervous, which group are you going to confront?

And watch that video, that officer is not acting like he is nervous at all. He is casually strolling back and forth spraying the sitting students.

First we need to get something straight. Both you and Johnnyfromcophatingcountry are assuming I support what the cop did. To be very clear I will state catigoricaly that I do not. I believe what the cop did was despicable and he should at the very least loose his job over it. Both of you assume I hadn't watched the video before I posted the link. Once again, to be perfectly clear I will say that I did watch the video before and after as well as a number of times that CNN has played it. I didn't like what I saw and it reminds me of the incident in Vancouver not that long ago.

I posted the link with the hope that people would at least read it and know what was going on. That's something that doesn't happen around here very often. Case in point... even though Johnnyfromcophatingcountry claims to have read it prior to my posting he didn't post it. My question there would be " why didn't he post it?" Because it didn't fully support his take on the situation so instead of responding in a decent manner he spouts off with his verbal diarrhea once again. At least I got my morning chuckle.

So now you want to know why I made the comment to AA about the statement that brought you into the thread. It's part of the story which started to take it's usual twists and turns once the video became public. Your question being " which group are you going to confront " really doesn't matter. I wasn't there to see what was going in the sidelines out of the cameras view so and at this stage of the game I don't believe either side but if I was forced to take sides I would be with the cops.


Having way too much fun
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No where in my post did I attempt to describe where YOU stand on the story.

You picked a passage from the story and quoted it in your post.
I was just pointing out that the statement didn't make any sense at all when paired with the numerous videos I have seen of the incident.

I was listening to cnn last night and they interviewed the chancellor of the school, the one that ordered the campus police to remove the demonstrators. She herself said that the actions of the campus police were unfortunate and excessive. She said that she was only concerned for the safety and well being of the students. That is why she had the protests broken up. Yet the actions of the campus police injured almost a dozen nonviolent students sending two to the hospital. So the very thing she was trying to prevent was imposed by the campus police.

Unlike some of my republican friends, I fully support our bill of rights

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

If the police said that Christians were no longer allowed to worship their religion, the US would rise up and there would be blood in the streets. Yet no one seems to bat an eye when one of our other basic rights is stomped on.
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I actually liked the fact someone was finally taking a heavy hand with them.
Okay maybe he was going a bit too far, but there was a guy here in Vancouver who was up in a tree at the Occupy camp refusing to get down, and there was a city worker just trying to get a bycicle out of the tree he was in and the guy threw urine all over the worker. Then they were all fucking nancying around and letting the guy stay up there while he was laughing and telling the cameras how he has feaces and rotten eggs to throw at anyone who tried to get him. Then they all have to wait for permission to get him down. Really? Just get up there and drag the fucker out fo the tree.

While I'm not agreeing with what that guy did, if they're breaking laws - do what's right. Get them out of there. I hate this 'waiting for court orders' bullshit. If they're not allowed to be there just get them the fuck out.


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First we need to get something straight. Both you and Johnnyfromcophatingcountry are assuming I support what the cop did. To be very clear I will state catigoricaly that I do not. I believe what the cop did was despicable and he should at the very least loose his job over it. Both of you assume I hadn't watched the video before I posted the link. Once again, to be perfectly clear I will say that I did watch the video before and after as well as a number of times that CNN has played it. I didn't like what I saw and it reminds me of the incident in Vancouver not that long ago.

I posted the link with the hope that people would at least read it and know what was going on. That's something that doesn't happen around here very often. Case in point... even though Johnnyfromcophatingcountry claims to have read it prior to my posting he didn't post it. My question there would be " why didn't he post it?" Because it didn't fully support his take on the situation so instead of responding in a decent manner he spouts off with his verbal diarrhea once again. At least I got my morning chuckle.

So now you want to know why I made the comment to AA about the statement that brought you into the thread. It's part of the story which started to take it's usual twists and turns once the video became public. Your question being " which group are you going to confront " really doesn't matter. I wasn't there to see what was going in the sidelines out of the cameras view so and at this stage of the game I don't believe either side but if I was forced to take sides I would be with the cops.

Hey GuyzerTheGrumpyGeezer - :fing27 - Talk in cirlces much? :willy_nilly:

Come on Geezer - ease up with the attempt at coming across as some kind of intellectual and just engage in a simple conversation. If you agree that what the cops did was "despicable", then why engage in all the verbal asshattery?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That is not an absolute though. Same as free speech does not allow one to yell fire in a theater.

Tim said:
If the police said that Christians were no longer allowed to worship their religion, the US would rise up and there would be blood in the streets. Yet no one seems to bat an eye when one of our other basic rights is stomped on.
Have you not commented in approval of smoking bans in restaurants? If so it would seem you are cherry picking which rights to stomp on. ;)


Having way too much fun
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That is not an absolute though. Same as free speech does not allow one to yell fire in a theater.

Have you not commented in approval of smoking bans in restaurants? If so it would seem you are cherry picking which rights to stomp on. ;)

Those two aren't very good comparisons. Yelling fire in a crowded theater will most likely result in the direct injury or death of another individual with the panic that ensues.

Peacefully gathering in a public space does not pose danger to the community. The justifications so far have been unrelated laws on the books concerning sleeping overnight in these places. Which were NOT put into place to suppress your right to peaceably assemble, they were put into place to keep vagrants and homeless out of public view.

If you remove the other topics in that amendment, it reads like this.
Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of the right of the people peaceably to assemble

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Those two aren't very good comparisons. Yelling fire in a crowded theater will most likely result in the direct injury or death of another individual with the panic that ensues.

Peacefully gathering in a public space does not pose danger to the community. The justifications so far have been unrelated laws on the books concerning sleeping overnight in these places. Which were NOT put into place to suppress your right to peaceably assemble, they were put into place to keep vagrants and homeless out of public view.

If you remove the other topics in that amendment, it reads like this.
Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of the right of the people peaceably to assemble

Sorry but those inconvenient unrelated laws are still laws. If you think camping out anywhere in an urban area overnight is ok then get the law changed. I doubt you will find many who will agree that it is a good idea though.

Correct me if I am wrong but in this instance was the crowd not told to disperse for the night? If so it was a legitimate request based on the law and the protesters should have done so. The right to peaceably assemble does not mean camping out day after day 24/7.


Having way too much fun
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Sorry but those inconvenient unrelated laws are still laws. If you think camping out anywhere in an urban area overnight is ok then get the law changed. I doubt you will find many who will agree that it is a good idea though.

Correct me if I am wrong but in this instance was the crowd not told to disperse for the night? If so it was a legitimate request based on the law and the protesters should have done so. The right to peaceably assemble does not mean camping out for day after day.

Do you not understand where it's unlawful to make a law that violates your rights?

Like I said earlier, if a law was passed that said that Christians were no longer allowed to follow Christianity, would it be ok for the people to exercise their rights or should they just throw up their arms and go home because after all it's a law?


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Sorry but those inconvenient unrelated laws are still laws. If you think camping out anywhere in an urban area overnight is ok then get the law changed. I doubt you will find many who will agree that it is a good idea though.

Allen - should the Civil Rights Movement have waited until the laws that required blacks to ride in the back of the bus, drink at "colored" water fountains, use "colored" restrooms and eat only in "colored" establishments before they engaged in civil disobiedence?

Screen shot 2010-03-17 at 9.17.17 PM.png


Correct me if I am wrong but in this instance was the crowd not told to disperse for the night? If so it was a legitimate request based on the law and the protesters should have done so. The right to peaceably assemble does not mean camping out day after day 24/7.

It apparently didn't mean blacks had the same rights as whites at one time.

Do people simply succumb to the very laws that are causing the problems they are protesting?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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So you guys are comparing the civil rights movement to being able to camp out overnight?

you both seem to think it is ok to camp out overnight in an urban setting.

IMO the problem started when the wimp of a mayor in NYC let them camp out the first night. As I said before when you start cherry picking laws you are asking for trouble.

Using your logic then people might as well set up a red light district for hookers and allow smoking pot in Zucatti Park